
Nehru place escorts


Nehru Place, located in the heart of New Delhi, is a well-known commercial hub for electronics and computer hardware. However, amidst the bustling crowd of tech-savvy shoppers and entrepreneurs lies another aspect of this area that often remains hidden from plain sight - the Nehru Place escorts. These sex workers can be seen loitering around dimly lit corners and alleyways looking for potential clients. Despite being illegal under Indian law, prostitution continues to thrive in this area due to factors such as poverty, lack of education, and societal stigmatization. The plight of these women is often overlooked by society at large, but it remains an unfortunate reality for many who are forced into this profession out of sheer desperation. While efforts have been made to provide them with alternate means of livelihoods through various government schemes and NGO initiatives, much more needs to be done to ensure their safety and dignity in society.