A complete blood picture (CBP) test provides all the essential information about blood cells like Red Blood Cells (RBC), White Blood Cells (WBC) and platelets. It is performed on a routine basis to provide an overview of a patient’s general health status.
Why is CBP done?
Some of the reasons to go for CBP test are for the examination of your overall health as part of a routine check-up, to help detect a variety of disorders including infections, anemia, and blood cancers, etc. Additionally, to monitor an existing blood disorder and treatment that is known to affect blood cells such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy
So, we can say that CBPs are an important part of a yearly physical exam. Healthcare providers also order CBPs to monitor the side effects of some prescription medications.
What does a CBP detect?
A CBP blood test can help your healthcare provider diagnose a wide range of diseases and infections, including:-
- Anemia
- Bone marrow disorders
- Agranulocytosis
- Thalassemias
- Sickle Cell Anaemia.
Apart from the above CBP test uses, several types of cancer, including leukemia and lymphoma and side effects of chemotherapy and some prescription medications. Also, vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
What to do before a complete blood count (CBP)?
You are not required to do anything to prepare for a CBP. Your healthcare provider cleans your arm and inserts a needle. The needle may possibly sting slightly or pinch a little, but it shouldn’t hurt. Health care providers usually insert the needle into the baby’s heel. And, through the needle, the lab technician removes a sample of your blood and collects it in a tube. Your provider takes more than one tube of blood and after drawing blood removes the needle and places a bandage on your arm. The medical professional sends the blood to a lab and your body quickly rebuilds its blood supply.
What should you expect after the test?
After the test, you will have some gauze and a bandage on your arm, secured with tape. Also, it is possible that your arm may be a little sore for a few hours. You may develop a minute bruise in the area where your provider inserted the needle. You can book for CBP test online and you must get it done at a well-known diagnostic centre near you.
What are the benefits of this test?
The major benefit of CBP test is that gives your healthcare provider a picture of your overall health. By using only a small amount of blood, a CBP can help detect hundreds of medical conditions, disorders and infections. It enables your provider to monitor your health and monitor for disease, and plan and adjust treatment accordingly.
The CBP test cost in Hyderabad varies from one to another diagnostic centre. Usually, it is around 300 to 400 rupees.
What are the risks of this test?
As per doctors, CBP is a safe and common test. There are no risks involved. And, your health care provider only removes a some amount of blood. Although some people might feel a little faint or lightheaded after a CBP
When can you know the results of the test?
Results can be provided within a few days. Sometimes it takes only a day to get results. Your healthcare provider will contact you to explain the results after going through the CBP test report and discuss next steps. If your blood cell counts are outside of the CBP test normal range, your provider may order follow-up tests.
When you get your test report, you will see a reference range and your results. If your CBP test results are inside the reference range, they are considered normal. However, if your results are higher or lower than the reference range, they are considered abnormal. Mild anemia can be one of the major reasons for fluctuation in your results.
You need to note that each lab has different ways of studying your blood. Therefore, the reference range will depend on the lab that handles your blood tests. Additionally, it is also based on things that can affect your blood. For example, your age, sex, and other such factors.
If you need to get CBP test done, you must reach out to a well-equipped diagnostic centre near you.