
Causes of a Missed Period!

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@anonymous · Aug 6, 2020

We all have women pads and tampons in our bags and sometimes, only when we do spot them we realize that our period did not arrive in a particular month! Well, to ease a few panicked women, here are a few reasons for a skipped period


A skipped or missing period could loom large and heavy on a woman’s heart and mind without a doubt. However, before jumping into conclusions it is extremely important to figure out what could have caused the missed period in the first place so that you can seek medical attention if and when needed! Listed below are a few causes of a skipped or missing period.


  1. Pregnancy 

The reason that our periods essentially occur is because the egg that is released by the ovaries every month does not get fertilized by a sperm. However, if fertilization occurs during the ovulation period, the chances are that you will be skipping your period for that and the coming months because you are pregnant. If you are someone who is sexually active, a reason why you could be dealing with a missed period right now could very well be a pregnancy. Visit a doctor to confirm these reports.


  1. PCOS

Many issues that could lead to a missed period in a woman’s life, and of these, one of the most common issues is PCOS i.e. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOD i.e. Polycystic Ovary Disease. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is essentially caused due to hormonal imbalance due to which the egg that is released by the ovaries in the body doesn't end up maturing.


As a result of this, a woman’s monthly cycle gets disrupted and the issue of a missed or skipped period occurs. Girls and women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome might not end up having the typical 28-day cycle. It could also happen that their periods could end up eluding them for close to even three months. When the periods do make an appearance, the flow ends up being quite heavy. Even with the use of XL sanitary pads, the need to change pad frequently arises!


  1. Thyroid Problems

The basic job of the thyroid gland is to produce hormones that help in regulating the body’s metabolism better. If the thyroid gland ends up malfunctioning, then hormonal imbalance can occur in the body. Due to this imbalance, even a woman’s reproductive system, thus causing missed or skipped periods. So, if you are someone who is facing the issue of a skipped period, it would be advisable that you get your thyroid tests done as soon as possible. 


  1. Excessive Exercise

No one is debating with the fact that regular exercise is an essential part of leading a healthy lifestyle. However, like any and everything that is done in excess, working out a little too hard could potentially end up causing more harm than good to the body. This includes even the malfunctioning of your hormones. So regular but moderate exercises are always more advisable when compared to heavy workouts.


  1. Stress

Stress is something that comes with our daily schedule without a doubt! However, stress is never good for your overall health! As a result, each and every part of our body ends up getting affected by stress. To cope with this, our body ends up producing cortisol. However, the issue with cortisol is that if it is being produced regularly over an extended period of time, it can mess with your hormonal balance as well. This is what stress induced delayed or missed periods feel like. Try to indulge in practises like yoga to calm the mind and help with the better regulation of the hormones as a whole.


If you are someone who is facing the issue of a missed period or two, it is always a good idea to consult your doctor to rule out any serious underlying issue that could be causing the problem.