
Causes and Symptoms of a Yeast Infection

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@anonymous · Jun 30, 2020

Yeast infections are really common occurrences in most women and are easily treatable, so don’t worry. Here are a few ways in which to be aware of whether you might have a yeast infection or not!


A vaginal yeast infection is also known as candidiasis, is one of the most common issues that a woman might face. You see, a vagina that is healthy basically contains bacteria and a few yeast cells as well. More often than not, a balance is maintained between these two.


However, if the balance of the yeast cells and the bacteria ends up getting disturbed, the yeast cells could potentially end up multiplying. As a result, the occurrence of issues like itching, swelling and irritation is there.


The great thing about yeast infections however, is the fact that the treatment of the infection could very well yield results in merely a few days. Even in the most severe of cases, it, at the most, takes 2 weeks to become alright! Yeast infections are sexually transmitted infections, as women who are not sexually active can also get it.



There are many symptoms that are associated with a yeast infection. Here is a list of a few of them in order to clarify any doubts you may have about the same.


  • Burning sensation during urination or during having sex
  • Itching in the vagina
  • Swelling near and around the vagina
  • Painful sex
  • Rashes
  • Soreness
  • Whitish grey vaginal discharge
  • Vaginal discharge that is clumpy in nature.

The moment you notice such symptoms, it is best to visit a doctor and get a treatment plan in place. You see, the more these symptoms are ignored, the more severe the infection can get, and once you get one yeast infection you could very well end up contracting more. You really do not want to deal with that mess especially around your periods now, don’t you?

No matter how many soft sanitary napkins you use, the comfort level will get compromised when it comes to dealing with a yeast infection during your periods.



Candida is a fungus that occurs naturally in the vaginal area. The bacteria lactobacillus is what helps keep the growth of this fungus in check. However, in case there happens to be an imbalance in this relationship, the bacteria tend to become incapable of handling the spread of the fungus. As a result, the overgrowth of the fungus candida ends up causing yeast infections in the vagina.


There are many factors that could contribute to causing this imbalance. Have a look at some of them.

  • Pregnancy
  • Diabetes
  • Compromised immune system
  • Hormonal imbalance, specifically when your menstrual cycle is around the corner
  • Antibiotics that interfere with the number of lactobacillus present in the vagina
  • Lack of sleep
  • Stress

Of the many strains of candida, the yeast called candida albicans is responsible for the greatest number of yeast infections. The good thing however is that they are easily treatable.



For simple infections:

Of the many things that can treat your yeast infection, the most common are over the counter antifungal creams and ointments. We understand that using these during your periods while wearing sanitary napkins online stores sell can be difficult, so in such cases your doctor might also recommend tablets that will help you get over the infection easily. A simple 3 day regime will help you tremendously.


For more complex issues:

There are many things that will make your doctor determine the fact that you are having a more complex issues when it comes to the infection itself. These could be:

  • Severe swelling, redness or constant itching
  • If you are pregnant
  • Weak immune system
  • Diabetes

Home remedies

Home remedies are great, but sometimes they cannot act as the ultimate treatment. Here are some of them that you can try.

  • Tea tree oil (cream)
  • Coconut oil

We understand that yeast infections can be truly irritating issues, but the positive side of this is that they can be easily treated. However, till the infections gets cleared up it is best to avoid using tampons manufactured by tampon brands during your periods in order to avoid spreading of the infection and making it worse.