
Things to Care For After Dermal Filler Injection


First of all, let us know about dermal fillers. They are gel-like substances injected under the skin to restore smooth lines, soften creases, lost volume, or to enhance facial contours. Let us dive right away into derma filler aftercare. 

After dermal filler treatment, you might encounter swelling, tenderness, redness and itching sensation over the treated area, which is normal after the injection. So, you need to take proper dermal filler aftercare. Worry not, if that happens to you too as the after effects are temporary lasting only a few days. If the situation persists for long, you got to contact your doctor. 

The initial swelling post lip treatment might take longer to disappear. Some patients experience swelling for an entire week, and lips look uneven during the time. All this to say that the results just after the treatment should not be looked upon as the final result. 

In derma filler aftercare, avoid touching the area treated until six hours after treatment. Post the six-hour-period you can gently wash the treated area with soap and water and apply light make-up. 

Do not expose the treated area to extreme heat or cold until the initial redness and swelling have perished. 

Also, take extra derma filler aftercare, if you have had facial cold sores before, as in such a case, there is a risk for needle punctures to start another eruption of cold sores. 

Be aware of using aspirin or similar medication as they may increase bruising and bleeding at the bruising place. 

Treatment Effect 

While dermal fillers last long, they are not permanent. You can choose to continue or change treatment combinations. Also, the procedure can be repeated. 

Derma filler patients usually go for a follow-up treatment six to twelve months after the first wrinkle treatment. For lips derma filler treatment, a follow-up is required after six months. 

Again, you may require a touch-up treatment two to four weeks after your initial treatment for optimal correction. 

How to resolve bruising and swelling 

  • Hot compress: Take flaming hot water, soak a clean cloth in it, and twist the fabric tightly and lay your face over to get heat and steam directly on your face. Repeat the procedure. Best if repeated every two hours.
  • Benadryl Allergy Relief: Take the medication available with the chemist. The drug works in fifteen minutes.

Thus, dermal filler aftercare is something, and proper care and attention are required from your part for your safety and to get the best results out of your treatment.