
Mobile App UX Checklist | Focaloid Technologies

The success of your mobile application depends on the UX of it. A great and attractive UX can make your application a hit among the users. So it becomes really essential for the designers to keep in mind the various methodologies that the users can have to interact with your application. So before launching any application it is advisable that the developer goes through the essential check-list for the mobile UX so that the application becomes a hit among the users.

Here are a few points that have been listed that can help you to get a great mobile UX

  • Icon- while selecting an icon for the mobile application the main thing that must be kept in mind should be that the icon should stand out among the crowd. The users should be able to recognise the application icon even among a sea of other mobile application. Along with that it must be attractive and eye catchy.
  • Image quality- the users these days have become wiser and understanding. They know what to expect from the product and application. If there are images in the application then it is advisable that images are high quality. People generally tend to be attracted to those applications which have high quality images. This will help the users to understand better about the products available in the app.
  • User friendliness- the designed application should be easy to use and user friendly. It should be easy to use and fast. The size should be small and should be compatible with almost all the operating systems. No higher configurations and complex usability.
  • Button visibility- the buttons and CTAs should be distinguishable and easily locatable. The texts and images should not override the buttons and the function that is mentioned. The best method to check is the squint test. For this squint your eyes enough to distort your vision and then look at the button. The text should be visible.
  • Readability- the text on the browser should be readable and visible. Moreover the text should be proofread before being published. Make sure that it doesn’t have any typing errors. If there are errors the worth of the application will be lessened and the number of users will lessen.
  • Portrait of the application should be seamless- the re flow of the portrait should be flawless and easily made.There should be no delay in moving from landscape to portrait mode. However the user interacts with the application it should be easily done.
  • Image gallery- majority of the users determine the worth of the application by looking at the images. They should be easily swipable and of high quality. The higher the quality higher will be the effectiveness of the application. The image should be easily openable and blurfree.

All these points will help the developers to built a great mobile application using mobile UX.
