
Robots discrimination - New CAPTCHA system on JustPaste.it

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JustPaste.it @JustPasteIt · May 6, 2020 · edited: Aug 5, 2020

We are happy to present our new CAPTCHA system (which is sad information for Internet robots).


A CAPTCHA (acronym for "completely automated public Turing test to tell computers and humans apart") is a type of challenge–response test used in computing to determine whether or not the user is human.) (Wikipedia)


By using our own CAPTCHA we can provide users with even greater anonymity and security. Your data won't be transferred to any other third-party provider during the test.


Test itself is very easy. You just need to select all images that includes the same kind of object as on presented image.


Captcha example:


We hope this will make publishing on JustPaste.it even easier!