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I am true, at least I am my truth
A skewed truth
They say that truth is relative.
That's why today and always I can only say
That I am my truth.
I am transparent, without fear of being.
I don't wear masks, I'm not acting.
I'm just like that.
Free, as free as the wind.
I'm a gas, don't try to contain me.
Don't try to contain me, because by the shores
I will elope
Let me be like this, like I want to be.
This is how I am happy
It's just that I can't be any other way,
And I don't want to be any other way either.
I'm just telling you that I am.
Can to love me that?, don't judge me, just love me and accept me like that.
Love me from my freedom. Do not force me.
Do not impose yourself, accept me as I am because
I can't transform my structure, don't ask me to be
Something I'm not, something I don't want to be and not even
I can be. I love you as you are love me reciprocally
As I am and this is what I am freedom and lust.
desire and fire I play with my thoughts and I get inside
In them and in them you are, but do not control me.
From control you would not be my love you would be my oppressor.
Set me free and you will have me, force me and you will lose me.
I am passion, I am heat, I am eroticism and
in my bowels it appears
the obsession of a thought
and that thought is nothing more than a wish
sexual that I feel for you.
If you knew how I connect from my thoughts
With every inch of your skin.
I can't imagine anything other than your skin.
I can't imagine anything other than touching, smelling and kissing your skin,
You are my desire, you are my delirium.
Don't be scared , I am and I will only be there to give you pleasure.
And I am also and will be there to receive pleasure.
My brain is on, you've got it on.
Give me just a little to drink, because my body
And my soul are also on fire and I am thirsty.
Thirst for you Tell me if you are for me like me
I am for you.
I'm hot, hot of you and I tell you something:
My life is incurable:
I am and will be a body hungry and thirsty for Pleasure!
- Telegram and snapchat: angie32chacin
- Viber: +584127510408
- ICQ, LINE: angie32happy /whatsapp: +584127510408
- Kik: angela32happy
- Hangouts: ingangelachacin@gmail.com / instagram: angiemodel32
/twitter: skypeepzangieh2 / skype on twitter /tiktok: angelachacin910 /onlyfans: angiehot
Brunette, brunettes, Latinas, Latina, webcamer, webcamers, sexy , sexygirl, girlsexy, Latina, latina, camgirl