
2022: The Year Of Contextual Vape Advertising

The countdown to the cookie-less future is approaching. You may be tired of hearing it, but it's true. In anticipation of upcoming changes, vape advertisers are looking for new or alternative solutions to the third-party cookie.


When companies work to create or improve their replacement solutions, such as universal IDs, it's important to keep in mind that vape advertisers can already reach their target audience with the same, or even better, relevancy targeting offered by cookies. Contextual advertising is one of those solutions. 


Some vape industry experts have referred to contextual vape ad as "retro." This solution was once a fan favorite.

Moreover, 86% of media owners anticipate contextual solutions growing by 2023, according to Yahoo News. 




What Is Contextual Advertising?

By targeting advertisements based on the context of the content consumers consume, contextual targeting allows advertisers to reach audiences.


Vape ad is targeted by keywords, topic targeting, and artificial intelligence tools based on the content of the page the visitor is on and are relevant to the environment of the page. 


How Does It Work?

Advertisers need to know what the campaign is about to align their ads with relevant content to set up a successful contextual targeting campaign. Historically, keyword and topic targeting has been used.

Despite this, contextual vape advertising has made great strides in advancing the technology to improve the way pages are analyzed. 


With semantic targeting, contextual analysis artificial intelligence goes beyond topics and keywords to truly understand the content and tone of the page.


Benefits Of Contextual Advertising


  • Not Dependent On Cookies

Contextual targeting doesn't depend on cookies or third-party data to work, unlike audience targeting, which uses cookies to track consumers' behavior. However, it is still very effective in getting relevant ads in front of consumers.  


  • User Privacy Is Top Of Mind

Using contextual targeting does not require any consumer data or tracking, as mentioned above. As we move away from third-party cookies, it is an excellent tool for vape advertisers as well as for staying compliant with privacy laws such as CCPA and GDPR.


  • Brand Safe Environment

There is minimal risk in the context in which advertisers' ads will appear since they choose the environment. 

When choosing a contextual vape ad partner, make sure to inquire about the brand safety measures they automatically include in their technology. Ask how at-risk pages are identified and how often their block list is updated. 


  • Great User Experience

The consumer has made it clear that they prefer ads that are relevant to their interests and experiences.

Your vape brand is displayed next to relevant content that people are already consuming through contextual targeting. 


You can also read: https://zee-zuhair.medium.com/360-digital-marketing-services-101-the-comprehensive-guide-c6c147c91e9b

Vape ads