
What To Do With An Accident Damaged Car?

Unfortunately, having an accident is a part of being a driver. When they happen, the aftermath can be daunting, particularly when your vehicle sustains significant damage. Whether it's a minor fender bender or a more serious collision, knowing what to do with an accident-damaged car is crucial. This is here to help you understand the steps to take, especially concerning professional towing and car removal in Pittsburgh when faced with this situation.




Assessing the Damage

The initial step after an accident is to ensure everyone's safety. After making sure everyone is safe, evaluate the harm to your car. Take a deep breath and check for any immediate dangers, such as leaking fluids or exposed electrical wiring. If the damage is minor and the car is drivable, you might be able to move it to a safe location. However, for more severe damage, avoid attempting to start or drive the vehicle. In such cases, professional towing in Pittsburgh becomes essential.


Importance of Professional Towing

Expert towing services provide a safe and dependable means of getting your wrecked car to a salvage yard or repair facility. Moving the automobile yourself can be dangerous and may result in more damage, particularly following an accident. Experts in towing possess the necessary equipment and knowledge to manage vehicles that have been damaged, guaranteeing a secure and damage-free relocation.


When searching for a towing service, consider factors like their response time, reputation, and whether they offer specific services for accident-damaged cars. Many towing companies specialize in handling these situations, ensuring the safe removal of your vehicle from the accident site.


Contacting Your Insurance Company

Once the vehicle is in a safe location, get in touch with your insurance provider. Promptly reporting the accident and the extent of the damage is crucial for a smooth claims process. They can guide you on the next steps and might even recommend towing services they work with or cover as part of your policy.


Salvage or Repair?

Depending on the degree of the damage, the car's worth, and your insurance coverage, you may decide to repair or salvage your accident-damaged vehicle. Insurance adjusters will assess the damage and estimate the repair costs. If the repairs exceed the car's value or if the damage is beyond repair, your insurance company might deem it a total loss.


In such cases, the car is often salvaged. Salvaging involves selling the damaged vehicle to a junkyard or salvage yard, where usable parts are stripped and recycled. Professional towing services can assist in transporting the vehicle to the salvage yard, making the process more convenient for you.


If the car can be fixed and you decide to have the repairs done, your insurance provider may suggest garages or auto body shops that can do the required work.Towing services might also be involved in transporting your car to and from the repair facility.


Eco-Friendly Disposal

Environmentally conscious disposal of a severely damaged car is vital. Salvage yards and professional car removal services follow environmentally friendly practices. They recycle and dispose of damaged vehicles in compliance with environmental regulations, minimizing the impact on the environment.


Finding the Right Car Removal Service

Selecting the best automobile removal service is essential when it comes time to remove the vehicle. Some companies offer free removal of damaged cars, which can be an advantage. Check for services that not only tow away the vehicle but also assist with paperwork and other formalities, making the process hassle-free for you.


What To Do With Your Damaged Vehicle

Assess the Damage

Once safety concerns are addressed and necessary information is collected, evaluate the damage to your vehicle. If it’s safe to do so, take pictures for your records and the insurance claim.


Consider Professional Towing

In cases where the vehicle is not drivable or safe to operate, opting for professional towing services is recommended. Professional towers have the expertise and equipment to transport damaged vehicles safely.


Car Removal Options

When the car is severely damaged and repairs might not be feasible or cost-effective, car removal becomes a consideration. Depending on the extent of the damage, you can explore selling it to salvage yards or scrapyards for its remaining value.


Documentation: Keep a record of all communication with your insurance company, towing services, and any other parties involved in the process.

Personal Belongings: Before the car is towed or removed, ensure you remove any personal belongings from the vehicle.

Legal Requirements: Different regions might have specific legal requirements regarding accident-damaged cars. It's critical that you comprehend and abide by these rules.

Dealing with an accident: damaged car involves a series of steps, from assessing the damage to choosing between repair or salvage. Professional towing and car removal services play a pivotal role in this process, ensuring the safe and efficient handling of your damaged vehicle. Always prioritize safety, contact your insurance company promptly, and opt for reliable, environmentally conscious services for the removal and disposal of your car. With the right approach and services, navigating through the aftermath of an accident can be less stressful and more manageable.