
Christmas Light Installation in Omaha - Lightstyles of Nebraska

How much Christmas lights to buy for house?


When determining how many Christmas lights to buy for your house, several factors come into play, including the size of your home, the areas you want to decorate, and your personal style preferences. Here’s a general guideline to help you estimate the amount of lights needed:


  1. Measure Your Home: Start by measuring the linear feet of the areas you want to decorate. This includes rooflines, eaves, windows, doors, and any landscaping features you want to highlight.
  2. General Estimates:
    • For a one-story house, you might need about 10-15 feet of lights per linear foot of roofline.
    • For a two-story house, you may need 15-20 feet of lights per linear foot of roofline.
    • If you plan to wrap trees or bushes, consider adding an additional 5-10 feet of lights per bush or tree depending on their size.
  3. Example Calculation:
    • If your house has a roofline that measures 40 feet, you might need approximately 400 to 600 feet of lights for a one-story home, or 600 to 800 feet for a two-story home.
    • For additional decorations like trees or bushes, add the necessary footage based on their size.
  4. Strand Lengths: Christmas light strands typically come in lengths of 25 to 100 feet. Knowing how much you need will help you decide how many strands to purchase.
  5. Extra Considerations: Always consider buying a little extra to account for mistakes or future decorating needs.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure that you have enough Christmas lights to create a festive display for your home!