
Finished already! Things We're Tired of Hearing About Automobile Tires.

Car tyres are an essential component of a vehicle, but many people don't realize just how important it is to know the basics when it comes to these four circles of rubber. Tyre safety affects every aspect of your driving experience, and yet there are still so many misconceptions out there about car tyres – and we're tired of hearing them. Here are 15 things about car tyres that we'd like to set straight once and for all.

1. Car Tyres Last For Ten Years: This is simply not true! Car tyres typically last between 4-5 years depending on their condition, type, usage and storage. It's important to regularly check tyre pressure and tread depth in order to ensure that they last as long as possible. 

2. Tyre Pressure Should Be Checked Once A Month: This is a good guideline, but it's important to note that tyre pressure should actually be checked every time you fill up your fuel tank. That way, you'll always be aware of any changes and can make sure they are properly inflated before you set off on your journey.

3. Tyres Only Need To Be Balanced When Replaced: Unbalanced tyres can lead to uneven wear and tear, as well as an uncomfortable ride for the driver and passengers.

4. All-Season Tyres Are The Best Choice: All-season Mobile Tyre Fitting Ipswich are great for those who live in moderate climates where the temperature doesn't dip too low or get too hot. However, if you live in an area with extreme temperatures, then you might want to consider investing in winter tyres or summer tyres depending on the season.


5. Tyres Have The Same Tread Pattern In All Seasons: This isn't necessarily true as different types of tyre tread patterns are designed for specific purposes and weather conditions.


6. You Can’t Get A Flat From The Same Spot: Yes, you can! If there is a hole or defect in the tyre, then it's possible to get a flat from the same spot multiple times. This is why it's important to continuously check your tyres for any signs of damage and replace them if necessary.


7. Tyres Don’t Affect Fuel Efficiency: This isn't true! The condition and type of tyres you have on your car can greatly affect its fuel efficiency. For example, under-inflated tyres increase rolling resistance which means that more fuel is being used up as the car travels down the road. Similarly, if your tyres are over-inflated then this can also lead to decreased fuel efficiency due to increased aerodynamic drag.


8. New Tyres Immediately Provide Better Grip: Not true! It actually takes a few hundred miles for the tyres to adjust to the roads and provide optimal grip when cornering. So don't expect them to instantly make your car corner like a race car after you install them!


9. It Doesn’t Matter What Size Tyres You Have: Actually, this couldn't be further from the truth! The size of your tyres can affect not only their performance but also the ride comfort of your vehicle. This is why it's important to check with your manufacturer before installing any new tyres on your car.


10. All Tyres Are Equal Quality: Unfortunately, no they are not! As with anything else in life, there are different levels of quality when it comes to tyres. It's important to do your research and try to buy the best quality you can afford, as this will ensure that they last longer and provide superior performance.


11. Tyres Don’t Need To Be Replaced: Yes, they do! Just like any other part of your vehicle, tyres will eventually wear out and need to be replaced. It's important to keep an eye on their condition so that you can replace them before any major damage occurs.


12. You Only Need To Bother With The Front Tyres: Not true! All four tyres need to be given equal attention when it comes to maintenance and upkeep in order for the car to perform its best. Also, remember to check the spare tyre too – you never know when you might need it!


13. Tyres Are All The Same: No, they are not! Different car models require different-sized tyres, and some have special requirements such as low-profile tyres or run-flat tyres. It's important to check with your manufacturer to find out which type of tyre is suitable for your vehicle.


14. You Can Rotate Any Size Of Tyre: Not true! When rotating your tyres, be sure that all four are the same size, otherwise, it can lead to unbalanced wear and tear over time. Additionally, make sure that they are all properly inflated before you drive off on your journey.


15. You Don’t Need To Check The Pressure Of Tyres: This is a big no-no! It's important to check the pressure of your tyres regularly as this can affect their performance and fuel efficiency. Additionally, under-inflated tyres are more prone to flats and blowouts, so it's best to keep them inflated to the correct pressure at all times.


16. Old Tyres Are As Good As New Ones: Not true! When tyres age, they become less effective due to wear and tear from everyday use. This means that although they may have been top-of-the-line when you bought them new, they are not going to be nearly as effective after a few years of use.


17. Tyres Have No Impact On Safety: This is absolutely false! As the main contact point between your car and the road, tyres play a huge role in keeping you safe while driving. Not only do they need to be in good condition for optimal performance, but also for safety reasons too. So make sure to check them regularly and replace them if necessary.


18. You Should Only Change Tyres When Necessary: Not true! It's actually a good idea to change your  Car Tyres Ipswich before they reach the end of their life, as this can save you time and money in the long run. Additionally, changing them at regular intervals helps ensure that your car performs optimally and keeps you safe on the road.


19. All-Season Tyres Are The Best Choice For Any Climate: Not necessarily! While all-season tyres are a great choice for climates with mild temperatures, it is best to use winter or summer-specific tyres if you live in an area with extreme weather conditions. This way you can be sure that your car will always perform its best regardless of the season.


20. Tyres Need To Be Balanced: Yes, this is true! Wheel balancing helps to ensure that your tyres are evenly balanced and that they wear out evenly over time. This will help you get the most out of your tyres as well as ensure a smooth ride for you and your passengers. So don't forget to have them balanced regularly!

Thank you for reading! We hope this article has given you all the information about car tyres that you need for keeping your vehicle running in peak condition. Remember, always check with your manufacturer before installing any new tyres on your vehicle, and take care to maintain them properly so they can serve their purpose safely and effectively. Happy driving!