
What to Expect During Your First Detox: A Beginner's Guide



If a detox sounds like a daunting task, we have some good news for you. It doesn’t have to be complicated. So, why would you even need to detox? Should your body handle that for you?


Unfortunately, in the world we live in, there are so many toxins that could be making you sick and ruining your health. Your body can’t always keep up with the demand. Think about how many chemicals you encounter before leaving your home each day. Once you realize how much your body gets exposed to, a healthy detox makes sense. In this article, we’ll review why you should detox and what you should expect during your first natural detox so you don’t get sidetracked by any of these common pitfalls.



Why should you detox?


We mentioned that you likely expose yourself to tons of toxins before leaving the house for work each day. That number can climb to the hundreds quickly. For one, think of the body wash and soaps you use and check out the ingredients. Many of these cause endocrine disruption and may increase the risks of cancer, asthma, and other serious health issues. (1)


The skin is your largest organ and gets exposed to the most toxins. Consider not only the soaps you use, but skin lotions, cleaning products, laundry detergents, and perfumes. (2) The list truly goes on and on.


Many of these toxins get stored in our bodies, and if we don’t do something to get them out, we can become unhealthy fast. To release those toxins, a detox is crucial, but you want to do it correctly.



Detoxing naturally


We have videos and articles on how we help our patients with a natural detox. There are tons of people trying to sell teas and other products to make a fast buck. Sadly, these don’t work and won’t restore your health.


In our practice, we use a 90 Day Cellular Detox that works at the cellular level. It uses three specific phases that prepare you for detox, removes toxins at the cellular level, and clears those deeper neurotoxins from your brain. We include a food plan that helps you achieve optimal results. A detox alone won’t provide lasting results if you continue eating unhealthy foods. The cellular detox is not some internet gimmick promising great results after a few sips of some magical potion. This is a natural detoxification process using specific formulations that improve your body’s ability to heal and maintain energy as designed.


Following the program as we have laid out will help you to experience virtually no detox symptoms. However, we want to provide you with common signs of detox and how to reduce or completely avoid all detox symptoms.



Common Detox Symptoms (And How to Avoid Them)

Flu-like symptoms


Many times the first complaint is feeling achy. This is extremely common and a natural reaction to removing processed foods. During a detox, you change your diet to natural eating and don’t eat processed foods that are filled with unhealthy ingredients that can cause an addiction. People who are addicted to substances experience this when they stop using drugs, and it’s not so different when you change how you eat. (3)


The good news is this is a normal part of detoxing your body and breaking those sugar addictions. It doesn’t typically last longer than a few days, and it may cause some frustration, but you can do it! Keep pushing forward, and by day five or six, you should start improving and noticing a difference in how you feel.





Another common symptom when going through a detox is fatigue. When you cut out sugar, flour, and other unhealthy carbs, your body will notice. At first, it won’t like it, and you can expect some rebelling. One way to help this process is to eat more healthy fats, like avocados, nuts, olive oils, and other natural fats that help keep cravings away. (4)


Drinking plenty of water is crucial during a detox. The point of a natural detox is to rid your body of unhealthy toxins, and drinking water helps to flush those toxins out.You must stay hydrated during a natural detox.




Hunger is something many people report during detox. Again, when you change anything with your diet and health, your body will notice. You might get cravings and experience some hunger during your first detox. One of the best ways to combat this is to focus on the reasons for detox and remind yourself that it will pass with time. More water can also help, and staying busy provides a great distraction.



Gastrointestinal issues


A cellular detox is not a colon cleanse. It does not cause you to run to the bathroom or feel as though you can’t continue daily life. However, you may go through gastrointestinal changes when changing your foods and using natural supplements to detox your body. That may mean experiencing constipation or diarrhea at some point in the process. (5) These symptoms usually subside in a few days and are generally nothing to worry about.


Exercise is also a great way to keep your gut in check and remove toxins from your body. We always recommend exercise, but it’s also great for a detox.


Skin issues


As you detox, your skin may break out into rashes and acne. As your body eliminates toxins, this is natural and can occur from chemicals you use on your skin. One natural replacement we recommend using is organic tallow instead of harmful skin creams and lotions. Your skin will feel amazing and you’ll feel good about using something natural that won’t harm your body.



Bonus: Natural Substitutes for a Healthier Home


One of the best ways to keep toxins from your body is to replace dangerous products with natural items. You can clean your home with a few inexpensive ingredients that won’t harm your health and are so easy to use.

Some of the household cleaning products you should keep in your home are:


Baking soda

Distilled vinegar


Washing soda

Castile soap

Spray bottles

Wool balls


These can be mixed with essential oils and will clean clothes, floors, countertops, and other areas in the home. You can add various essential oils, depending on your needs and preferences.


These products are also typically cheaper than buying chemicals filled with toxins.



Why You Should Start a Detox Today


Toxicity can affect the body through different symptoms and diseases. Below are symptoms that may indicate you need to perform a cellular detox:


  • Chronic fatigue

  • Weight gain

  • Weight loss plateau

  • Depression

  • Decrease immune system function

  • Blood sugar irregularities

  • Headaches

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome

  • Energy lapses

  • Skin rashes

  • Brain fog

  • Impaired digestion


We have lots of information on the proper ways to perform a detox and how to mitigate any unpleasant symptoms that may arise. A natural detox is a great way to help restore your health and get those dangerous toxins out of your body. We’d love to work with you or answer any questions you may have, so contact your chiropractor in Macomb, MI for more information on how you can become a wellness warrior!