
Baby Bath Tips for Newborn

How Frequently Should You Bathe Your Newborn?


According to Best Mother and Childcare Hospital in Pune, baby bath tips are important for every mother. In this article, we are looking for those tips step by step. Your newborn just needs a bath two to three times each week to stay clean. However, if your child genuinely enjoys taking baths, they can do it every day. More frequent bathing can cause your baby's skin to become dry.

Using cotton wool and warm water will help you maintain your baby's genital area clean in between baths. It takes 5 to 10 minutes to bathe a newborn. You should take special care of your child's skin if it is sensitive or dry.


The Best Time to Bathe your Newborn


Any time of day is OK to bathe your child. Choose a moment when you're at ease and unlikely to be interrupted. Additionally, you should try to avoid showering your baby right after a feeding or when they are hungry. If showering your baby makes them feel calm, you can use that to help them fall asleep at night.


Where to Bath a Baby


You can bathe your newborn in the kitchen sink or a tiny plastic tub. In the initial weeks, the kitchen sink can be the easiest. Plastic baby baths tend to be easier to use once your infant is older.


It is not necessary to bathe your child in a bathroom; you can do so in any warm, secure, and clean environment. You can bathe your child with you. Use warm, not hot, water, and keep your baby's face away from the pouring water.


Place the bath somewhere steady and at a height where you can hold your child without strain.

Just enough warm water should be in the bath to wash your baby. If you intend to bathe your child away from the faucet, fill the bath with jugs of water first.

Wash your hands after removing your watch and jewelry.

Before you put your infant in the bath, make sure the water is between 37 and 38 degrees Celsius. Use your wrist or elbow to measure the temperature if you don't have a thermometer; it should be comfortably warm, not hot.

Giving your Newborn Bath Tips


Wipe your baby's eyelashes with cotton wool dipped in lukewarm water before taking off their clothes. extra water by blowing it out. For each wipe, use a fresh piece of cotton wool. Next, cleanse your entire face. Avoid getting anything in your infant's ears or nose.

When dressing your child, remove the diaper last.

With one arm, support your baby's body while holding their head and shoulders with the other. Keeping a tight grip on your infant at all times, gently lower him or her into the bath, feet first.

Lay your infant down in the bath with your head supporting them so that their backs are in the water. Splash some water on their head gently. There is no need for shampoo.


Helping Baby Enjoy Bath Time


You can try gently placing your hand on your baby's stomach to make bath time more enjoyable for them. A warm, damp washcloth can also be applied to their chest and abdomen. Your kid will feel confident and safe in the bath if you do this.


Give your baby a "top and tail" bath one day and a "real bath" the following if they don't enjoy taking baths. Babies typically become accustomed to baths by three months.