
wavelength = c/f
f = 1/T
a = v/t
momentum = mv
Kinetic Energy ke = 1/2 mv²
centrifugal/centripetal force: F = mv²/r
Force = Mass * acceleration
Work = force * distance moved  unit: newton meter or joule or Work = Mass * Gravity * Height
Work = Change in Energy
Power = work / time = force * displacement / time = force * velocity
Power (hp,watt) = work(ENERGY)/time aka time rate of energy transfer
Energy = Power x Time
XL= 2πfL
I= V/XL Alternating current flowing through inductor is applied voltage / inductive reactance
XC= -1/2πfC
Z = sqrt(R² + (Xc - Xl)²)
I = (V-E)/Z current through transformer primary E = voltage drop across primary inductance
F = 1/6.2832√LC
F = 1/2π√LC
C= 1/4π²Fr²L
Fl = R/2πL cutoff frequency of RL low pass filter
Fc = 1/2πRC cutoff frequency of RC low pass filter
ohms law: V = IR
power per second:
P = IV
P = I²R copper losses
P = V²/R
P=VI*PF true power (V and I are average, RMS)
energy stored in an inductor E = LI²/2
energy stored in an cap E = 1/2 QV = Q²/2C = CV²/2
for capacitor and inductor circuit V=IZ
for capacitor circuit V=C*(dv/dt)*R
I = C dv/dt current through a cap
1 Volt = 1 Joule/Coulomb
1 Watt = 1 Joule/Second
1 Ampere = 1 Coulomb/Second
V × A = J/C × C/s = J/s = Watt
electric energy E = IVt and E = (V²/R)t
1F = 1C / 1V - amount of electric charge in coulombs that is stored per 1 volt
C = Q / V and C = kA/d
E = F / Q electric field (N/C or V/m) is force per charge
F = qE + qv x B lorentz law, em forces on a charge
R = 80*pi^2*(L/W)^2 rad. res. of antenna where L=length of antenna, and W = wavelength
t = L/R inductor time constant, after 5t (transient time) current reaches 99.5%
t = RC for RC circuit, after 5RC cap is 99.5% charged
capacitor full discharge time is also 5t
transformer size is proportional to B MAX =V/F
in alternator emf leads flux by 90°+
energy content of wave is proportional to the amplitude squared P = E²
Z = sqrt( L / C ) cable characteristic impedance
reactive load temporary stores energy, not waste it (unless PS cant take it back)
v = L(di/dt) BACKEMF from an inductor
Short circuit current = V / alternator internal resistance
V=-N*dΦ/dt voltage farraday's law
V = BLv farraday law for moving conductor
flux density = amper x turns x core permeability x core area / m² (T)
F = ILxB force on a conductor in a magnetic field - laplace
as load increases, current in the conductor must increase to balance the forces: I = F/BL
free space impedence 376Ohm
C = 1 / sqrt permitivity x permeability of space
Q = XL/R