
Dr. Akshay Narawad- M.D. (General Medicine) |Symptom and Prevention of Hypertension

One of the most widespread lifestyle disorders is hypertension or high blood pressure. The heart must work harder to pump blood under these circumstances, which might cause further difficulties. Narrowing of the arteries is one of the main causes of high blood pressure. There is less room for the blood to flow freely in narrow arteries. Long-term high blood pressure might lead to more health problems.


Hypertension does not appear anywhere. It takes years for it to show. Although there are no symptoms at first, this does not mean that there has been no damage. Particularly vulnerable organs include the heart, eyes, kidneys, brain, and heart. These are a few signs of hypertension.


breathing difficulty



A nosebleed

urethral blood

alterations to vision

chest discomfort

fading spells

The majority of doctors regularly check their patients' blood pressure. You could ask for a reading if your doctor doesn't take your blood pressure every time. The majority of the symptoms listed above can be linked to several different medical disorders. To prevent further health problems, it is crucial to get frequent blood pressure checks.

hypertension types

There are two types of hypertension.


In primary hypertension, the condition takes years, perhaps even decades, to manifest any appropriate symptoms.


The beginning of some conditions including kidney disease, endocrine tumours, thyroid problems, etc. can produce secondary hypertension, which develops much more quickly.

causes of high blood pressure

Someone with high blood pressure may be affected by various things. These elements are listed below:



Simply because of their gene pool, hypertension runs in some families. One should pay more attention to their blood pressure measurements if a grandparent, parent, or sibling has hypertension. People who have a family member with high blood pressure are extremely susceptible to getting this disease.

Personal Choices

Our propensity for high blood pressure is inextricably linked to how we live our daily lives. A diet high in calories and processed foods, a lack of regular exercise, and being overweight are all risk factors for hypertension.

Physical Alterations

Your blood pressure may increase if another organ isn't functioning properly. Make sure you have a yearly physical because that monitors your blood pressure and the condition of other organs.

High blood pressure treatment

The doctor will advise lifestyle changes to regulate your blood pressure if your readings are not in the danger zone. You may be given medicine if those two don't work to lower the levels. If another illness is the source of your high blood pressure, the physician will address that condition to lower your blood pressure.


One can take many steps to prevent this problem from ever arising. In the event that you already have hypertension, the following advice will help lower your blood pressure.

Healthy Eating

Heart health benefits come from eating a diet high in fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and healthy grains. Junk food and processed foods should be avoided because they are bad for your health.

Regular Workout

Even exercising for 30 minutes twice or three times per week has a significant positive impact on preventing or lowering high blood pressure.


The worst thing for your heart is stress. Deep breathing, yoga, and meditation are all beneficial practices to engage in to lower high blood pressure.

Above exercise, yoga, etc are important to avoid Hypertension. If any person faces a similar kind of problem they visit their  nearest clinic or do online consultation with our physician- at the physician’s clinic