
Know all about: 67 Points Calculator for Canadian Immigration in 2023

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aptechvisa @aptechvisa · Jul 25, 2023

The minimal score needed to be eligible for Canada PR via the Express Entry program is 67 points for Canada Immigration or the Federal Skilled Workers Program (FSWP). In this article, we'll discuss the idea behind the Canada 67 points calculator system and how to get the required score.




What is the 67 Points System for Immigration to Canada?


Every candidate for the Federal Skilled Workers Program is evaluated by the IRCC using the 67-Point System for Canada Immigration to determine their eligibility. The federal government only accepts applicants who receive at least 67 points on the Canada 67 points calculator. A candidate may receive up to 100 points overall under this system. A candidate's application will be turned down if they receive less than 67 points.


How to Calculate 67 Points for Canada Immigration in 2023?


Tens of thousands of immigrants are hoping for migrating to Canada. To make relocation more advantageous for persons who want to settle down in this stunning country, IRCC continuously updates its immigration laws and procedures. Federal Skilled Workers Program, Federal Skilled Trades Program, and the Canadian Experience Class are the three main categories into which immigrants applying through Express Entry will fall. The 67 Points Immigration Canada method is used to streamline the process of obtaining Canada PR for Federal Skilled Workers. Let us walk you through the fundamentals of this system and how you can strive for the highest possible marks.


Free Canada Immigration Assessment Form


Federal Skilled Worker Program: Six Selection Criteria

The immigration authorities have established six criteria for the Federal Skilled Worker Program, which are used to evaluate applications and assign points. Here is a quick description of each of those elements.


  1. Language Proficiency (up to 28 points): French and English are both recognized as official languages in Canada. If an immigrant intends to stay in this country, they should be fluent in one or both of these languages. He or she must be able to read, write, speak, and comprehend these languages. There are approved tests to evaluate the applicant's language proficiency. Candidates can receive up to 28 points in this factor, depending on their score.
  2. Education (maximum 25 points): A candidate will receive points for each degree, certification, diploma, or other kind of higher education that he or she possesses. If you received a degree from a foreign university, you must present legitimate documentation; if you received a degree from a Canadian university, you must present an Educational Credential Assessment report. Candidates with a master's or doctorate will score higher in this category.
  3. Work experience (15 points maximum): For federal skilled workers, work experience is very important. Getting a Canada permanent residence is simpler if you have worked at least 30 hours a week for a full year in a full-time position that is related to your talents. Here, the IRCC will take into account both your job abroad and in Canada. If you worked while you were a student in Canada, you can be awarded bonus points. Six or more years of experience will get the candidate 15 points.
  4. Age (maximum 12 points): If you wish to get over the 67-point Immigration Canada criterion, your age is a key consideration. Each applicant who is over 18 and wants to be considered for the Federal Skilled Worker program will receive points based on their age. The age group of 18 to 35 will receive the highest number of points. The candidate will receive fewer and fewer points in this category as his or her age rises.
  5. Pre-arranged employment in Canada (maximum 10 points): Obtaining a permanent job offer from a Canadian employer is strongly advised for anyone looking to apply for a permanent residence visa in Canada. The 67 points calculators will award you up to 10 points if you have an appointment letter from a Canadian employer. It should be a full-time position offered for at least a year. A legitimate employment offer should be based on the training or professional experience you have.
  6. Adaptability (maximum 10 points): In addition to the five characteristics listed above, candidates can also meet the 67 Points for Canada Immigration requirement by using the CRS score of their spouse or common-law partner. Your partner may receive an additional 5 points if they demonstrate greater language proficiency. A Canadian university degree and job experience can get you or your partner 5 points. A blood relative living in Canada may raise your score by up to 5 points. The relative category includes your or your partner's parents, grandparents, siblings, children, or grandchildren who are already Canadian citizens.

Also, read:

✅ How revisions to the NOC affect candidates for Express Entry

✅ Program for Federally Skilled Workers


CRS Calculator


A candidate for Express Entry should strive to achieve the highest possible score in each of these 6 selection criteria. Those that earn more than 67 points will be ranked and added to the Express Entry pool. A higher score guarantees improved chances of receiving an ITA. As a result, it's critical for applicants to attain the 67 Points Canada Immigration threshold.


Language Ability:

CLB Level





Points per Ability

























2nd official language (4 points if you meet the minimum threshold in all four language abilities)

CLB Level





Points (Total)









A doctoral degree in education (PhD) or a comparable degree

25 points

Master's degree from a university or a comparable level OR a professional degree from a university that allows for practice (or). Occupation must have NOC 2016 Skill Level A and be certified by a provincial regulatory organization.

Note: The degree program must be in one of the following disciplines: chiropractic medicine, pharmacy, law, Podiatry, dentistry, or veterinary medicine.

23 points

Two or more postsecondary degrees or certificates from Canadian institutions (at least one must be for a program of at least three years)

22 points

Canadian post-secondary degree or diploma for a three-year or longer program, or for an equal amount of time

21 points

A two-year postsecondary degree or diploma from a Canadian institution, or an equivalent

19 points

Canadian post-secondary degree, diploma, or equivalent for a one-year program

15 points

An equivalent high school diploma from Canada

5 points


Work Experience:

1 Year

9 points

2-3 Years

11 points

4-5 years

13 points

6 or more years

15 points



Under 18

0 points


12 points


11 points


10 points


09 points


08 points


07 points


06 points


05 points


04 points


03 points


02 points


01 points


00 points


Arranged Employment in Canada:

Valid job offer

10 points



Your spouse or partner’s language level

05 points

Your study in Canada

05 points

Your spouse or partner’s past study in Canada

05 points

Your past work in Canada

10 points

Your spouse or common-law partner’s past work in Canada

05 points

Arranged Employment in Canada

05 points

Relatives in Canada This relative must be a:

of a parent (sibling)

of a grandparent (aunt or uncle)

of a parent (niece or nephew)  

05 points



How may Canada's 67 points calculation can be improved?


Federal Skilled Workers (FSW) points are awarded to candidates with a total score of 67 or above out of a possible 100 points. You can try the following strategies to raise your score if you fall short of the 67-point threshold for Canada PR eligibility:

  • Retake the Language test and aim for a higher score.
  • Upgrade your educational credentials.
  • Attend college or take a certificate program. Before applying, have more professional experience.


What distinguishes the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score from the 67-Point Calculator value?

The Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score tool uses a 1200-point grid of applicants in the Express Entry Pool as opposed to the 67-point Calculator's 100-point grid for selection under the Express Entry Program. Additionally, the Canada Immigration point calculator and the CRS point calculator are utilized as references when figuring up the points for Federal Skilled Workers and the CRS, respectively.


Because they are hard-coded software, not all Canada Immigration calculators will give you reliable results. Therefore, it is usually better to use an immigration consultant's assistance to determine your CRS score.

To know more about the latest draw and Canada Immigration News.


latest updates

✅ Canada will accept 500,000 immigrants annually by 2025

 Express Entry rules will change starting in 2023 in Canada

 Migrate to Canada through Express Entry and Calculate Your CRS Points


Source URL: https://www.blog.aptechvisa.com/blogs/calculator-for-67-points-immigration-to-canada-2022