
Bimbo Or Billionaire: Beyond the Boundary | Part 1 (Patreon Pre-release)

Bimbo Or Billionaire

Beyond the Boundary




“Yes Madam V, everything is ready for broadcast. 60,000 highly prioritized nodes of various species and genus have been linked; approximately 180,000 unremarkable universes have also been established.” Relina confirmed to her superior as she checked her clipboard.


She was only a Gamma, so keeping up with the Goddess of causality had been quite the challenge, though she managed. Heliya, V’aquisa’s much more capable assistant had seemingly gone AWOL leaving Relina and her own team to take on their responsibilities.


“We also made sure to blacklist the original universal node and its parallel realities within 5% of shared genetics as per His instruction.” It was common practice to avoid interaction with a primary universe during large experiments such as this, but for Sir to give an explicit order, meant it must have been extremely valuable.

Obviously the one we decided to use was far removed, so possible ripples we caused shouldn't affect anything in the ‘canon’.


“Very good. Depending how this goes, I might be able to put you on a path to a promotion.” V’aquisa smiled at her temporary assistant, opening a free standing door in the black void of her ‘office’ that hadn’t existed until the Goddess used it.


As she walked down the impossible corridor her appearance reshaped, shrinking several feet to about 5’8 (167 cm) while her shifting empty body filled itself in, phasing directly into a humanoid form. Long pure white hair draped down her back, infused with streaks of cyan, matching with her eyes. V’aquisa motioned for Relina to follow, “I’m sure my ass is quite the sight for a Gamma, but we have work to do.”


Relina had to wait until she managed to shift into her own human form before she even had the physiology to gulp. “Yes Madam, right away.” The assistant chirped while hurrying after V’aquisa who now suddenly had a slim black dress wrapped provocatively around her like an art piece. Relina herself created jeans and a sweater along with a lab coat decorated in her official PRIME credentials. “One last thing Madam, it seems our contestant is… Madeline again, Madam. We even made sure the selection would be as random as possible.”


“We weren’t planning on using her this time at all..” V’aquisa sighed, stepping out of her personal ‘green room' and into the main backstage corridor for the set of Bimbo or Billionaire. PRIME technicians were scurrying around to set everything up, while a few key members of the original staff were doing surprisingly well at keeping pace. The Goddess was legitimately impressed, humans that could keep up with Theta level beings were rare.


“I suppose we’ll continue as planned regardless.” She eventually lamented as she headed towards the stage for her first dress rehearsal.


*       *       *


Madeline wiped the tears from her face as she picked up the envelope that had just slipped through the slot in her front door. The curly redhead had been applying for Bimbo or Billionaire for years. She was 28 and had nothing to show for the entire decade she’d spent studying her ass off in college. Madeline used to be known as one of the smartest and most talented up and coming quantum physicists; the next Einstein everyone called her.
Then.. Elizabeth Carter ripped her dreams and her PhD project out from under her. Madeline's credibility and her life were all stolen away by that horribly cruel woman. Leaving her with nothing but a life ending amount of debt and no way to pay it off. She was smart, a genuine genius but having been blacklisted due to the circumstances that led her to academic ruin there wasn't any job that would hire her. At least none that could feasibly pay off her debt in less than 20 years.
Madeline had always wanted to be a contestant on Bimbo or Billionaire, it just seemed so.. Fun. Being rich? Being a bimbo? Either didn't seem that bad… But would she really risk her intelligence for money? Did it really mean that little to her? It was a fantasy in the end... Now that she had the confirmation letter in her hand, she wasn't so sure.
The one detail that gave her pause was that this apparently would be a special episode for a major sponsor deal with PRIME inc, a company she'd never heard of before despite having watched every aired episode of BoB. Not like it mattered, this was a once in a lifetime opportunity. 
Madeline stumbled through her home, trying her best to avoid the trash and junk littered throughout the dilapidated building. First she checked the bedroom to make sure the shithead she'd been living with since her expulsion from the university wasn't home. Next she made her way into the office, the only room with a computer. 
Sitting in the chair the girl pulled out a lollipop from her secret stash and popped it into her mouth. A confident glow flared in Madeline's eyes as she started making preparations to finally turn her life around.
Besides, she was practically a bimbo already anyway. This wouldn't be her doom; it would be her freedom. 



Opening Credits

Curtains rise to the ever iconic theme music playing alongside thunderous applause from the live studio audience. Madeline's breath grew heavy as she brought up her hand to feel the cool metal of the device around her neck. It wasn't at all what she had expected, closer in style to a choker than anything else. Black, sleek, thin material containing a white glowing strip along the center which vibrated in a way she couldn't describe. At least it felt kinda nice.
“Yes folks it’s time to answer the question that is on all of our minds… Is she… a Bimbo…? or a Billionaire!” the announcer’s voice came across the PA. “This very special episode is brought to you by PRIME Incorporated: ‘Beyond the Boundary’.”
The voice continued narrating as the cameras panned over Madeline, who stood behind a pedestal on the left side of the stage. The cameras continued past her, sweeping over to the right towards two large columns made up of a literal dozen monitors. The first was labeled “Bimbo” and the second “Cash”. The center of the stage had 24 pastel make-up cases on clear pedestals that were glowing cyan with a captivating neon pink pulse running across them every few minutes. Each case was numbered from 1 to 24. Inside each case was either a dollar sign or a chrome silhouette of a bimbo.
“Thanks Dan, now let’s get to today’s contestant... Madeline!” The hushed crowd roared to life in thunderous cheer as iconic MC Jack walked out onto the stage, strolling right up to the ginger with a deceptively warm smile on his face.
“So, Madeline, why don't you tell us about yourself a bit before we begin?”
“Hi Jack!” She squealed excitedly “I'm a huge fan! Um..” The man didn't even flinch, being more than used to all manner of reactions after so many years on the show. “I'm 28 and I've been absolutely obsessed with the show since I was old enough to watch, though…” Madeline cast her eyes down with sincere shame. “People may know me as the girl from the cube incident a few years ago..” her voice was low but the sound engineers turned her up just enough.
“Oh… That was a rough situation.” Jack sighed somewhat dramatically. “But what does the audience think? Do you all support Madeline despite her rocky past?” He proposed to the crowd, which erupted into cheers and yells of support.
“We love you Madeline!” “I always believed you were innocent!” “You’ll make a great bimbo!”
Madeline found herself holding back tears as Jack waved down their excitement before walking back to the girl. “Thank you everyone.. Now I have to win! I'm all fired up now! I'm ready to play Jack.” She said with clear conviction. Her whole body jiggled slightly every time she moved. Madeline didn't have huge tits or a perfect bubble butt. However even her slender frame seemed more than supple within the confines of the classic elastic tube top and thong she'd been given to wear.
“Perfect! That's exactly what we love to hear on this show Madeline, but I'm sure you're aware I still have some housekeeping items to take care of first.” Jack winked at the redhead and stepped forward to address the audience directly.
“As you all know, this is not your typical episode of Bimbo or Billionaire. Our generous benefactor ‘The Accountant’ is currently out on a well-deserved vacation along with our token case girl Chrissi.”
The audience responded with a long “awwww” followed by a moment of curious whispers and mumbles when the stage lights dimmed temporarily. Silence fell as a loud clicking sound echoed through the studio, drawing attention to the right side of the stage where a spotlight revealed a woman entering from the wings. Various gasps of surprise were followed by numerous whistles.
“Introducing my lovely assistant for tonight's show as none other than the head researcher of PRIME’s R&D department, V’aquisa!” Jack yelled, matching the energy of the crowd while effortlessly pronouncing the goddess’s name much to her satisfaction as she waved to the audience. A palpable aura radiated from the woman that could only be described as ‘immaculate’; her vibrant cyan pupils were delicately accented by eyeliner, matching the glossy black lipstick that provided a striking contrast to the long, flowing two-toned white and blue hair which had been styled to cascade down the right side of her head. V'aquisa wore a captivating black latex dress, starting as a crop top that gently tapered, hinting a teasing sliver of underboob as it unraveled in a spiraling corkscrew. Winding down her torso in a way that left large portions of her pale body entirely exposed. The rubber strip expanded at her hips, seamlessly blending into a form fitting pencil skirt, and ending just past the woman's thighs.
“Thank you Jack.” V’aquisa cooed warmly as she took her place center stage next to the cases. “Though I didn't come alone, as PRIME’s very own founder and CEO has decided to personally attend tonight's show!” She beamed, gesturing up to a pitch black area above the columns of monitors. Dim backlights in the booth lit up on cue, revealing the outline of a chillingly motionless figure sitting in a chair, watching silently from above. “Sir has personally funded the billion dollar prize as well as special bonus prizes for lucky audience members!”
“Not only that, but the lab boys in our technical team have been working closely with PRIME engineers to develop new proprietary patented technology specifically for tonight's show.” Jack continued as the cameras zoomed in on Madeline’s neck, focusing on the unique looking collar.
“That's right Jack! Introducing the V-Sync Collar! The commercially available variant directly links the owner of the device to the target wearing the device, allowing for a wide range of functions including but not limited to: induced submission, psionic locks, fine motor control, and even doubles as shock collar!” The announcer chimed in, followed by a surprisingly long blurb of terms, conditions, and safety concerns but at an unintelligible speed.
Madeline herself swallowed hard after hearing that but Jack quickly picked up on her hesitation, “Don't worry Madeline, what you're currently wearing is actually a unique custom made version of the V-Sync that the lab boys tell me works similarly to, and just as well as the usual Collar of Fate.”
Madeline slowly nodded as she breathed a sigh of relief.
Jack took that as a cue to wrap up the introduction portion of the night's event, “I'm sure you're familiar with our board Madeline, two sides with twelve steps each, revealed one at a time as the cases are opened. As always the cash side starts at a penny and works its way up to one billion dollars!
The Bimbo side is divided into two halves, the first six are physical changes that the ‘V-Sync’ will apply and the second half are mental changes. Each of the changes will be selected by an audience vote from a list of four random selections from our database!” The crowd was going absolutely wild as everyone could feel the tension rise as the game that would change Madeline's fate forever was about to begin. “Madeline, last chance, you can pull out and go home without any consequences, or.. Are you ready to truly find out if you'll end up as a Bimbo! Or! Billionaire!”
“Yes! Yes Jack I'm ready! Let's play!”