
These Things Be In You and ABOUND

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@anonymous · Nov 17, 2023

November 17


Straight from the Pastor’s Heart by Dr.Hernes Abante 


2 Peter 1:8 - “For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

The life promised to every saved individual is an Abundant Life. It is a life that abounds in everything, every time and anywhere.  You either have it or you don’t. But if you are saved, you can claim this promise and abound. The opportunity and the potential are with us.

However, this abounding life does not come easy. It is only possible when the Holy Spirit indwells within. Without the Holy Spirit, man can never enjoy the promise and power. It is not easy because no human ability or power can produce it. Even how much a man tries, he does not have the capacity and the knowledge without the presence of God. 

It begins in the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ through the quickening work of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 10:17) Once the Spirit quickens a man, he receives the Faith of Christ that enables him to realize his need of a savior. He admits that he is a sinner and that Christ paid for his sin. To the elect, it is irresistible because of God’s promise of redemption of those who are His before the foundation of the world.

God’s grace of salvation also applies to those who are non-elect. This is when God’s sovereign grace and prerogatives are applied. He saves whomever He chooses. Since man is totally depraved and void of righteousness, he does not have the right to question the will of God. Just like no prisoner guilty of death does not qualify to challenge the president of a country when someone in his condition is pardoned. 

This faith provides everything for a believer to succeed and live abundantly. The saving faith becomes a living faith that enables the believer to understand how to “work out his salvation with fear and trembling.” True Faith works.

God has given all His children the tools and the armor necessary to live godly and claim victory. The commandment we need to obey by faith is to “ADD.” We can decide whether we want to live abundantly or not. The unbelievers do not have a choice, but all believers do. Let us use it for the glory of God. 

To faith ADD virtue. To virtue ADD godliness. To godliness ADD temperance. To temperance ADD patience. To patience ADD brotherly kindness. Finally, to brotherly kindness, ADD charity. 

We cannot pick and choose what to add. God, through Apostle Peter, gave us the ingredients to ADD and when to ADD them. Our total obedience will result in abundance and glorious victory. Nor can we procrastinate when to ADD. The time of reckoning is coming soon. 

Our passage today promises wonderful results,  “For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” What a tremendous promise to claim and to enjoy!

But wait! Notice that God's promise is the precious “knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.” This means there are more incredible truths we can learn from Christ. God does not want to give us “fish.” He provides us with the knowledge so we can enjoy discovering and exploring the riches that are in the Person of Christ. 

This knowledge will result in overflowing and abounding blessings and opportunities. All these are available to all His children. Praise and thank God!

Our Prayer today:

Oh gracious Heavenly Father, we are grateful for all You do and the grace You have given us. 

You have provided us with all we need to live victoriously and abundantly. Please help us to continue to abound with the knowledge of the Savior so we can abound more and more for Your glory.

You genuinely love and care for us by giving us access to Your eternal riches and to enjoy Your precious promises. To enjoy them fully, You have given us the Holy Spirit to guarantee and secure our victory. 

Please give us the boldness and the wisdom to apply all these things according to Your will and desire. I ask all these in the wonderful Name of Jesus Christ. Amen!