
5 Ways to Prevent Senior Falls at Home

December 2022 – Falling presents one of the most prominent risks to senior citizens in daily life. Although falling may seem like no big deal, it can be detrimental or even fatal for seniors. However, falls don't necessarily occur as we age. Falls frequently happen as a result of some risk factors. These can be anything from overall health or medical conditions to potential safety risks in your house. Personal risk factors involve muscle weakness, particularly in the legs, unsteady balance and coordination, as well as a sharp decrease in blood pressure when getting out of a lying or sitting position. Moreover, lifting a fallen person, especially a senior, involves many risks. That's why most households today use assistive devices. You can find a high-quality Indeelift HFL-300 human floor lift at My Home For Life. Here's what you need to know about preventing fall risks.


Importance of Fall Prevention

Falls can result in broken bones, such as fractures to the hip, arms, or wrists. In some instances, they even cause head injuries. Even if a fall doesn't result in an injury, it can still cause a senior to lose confidence in themselves and instill a lifelong fear of falling. It can eventually cause the person to become less active and move less, which raises their risk of tripping. Healthy habits and awareness, however, can reduce those risks.


Ways to Prevent Falls


A safe environment

Some of the most frequent reasons for falls happen at home, where you might feel unsafe because of slippery floors, creaky stairs, or exposed electrical cords. As a result, creating a safe living environment is the first step in fall prevention. It is essential to create an environment that is safe and secure and does not pose any harm or injury risks.


Wear safe footwear

Don't forget to watch your feet! Your balance may be affected, causing you to trip and fall as a result of wearing footwear with high heels, slippery soles, an improper fit, or loose laces. The risk increases if you have foot issues because they may alter your gait and affect your balance.


Assistive devices

When a senior falls, they often injure themselves. In most cases, we end up worsening their injuries while trying to help them. Assisting them in getting up from the floor is easier said than done. An assistive device, such as Indeelift Patient Floor Lift can lift people from the floor to a normal chair height allowing them to stand or transfer with the least amount of effort.


Regular exercise

Most senior citizens wrongly believe that it is not possible for them to exercise or maintain their fitness as they get old. Lack of physical activity weakens their stability and muscle definition, increasing their risk of falling. However, even a little exercise contributes to making a huge difference. Yoga and walking are two of the many excellent examples of exercises for seniors.


Have a well-lit space.

We've all had the experience of stubbing our toe at least once, especially while walking in a dark or poorly lit room. It turns out seniors can also trip and fall in such surroundings. Therefore, it's imperative to maintain adequate lighting in all living areas. It enables you to recognize fall hazards before they cause you to trip.


About: Are you looking for a quality Indeelift human floor lift? My Home For Life brings you an efficient patient lift solution in the form of an Indeelift HFL-300 human floor lift. You can reach MHFL at 434-977-6435 or write to service@myhomeforlife.com to learn more.