
Robotic and Computer Assisted Surgery gives safe, perfect, and Best Knee Replacement Results

Knee replacement surgery is a life-changing event that can improve the mobility and quality of life of those affected by disabling knee pain. Advances in medical technology have made knee replacements safer, more precise, and more effective than ever before. In particular, robotic and computer-assisted surgery has revolutionized the way orthopedic surgeons perform knee replacements, providing excellent short-term and long-term results. In this blog post, we will take a look at just how robotic and computer-assisted surgery gives you the best possible knee replacement results.


What is Robotic and Computer Assisted Surgery?

Robotic surgery is an advanced form of minimally invasive surgery. It is a surgical procedure that uses a robotic system to aid in the performance of complex surgeries. Computer-assisted surgery is a type of technology used to improve the accuracy and safety of surgical procedures. This type of technology can be used in conjunction with robotic systems or as a standalone tool.

Robotic and computer-assisted surgery provides many benefits for patients undergoing knee replacement surgery.

These benefits include:

• Reduced operative time
• Reduced blood loss
• Reduced postoperative pain and swelling
• Reduced risk of infection
• Reduced hospital stay


The Different types of Robotic and Computer-Assisted Surgery

Robotic and Computer Assisted Surgery can broadly be classified into two types – Active Robotic Systems and Passive Robotic Systems. Active Robotic Systems make use of a robotic arm to which the surgeon is tethered by a console. The surgeon controls the robotic arm, which in turn carries out the surgery. The da Vinci Surgical System is an example of an Active Robotic System. Passive Robotic Systems, on the other hand, do not have a robotic arm but make use of computer-assisted software to help the surgeon with preoperative planning as well as intraoperative guidance

Both these types of systems offer several benefits over traditional, manual surgery. They allow for greater precision and accuracy, and also reduce surgical time and blood loss. In addition, they minimize tissue trauma and postoperative pain, leading to quicker recoveries.

