
Our enemies are real, but our God is greater

Straight from the Pastor’s heart! #5


Jude 1:6-7 - “And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.  
[7] Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.”

There is an evil and dark spiritual presence with supernatural powers actively operating in desperation, aggressively working against God and His people. We are constantly being warned by the Scriptures to always be ready for their plan of attack is worse than before. The spirits of darkness are showing extreme hatred, knowing that their defeat is sure to come. In this final battle, since they cannot defeat us, they will try to take as many people as they can bring with them to eternal damnation. 

Every work of evil we see around us is the results of their wicked and selfish plan to challenge the power of God. We are currently seeing so many evil things around us and one that is so bothersome to me as a former children’s advocate is the evil of human trafficking of our children and youths as innocent victims. The wrong approach to drug problems, homelessness, and threats of war, are seriously affecting everyone. The flagrant degradation of morality and social standards is turning our children without any regard for the elderly and no respect for the authorities. 

The gender issue is no longer based on biology or science, but on feelings and the personal rights of anyone to do or to be whatever he, she, them, it wants. There is the redefining and restructuring of the family unit that is slowly taking away the standard of morality and the sense of respect in any form of relationship that once was sacred and honorable. 

The Bible says that”All these are the beginning of sorrows, but the end is not yet.” We need to prepare to fight the principalities and powers behind these evil acts until God sends them to eternal damnation. As God’s people, let us be fully aware of the enemies’ agenda of operation so we can always be mindful of the different tactics they employ to deceive. Their aim at this time is for us to fail in giving God all the glory!

 1 Peter 5:8 KJV
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

This is what it means when Peter instructs the believers to be sober and vigilant. We should not allow any form of intoxication to cloud our minds as we approach His coming. Let us keep away from evil vices such as drugs, alcohol, and other intoxicating activities to not serve God. These include spending too much time on TikTok, Facebook, and other public media platform to promote ourselves. These are the virtual places where evil influencers are busy spreading errors, lies, and fear. They continue to introduce another gospel and many ways of worship and service to offer not to the God of the Bible but to the gods of man’s imagination.


How should we approach all this wickedness around us? Since we cannot prevent anyone from doing what he thinks is right in his own eyes; the best approach is for God’s people to remain strong in standing on the faith and not move away and be taken by surprise as every dart of temptations are thrown against us. The shield of faith is powerful! 

Our enemies are real and they attack in so many ways. We will not always see them and we may not match their abilities with our human strength and wisdom. But we have the faith of Jesus Christ and have full access to God’s wisdom and power. Let us claim and use them. 

Warning: The enemies sometimes attack by taking advantage of our desire for curiosity and interest; such as in the field of science, advanced technology, Artificial Intelligence, and Astronomy. It we are not sober and vigilant, we can be easily deceived and end up working with them and supporting their evil agenda. 

Pray to remain fully awake and not join the  “woke” crowd and submit to their unholy agenda. Instead, be strong in the Lord Jesus Christ and claim the power He made available for us all. “For greater is He that is in us.”

1 John 4:4 - “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world.”