
How Qualified Nurses Migrate To Australia


How a Qualified Nurses Migrate to Australia: Full Visa Options

There is currently a high demand for nurses and midwives in Australia. Nurses wanting to migrate to Australia can do so as the Australian Government offers a lot of Visa Australia options for nurses. There are excellent career opportunities too whether you want to migrate to Australia permanently, or just to stay for a few years.


How to register my qualification as a nurse in Australia?

Prior to migrate to Australia, as a nurse, registering your qualification is a must. As a nurse or midwife who is seeking to determine your eligibility to apply for registration as a nurse in Australian, you may apply for an assessment of your qualifications as long as you have:


  • Completed a pre-registration course of training;

  • Been registered as a nurse in the country where your education was undertaken;

  • Current registration, a practicing certificate or license in the country where you are currently practicing, or

  • A demonstrated proficiency in the English language (see below for the language competency requirements).

What is the minimum qualification I should have to get an Australian Visa for nurses?

To migrate to Australia as a nurse, you must have minimum qualification of AQF Associate Degree, Advanced Diploma or Diploma or Bachelor Degree.


And to give you a little peek on nursing courses in Australia, below is a sample of one of the available nursing courses in Western Australia, which may help you to migrate to Australia as a nurse.


Diploma of Nursing at TAFE Western Australia (Course Code: HLT54121)

This course offers a rewarding career in the healthcare industry, equipping students with the necessary skills to meet the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) registration requirements. The course covers preventative, curative, rehabilitative nursing, anatomy and physiology, infection control, client care, legal and ethical parameters, positive health promotion, Indigenous Australian health issues, and nutritional and mental health care. A clinical placement is a significant component of the course. Students are registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Agency (AHPRA) and may be eligible for NMBA registration upon successful completion.


Enrollment requirements:

There are two pathways available to enroll in a Diploma of Nursing at TAFE Western Australia. And you must meet the following requirements:


1. English language pathway

You have to have passed one of the following English language proficiency exams:

  • 7.0 on the Academic IELTS scale, with no band score below that level;
  • a minimum of ‘B’ in each of the four components of the Occupational English Test (OET);
  • PTE Academic with a minimum of 65 in each of the four components and a minimum overall score of 65; or
  • minimum total score of 94 on the TOEFL iBT, with a minimum of 24 in reading, a minimum of 24 in listening, a minimum of 23 in speaking, and a minimum of 27 in writing.

2. Primary language pathway

You must have studied in any of the following nations: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Republic of Ireland, South Africa, United Kingdom, and the United States of America; and you must have satisfactorily completed at least six years of primary and secondary education taught and assessed exclusively in English. The study period must span at least two years, from Years 7 to 12.


To be eligible for this course, students must be able to pass Year 11 Math and be equivalent to Australian Year 12.


To enrol in this course, you must have completed the 52895WA Certificate IV in Preparation for Health and Nursing Studies.


And other that those, you must have the following:

  • National Police Clearance; 
  • WA Health Department Criminal History Record Check;
  • Working with Children Check;
  • Immunisation Clearance;
  • Medical Clearance; and 
  • an AHPRA student registration

If you’re looking for the best nursing course in Australia, you can contact our sister company, Education ONE. They will assist you in the best way to get the best nursing course in Australia that suits your plan and situation.


Important notes you must understand prior of submitting Visa Australia for nurse

It is a requirement for nurses to be able to meet and demonstrate the National Nursing/Midwifery Competency Standards before they are granted registration. To discuss your eligibility for registration you will need to contact the individual state or territory nursing and midwifery regulatory authority in the state or territory where you wish to practice.


Overseas nurses may be required to complete a Competency Based Assessment. Program/Bridging Program in order to be able to meet this requirement. These courses must be completed either all or in part in Australia. The requirement to complete such a program will be determined at assessment.


It is essential that nurses have a level of proficiency in English which enables them to communicate competently and safely with clients and colleagues; International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is required with an overall pass mark of 7 in all four bands of testing, these results will be valid for 2 years.


If you are wanting to take a Nursing Degree in Australia, Australia’s Nursing Schools have an excellent reputation, providing high quality nursing programs designed to service every sector of the healthcare industry.


You can study a Nursing Degree at many Universities across Australia and can study a number of different specialist fields. You can apply skills that can be gained through Nursing that can be applied through many situations.


What are the available Australian Visa for nurses?

Before we dive into the details of nursing occupations in Australia, let’s have a look at the available Australian visa for nurses.


Training visa (subclass 407)

The Training Visa (subclass 407) enables you to undergo a training program in Australia in the nursing field for up to 2 years. There are three training programs available under the 407 Visa, which are Occupational training required for registration, Occupational training to improve skills in an eligible occupation, and Occupational training for capacity building overseas.


To be eligible for the Training Visa (subclass 407), you must meet the following requirements:

  • Be at least 18 years of age;
  • Be nominated by an approved sponsor;
  • Have at least Functional level of English;
  • Be a genuine temporary entrant;
  • Meet the health and character requirements

Temporary Graduate (subclass 485) visa – Graduate Work stream

The Temporary Graduate (subclass 485) visa allows you to live and work in Australia temporarily after finishing study. The 485 Visa has four different streams which are Graduate Work stream, Post-study Work stream, Second Post-study Work stream, and Replacement stream.


The specific stream that is available for nurses in Australia is the Graduate Work stream.


General Skilled Migration Visa – subclass 189 Visa; subclass 190 Visa; and subclass 491 Visa

As you’ve known, there are three different visa subclasses for General Skilled Migration program:


These visa subclasses are point based which means you will need to collect at least 65 points based on your age, English, qualification and experience. To get the 65 points, you must submit an Expression of Interest through Skill select. The good thing about this program is that you’re not required to have a potential sponsor and these visa subclasses offer direct permanent residency pathways.


Certain nurse occupations might be eligible for certain visa subclasses only.


Employer Sponsored Scheme Visa – subclass 482 Visa; subclass 494 Visa; subclass 186 Visa

If you have a potential sponsor, then you may consider the Employer Sponsored Scheme Visa, which comprises the following visa subclasses:


Certain nurse occupations might be eligible for certain visa subclasses only.


Read more: Find the Available Options to Move from 494 Visa to Australian Permanent Residency


Which nursing occupations that may be eligible for an Australian Visa?

Firstly, you need to understand that the Australian Government defines each occupation with ANZSCO (Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations) Code. The ANZSCO provides complete information on the required qualification, responsibilities, and whether registration or licensing is required for certain occupations.


And the following nursing occupations are listed on Skilled Occupation List, which means these nursing occupations are eligible for Australian visa.


Enrolled and Mothercraft Nurses

There are two occupations under this unit group with ANZSCO unit group 4114. The details of each occupations under this unit group are:


Minimum required qualification for this unit group: AQF Associate Degree, Advanced Diploma or Diploma. The formal qualifications may be substituted with at least three years of relevant experience. In some cases, in addition to the official qualification, relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be necessary. It is necessary to obtain a licence or register.


ANZSCO Occupation & Code: Enrolled Nurse (Code: 411411)

Skilled Occupation List: STSOL

Skills Assessing Authority: ANMAC

Task & Responsibilities: Administers nursing care to patients under the direction of registered nurses in a range of health, welfare, aged care, and community settings. It is necessary to obtain a licence or register.

Visa Options:

  • Skilled Nominated (subclass 190)
  • Training visa (subclass 407)
  • Temporary Skill Shortage visa (subclass 482) – Short Term Stream
  • Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (provisional) (subclass 494) – Employer sponsored stream
  • Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 491) State or Territory nominated
  • Employer Nomination Scheme visa (subclass 186) – Transition Pathway
ANZSCO Occupation & Code: Mothercraft Nurse (Code: 411412)

Skilled Occupation List: ROL

Skills Assessing Authority: VETASSESS

Task & Responsibilities: Gives care to newborns and offers guidance and instruction on infant care to parents of newborns. It is necessary to obtain a licence or register.

Visa Options: 

  • Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (provisional) (subclass 494) – Employer sponsored stream

Health And Welfare Services Managers

There is one nursing occupation under this unit group with ANZSCO unit group 1342. The details of each occupations under this unit group are:


Minimum required qualification for this unit group: The minimum required qualification is at least five years of relevant experience and a bachelor’s degree or higher in terms of skill. Relevant experience may occasionally take the place of a formal degree.


ANZSCO Occupation & Code: Nursing Clinical Director (Code: 134212)

Skilled Occupation List: MLTSSL

Skills Assessing Authority: ANMAC

Task & Responsibilities: Plans, arranges, leads, manages, and synchronizes nursing programmes and clinical services in a hospital, assisted living facility, or other healthcare establishment; upholds nursing care standards; offers guidance to guarantee a workforce of suitably qualified nurses and midwives; and participates in health service planning. Licencing or registration might be necessary.

Visa Options: 

  • Employer Nomination Scheme visa (subclass 186)
  • Skilled Independent (subclass 189) – Points-Tested
  • Skilled Nominated (subclass 190)
  • Training visa (subclass 407)
  • Temporary Graduate (subclass 485) – Graduate Work
  • Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) – Medium Term Stream
  • Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (provisional) (subclass 494) – Employer sponsored stream
  • Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 491) State or Territory nominated
  • Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 491) Family Sponsored

Read more: Skill Assessment Australia – Complete Information


Nurse Educators And Researchers

There are two nursing occupations under this unit group with ANZSCO unit group 2542. The details of each occupations under this unit group are:


Minimum required qualification for this unit group: The minimum required qualification for all occupations under this group is a skill level equivalent to a bachelor’s degree or above, as well as at least five years of relevant work experience.


ANZSCO Occupation & Code: Nurse Educator (Code: 254211)

Skilled Occupation List: STSOL

Skills Assessing Authority: ANMAC

Task & Responsibilities: Plans, organises, carries out, assesses, and evaluates staff development and nursing education programmes, also oversees the management of educational materials.

Visa Options: 

  • Skilled Nominated (subclass 190)
  • Training visa (subclass 407)
  • Temporary Skill Shortage visa (subclass 482) – Short Term Stream
  • Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (provisional) (subclass 494) – Employer sponsored stream
  • Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 491) State or Territory nominated
  • Employer Nomination Scheme visa (subclass 186) – Transition Pathway
ANZSCO Occupation & Code: Nurse Researcher (Code: 254212)

Skilled Occupation List: STSOL

Skills Assessing Authority: ANMAC

Task & Responsibilities: Plans, organises, carries out, assesses, and evaluates staff development and nursing education programmes, also oversees the management of educational materials.

Visa Options: 

  • Skilled Nominated (subclass 190)
  • Training visa (subclass 407)
  • Temporary Skill Shortage visa (subclass 482) – Short Term Stream
  • Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (provisional) (subclass 494) – Employer sponsored stream
  • Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 491) State or Territory nominated
  • Employer Nomination Scheme visa (subclass 186) – Transition Pathway

Nurse Managers

There is one nursing occupation under this unit group with ANZSCO unit group 2543. The details of each occupations under this unit group are:


Minimum required qualification for this unit group: The minimum required qualification for a nursing job in this unit group is a skill level equivalent to a bachelor’s degree or above, as well as at least five years of relevant work experience.

ANZSCO Occupation & Code: Nurse Manager (Code: 254311)

Skilled Occupation List: STSOL

Skills Assessing Authority: ANMAC

Task & Responsibilities: Oversees the supervision of nursing staff and financial resources to enable the provision of safe, cost-effective nursing care within a specific field or for a particular unit; oversees the management of a health service unit or sub-unit of a hospital, aged care facility, or community health care facility; and keeps an eye on the quality, clinical standards, and professional development of nurses. It is necessary to obtain a licence or register.

Visa Options: 

  • Skilled Nominated (subclass 190)
  • Training visa (subclass 407)
  • Temporary Skill Shortage visa (subclass 482) – Short Term Stream
  • Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (provisional) (subclass 494) – Employer sponsored stream
  • Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 491) State or Territory nominated
  • Employer Nomination Scheme visa (subclass 186) – Transition Pathway

Registered Nurses

There are 13 nursing occupations under this unit group with ANZSCO unit group 2544. The details of each occupations under this unit group are:


Minimum required qualification for this unit group: The minimum required qualification in this unit group is a bachelor’s degree or higher education. In some cases, in addition to the official qualification, relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be necessary.

ANZSCO Occupation & Code: Nurse Practitioner (Code: 254411)

Skilled Occupation List: MLTSSL

Skills Assessing Authority: ANMAC

Task & Responsibilities: Provides patients with advanced and extended nursing care, including arranging for diagnostic tests, performing health assessments and diagnosis, prescribing medications and therapies, managing patient care, and making referrals to other health professionals and specialists in a variety of health, welfare, and community settings, as permitted by applicable nursing legislation. It is necessary to obtain a licence or register.

Visa Options:

  • Employer Nomination Scheme visa (subclass 186)
  • Skilled Independent (subclass 189) – Points-Tested
  • Skilled Nominated (subclass 190)
  • Training visa (subclass 407)
  • Temporary Graduate (subclass 485) – Graduate Work
  • Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) – Medium Term Stream
  • Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (provisional) (subclass 494) – Employer sponsored stream
  • Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 491) State or Territory nominated
  • Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 491) Family Sponsored
ANZSCO Occupation & Code: Registered Nurse (Aged Care) (Code: 254412)

Skilled Occupation List: MLTSSL

Skills Assessing Authority: ANMAC

Task & Responsibilities: Provides nursing care to senior citizens in residential aged care facilities, retirement communities, and medical facilities as well as in community settings. It is necessary to obtain a licence or register.

Visa Options:

  • Employer Nomination Scheme visa (subclass 186)
  • Skilled Independent (subclass 189) – Points-Tested
  • Skilled Nominated (subclass 190)
  • Training visa (subclass 407)
  • Temporary Graduate (subclass 485) – Graduate Work
  • Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) – Medium Term Stream
  • Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (provisional) (subclass 494) – Employer sponsored stream
  • Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 491) State or Territory nominated
  • Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 491) Family Sponsored

Read more: Guidelines from 482 Visa to PR in 2024: How Much Does It Costs and What Are the Pathways?

ANZSCO Occupation & Code: Registered Nurse (Child and Family Health) (Code: 254413)

Skilled Occupation List: MLTSSL

Skills Assessing Authority: ANMAC

Task & Responsibilities: Offers nursing care to children and their families from birth to school age, with a focus on early identification, prevention, and intervention of physical, emotional, and social issues that impact children and their families. This includes support with parenting, vaccinations, and developmental milestones. It is necessary to obtain a licence or register.

Visa Options: 

  • Employer Nomination Scheme visa (subclass 186)
  • Skilled Independent (subclass 189) – Points-Tested
  • Skilled Nominated (subclass 190)
  • Training visa (subclass 407)
  • Temporary Graduate (subclass 485) – Graduate Work
  • Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) – Medium Term Stream
  • Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (provisional) (subclass 494) – Employer sponsored stream
  • Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 491) State or Territory nominated
  • Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 491) Family Sponsored
ANZSCO Occupation & Code: Registered Nurse (Community Health) (Code: 254414)

Skilled Occupation List: MLTSSL

Skills Assessing Authority: ANMAC

Task & Responsibilities: Offers nursing care to children and their families from birth to school age, with a focus on early identification, prevention, and intervention of physical, emotional, and social issues that impact children and their families. This includes support with parenting, vaccinations, and developmental milestones. It is necessary to obtain a licence or register.

Visa Options: 

  • Employer Nomination Scheme visa (subclass 186)
  • Skilled Independent (subclass 189) – Points-Tested
  • Skilled Nominated (subclass 190)
  • Training visa (subclass 407)
  • Temporary Graduate (subclass 485) – Graduate Work
  • Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) – Medium Term Stream
  • Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (provisional) (subclass 494) – Employer sponsored stream
  • Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 491) State or Territory nominated
  • Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 491) Family Sponsored
ANZSCO Occupation & Code: Registered Nurse (Critical Care and Emergency) (Code: 254415)

Skilled Occupation List: MLTSSL

Skills Assessing Authority: ANMAC

Task & Responsibilities: Provides critical care nursing care in settings like high dependency units, intensive care units, emergency departments, or retrieval services to patients who are critically ill, unstable in their health after surgery, injury, or during the acute phase of disease. Care is integrated with new technological equipment. It is necessary to obtain a licence or register.

Visa Options:

  • Employer Nomination Scheme visa (subclass 186)
  • Skilled Independent (subclass 189) – Points-Tested
  • Skilled Nominated (subclass 190)
  • Training visa (subclass 407)
  • Temporary Graduate (subclass 485) – Graduate Work
  • Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) – Medium Term Stream
  • Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (provisional) (subclass 494) – Employer sponsored stream
  • Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 491) State or Territory nominated
  • Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 491) Family Sponsored


ANZSCO Occupation & Code: Registered Nurse (Developmental Disability) (Code: 254416)

Skilled Occupation List: MLTSSL

Skills Assessing Authority: ANMAC

Task & Responsibilities: Gives nursing care in a variety of health, welfare, and community settings to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. It is necessary to obtain a licence or register.

Visa Options: 

  • Employer Nomination Scheme visa (subclass 186)
  • Skilled Independent (subclass 189) – Points-Tested
  • Skilled Nominated (subclass 190)
  • Training visa (subclass 407)
  • Temporary Graduate (subclass 485) – Graduate Work
  • Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) – Medium Term Stream
  • Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (provisional) (subclass 494) – Employer sponsored stream
  • Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 491) State or Territory nominated
  • Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 491) Family Sponsored
ANZSCO Occupation & Code: Registered Nurse (Disability and Rehabilitation) (Code: 254417)

Skilled Occupation List: MLTSSL

Skills Assessing Authority: ANMAC

Task & Responsibilities: Gives patients nursing care the support they need to heal from illnesses and injuries, as well as helping patients with disabilities live more independently. It is necessary to obtain a licence or register.

Visa Options:

  • Employer Nomination Scheme visa (subclass 186)
  • Skilled Independent (subclass 189) – Points-Tested
  • Skilled Nominated (subclass 190)
  • Training visa (subclass 407)
  • Temporary Graduate (subclass 485) – Graduate Work
  • Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) – Medium Term Stream
  • Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (provisional) (subclass 494) – Employer sponsored stream
  • Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 491) State or Territory nominated
  • Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 491) Family Sponsored
ANZSCO Occupation & Code: Registered Nurse (Medical) (Code: 254418)

Skilled Occupation List: MLTSSL

Skills Assessing Authority: ANMAC

Task & Responsibilities: Provides nursing care in a variety of health, aged care, and community settings to patients with conditions that call for medical intervention, such as infections, metabolic disorders, and degenerative conditions. It is necessary to obtain a licence or register.

Visa Options:

  • Employer Nomination Scheme visa (subclass 186)
  • Skilled Independent (subclass 189) – Points-Tested
  • Skilled Nominated (subclass 190)
  • Training visa (subclass 407)
  • Temporary Graduate (subclass 485) – Graduate Work
  • Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) – Medium Term Stream
  • Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (provisional) (subclass 494) – Employer sponsored stream
  • Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 491) State or Territory nominated
  • Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 491) Family Sponsored
ANZSCO Occupation & Code: Registered Nurse (Medical Practice) (Code: 254421)

Skilled Occupation List: MLTSSL

Skills Assessing Authority: ANMAC

Task & Responsibilities: Delivers clinical care to patients, manages the clinical organisation and practice, and helps people communicate both inside the general practice setting and with other organisations and people. It is necessary to obtain a licence or register.

Visa Options:

  • Employer Nomination Scheme visa (subclass 186)
  • Skilled Independent (subclass 189) – Points-Tested
  • Skilled Nominated (subclass 190)
  • Training visa (subclass 407)
  • Temporary Graduate (subclass 485) – Graduate Work
  • Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) – Medium Term Stream
  • Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (provisional) (subclass 494) – Employer sponsored stream
  • Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 491) State or Territory nominated
  • Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 491) Family Sponsored

Read more: Can I Apply for Work Visa After Overstay in Australia?


ANZSCO Occupation & Code: Registered Nurse (Mental Health) (Code: 254422)

Skilled Occupation List: MLTSSL

Skills Assessing Authority: ANMAC

Task & Responsibilities: Administers nursing care to patients in health, welfare, and aged care facilities, as well as the community, who are suffering from mental illness, disorder, or dysfunction, as well as emotional challenges, distress, or crisis. It is necessary to obtain a licence or register.

Visa Options: 

  • Employer Nomination Scheme visa (subclass 186)
  • Skilled Independent (subclass 189) – Points-Tested
  • Skilled Nominated (subclass 190)
  • Training visa (subclass 407)
  • Temporary Graduate (subclass 485) – Graduate Work
  • Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) – Medium Term Stream
  • Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (provisional) (subclass 494) – Employer sponsored stream
  • Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 491) State or Territory nominated
  • Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 491) Family Sponsored
ANZSCO Occupation & Code: Registered Nurse (Perioperative) (Code: 254423)

Skilled Occupation List: MLTSSL

Skills Assessing Authority: ANMAC

Task & Responsibilities: Maintains a safe and comfortable environment, helps surgeons and anaesthetists during surgery, assesses patients’ conditions, plans nursing care for surgical intervention, gives patients nursing care before, during, and immediately after surgery, and keeps track of patients’ anaesthetic recovery before they are discharged from the ward or returned to it. It is necessary to obtain a licence or register.

Visa Options:

  • Employer Nomination Scheme visa (subclass 186)
  • Skilled Independent (subclass 189) – Points-Tested
  • Skilled Nominated (subclass 190)
  • Training visa (subclass 407)
  • Temporary Graduate (subclass 485) – Graduate Work
  • Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) – Medium Term Stream
  • Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (provisional) (subclass 494) – Employer sponsored stream
  • Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 491) State or Territory nominated
  • Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 491) Family Sponsored
ANZSCO Occupation & Code: Registered Nurse (Surgical) (Code: 254424)

Skilled Occupation List: MLTSSL

Skills Assessing Authority: ANMAC

Task & Responsibilities: Maintains a safe and comfortable environment, helps surgeons and anaesthetists during surgery, assesses patients’ conditions, plans nursing care for surgical intervention, gives patients nursing care before, during, and immediately after surgery, and keeps track of patients’ anaesthetic recovery before they are discharged from the ward or returned to it. It is necessary to obtain a licence or register.

Visa Options:

  • Employer Nomination Scheme visa (subclass 186)
  • Skilled Independent (subclass 189) – Points-Tested
  • Skilled Nominated (subclass 190)
  • Training visa (subclass 407)
  • Temporary Graduate (subclass 485) – Graduate Work
  • Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) – Medium Term Stream
  • Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (provisional) (subclass 494) – Employer sponsored stream
  • Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 491) State or Territory nominated
  • Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 491) Family Sponsored
ANZSCO Occupation & Code: Registered Nurse Nec (Code: 254499)

Skilled Occupation List: MLTSSL

Skills Assessing Authority: ANMAC

Task & Responsibilities: All registered nurses who are not otherwise classified fall under this occupational group. It is necessary to obtain a licence or register.

Occupation under this group:

  • Nursing Officer (Defence Forces)
  • Registered Nurse (Infection Control)
  • Registered Nurse (Paediatrics)
  • Registered Nurse (Remote or Rural Area)

Visa Options:

  • Employer Nomination Scheme visa (subclass 186)
  • Skilled Independent (subclass 189) – Points-Tested
  • Skilled Nominated (subclass 190)
  • Training visa (subclass 407)
  • Temporary Graduate (subclass 485) – Graduate Work
  • Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) – Medium Term Stream
  • Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (provisional) (subclass 494) – Employer sponsored stream
  • Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 491) State or Territory nominated
  • Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 491) Family Sponsored

By adhering to these procedures and requirements, you can successfully embark on their journey to migrate to Australia as a nurse and on the path of permanent residency. However, we at ONEderland Consulting know how difficult and emotionally draining it can be processing a Working Visa and making the move towards permanent residency in Australia. Throughout your journey, we are committed to offering empathetic and individualised support while paying close attention to your particular circumstances and goals.