
Clay Masks: What are the steps to use these appropriately

The summers are here and people have started planning for vacations but with all that enjoyment comes badly tanned skin. While coming back from vacation we all need some magic to help our skin heal and remove all that tanning and dead skin. And for this, you can try the latest clay masks. These are known for removing all that tanned skin and brightening up your skin tone. The best thing is that you don’t have to waste your time making the mask. These are ready-to-apply face masks and it takes you a minute or two to apply it all over your face. In case, you have no idea how to use these Clay mask sticks, you can read the below-mentioned tips:


Step 1: Wash your face with a good quality cleanser that can remove impurities and clean the skin. If you are using a face wash recommended by your dermatologist, then you must consult your doctor before applying any face pack. Sometimes these include some ingredients that can react with your facewash resulting in rashes and irritation.


Now, you have the Roll-on stick that you bought from your favorite store, start applying it evenly all over your face. Do not rub the stick hard against your face. Keep it slow and firm so that it moves freely.

Next, wait for another 15-20 minutes till the mask dries up and then rinse it off.


Finally, use a good quality moisturizer to lock in the moisture content. You can feel that smoothness and hydration by just touching the face.


Thus, if you want to see a clear complexion, its time to buy the clay masks from a good store and start using them regularly. It is going to save you a lot of time, efforts and money.