
The Danger of a Godless Human Rights

January 9


Straight from the Pastor’s Heart by Dr. Hernes Abante


Judges 21:25 - “In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes.”

The idea of "human rights" in today's world is dangerous. It represents a form of individual rights that lacks the presence and the absolute standard of God. As a firm advocate for godly human rights, I stand for individual rights bestowed by the Lord, as clearly stated in the Scriptures.

The current human rights movement fails to ensure equal rights for all and has instead sparked competition between one person's rights and another's. People are exercising their rights while trampling on and hindering others' rights. This is a far cry from the true principle of liberty. We must stand for what is right and stop compromising our godly values.

True liberty can only be achieved when human rights ensure equal liberty to all. Any violation of another person's rights in exercising our rights is inhumane and contradicts the fundamental principle of individual freedom.

Following the demise of Joshua, the Israelites were consumed by their interests, resulting in a lack of cohesion among them. The various tribes were at odds, leading to internal conflicts and battles. The once united community had become divided, with no clear sense of direction or leadership, causing a great deal of uncertainty and unrest among the people. 

The Israelites displayed a pattern of behavior that was marked by disobedience, repentance, and relapse into their old ways. Despite God's repeated warnings and punishments, they continued to act selfishly and sinfully. As a result, the Lord withheld his blessings from them in their battles against their enemies. Despite numerous opportunities for change, the Israelites refused to learn from their mistakes and continued on a path of wickedness and pride. Sadly, this pattern of behavior is still evident in the world today.

In today's world, it seems that everyone is focused on their self-interest, encouraged and enabled by the prevailing societal structures that prioritize personal gain above all else. Unfortunately, this often means that people disregard the principles and standards set forth by the Lord, choosing instead to pursue their own goals at any cost. 

As followers of Christ, it is important that we do not fall into the trap of promoting human rights without considering the rights of others. The human rights we advocate for must align with God's teachings and the laws of the land. 

Ultimately, the solution to this dilemma is not to seek out a human king or ruler to guide us but rather to submit ourselves to the true King of Kings - that is, to put our faith and trust in God.

Our Prayer for today:

We come before You, dear Lord, and ask for Your guidance and wisdom, especially for those who profess their belief in You. May we pursue "human rights" that align with the principles outlined in Your Word. Lord, help us remember that it is only through Your grace that we can enjoy the rights and freedom You have bestowed upon us. As we experience these blessings, we pray that we may also be a source of encouragement and blessings to others. We deeply desire to see others experience the freedom in Christ that leads to eternal salvation and faithful service. We offer this prayer in the name of Jesus, Amen.