
INFO ESPHome 2024.3.0
INFO Reading configuration /config/esphome/esphome-web-71afe8.yaml...
WARNING GPIO0 is a strapping PIN and should only be used for I/O with care.
Attaching external pullup/down resistors to strapping pins can cause unexpected failures.
See https://esphome.io/guides/faq.html#why-am-i-getting-a-warning-about-strapping-pins
INFO Generating C++ source...
INFO Compiling app...
Processing esphome-web-71afe8 (board: esp32dev; framework: arduino; platform: platformio/espressif32@5.4.0)
HARDWARE: ESP32 240MHz, 320KB RAM, 4MB Flash
 - toolchain-xtensa-esp32 @ 8.4.0+2021r2-patch5
Dependency Graph
|-- AsyncTCP-esphome @ 2.1.3
|-- WiFi @ 2.0.0
|-- FS @ 2.0.0
|-- Update @ 2.0.0
|-- ESPAsyncWebServer-esphome @ 3.1.0
|-- DNSServer @ 2.0.0
|-- ESPmDNS @ 2.0.0
|-- Wire @ 2.0.0
|-- noise-c @ 0.1.4
RAM:   [=         ]  12.6% (used 41424 bytes from 327680 bytes)
Flash: [======    ]  55.6% (used 1020665 bytes from 1835008 bytes)
========================= [SUCCESS] Took 2.66 seconds =========================
INFO Successfully compiled program.
INFO Resolving IP address of esphome-web-71afe8.local
INFO  ->
INFO Uploading /data/build/esphome-web-71afe8/.pioenvs/esphome-web-71afe8/firmware.bin (1026432 bytes)
Uploading: [============================================================] 100% Done...

INFO Upload took 22.12 seconds, waiting for result...
INFO OTA successful
INFO Successfully uploaded program.
INFO Starting log output from esphome-web-71afe8.local using esphome API
WARNING Can't connect to ESPHome API for esphome-web-71afe8.local: Error connecting to [AddrInfo(family=<AddressFamily.AF_INET: 2>, type=<SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM: 1>, proto=6, sockaddr=IPv4Sockaddr(address='', port=6053))]: [Errno 111] Connect call failed ('', 6053) (SocketAPIError)
INFO Trying to connect to esphome-web-71afe8.local in the background
INFO Successfully connected to esphome-web-71afe8 @ in 0.026s
INFO Successful handshake with esphome-web-71afe8 @ in 0.278s
[11:59:29][I][app:102]: ESPHome version 2024.3.0 compiled on Mar 21 2024, 11:58:25
[11:59:29][C][wifi:580]: WiFi:
[11:59:29][C][wifi:408]:   Local MAC: ***
[11:59:29][C][wifi:413]:   SSID: 'ASUS'[redacted]
[11:59:29][C][wifi:416]:   IP Address:
[11:59:29][C][wifi:420]:   BSSID: ****[redacted]
[11:59:29][C][wifi:421]:   Hostname: 'esphome-web-71afe8'
[11:59:29][C][wifi:423]:   Signal strength: -87 dB ▂▄▆█
[11:59:29][C][wifi:427]:   Channel: 1
[11:59:29][C][wifi:428]:   Subnet:
[11:59:29][C][wifi:429]:   Gateway:
[11:59:29][C][wifi:430]:   DNS1:
[11:59:29][C][wifi:431]:   DNS2:
[11:59:29][C][logger:166]: Logger:
[11:59:29][C][logger:167]:   Level: DEBUG
[11:59:29][C][logger:169]:   Log Baud Rate: 115200
[11:59:29][C][logger:170]:   Hardware UART: UART0
[11:59:29][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:29][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:29][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:29][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:29][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:29][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:30][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (310 ms).
[11:59:30][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[11:59:30][C][i2c.arduino:059]: I2C Bus:
[11:59:30][C][i2c.arduino:060]:   SDA Pin: GPIO21
[11:59:30][C][i2c.arduino:061]:   SCL Pin: GPIO22
[11:59:30][C][i2c.arduino:062]:   Frequency: 50000 Hz
[11:59:30][C][i2c.arduino:065]:   Recovery: bus successfully recovered
[11:59:30][I][i2c.arduino:075]: Results from i2c bus scan:
[11:59:30][I][i2c.arduino:081]: Found i2c device at address 0x3C
[11:59:30][C][template.sensor:022]: Template Sensor 'Flujo de agua'
[11:59:30][C][template.sensor:022]:   State Class: ''
[11:59:30][C][template.sensor:022]:   Unit of Measurement: 'l/min'
[11:59:30][C][template.sensor:022]:   Accuracy Decimals: 1
[11:59:30][C][template.sensor:022]:   Icon: 'mdi:water'
[11:59:30][C][template.sensor:023]:   Update Interval: 6.0s
[11:59:30][C][pulse_counter:160]: Pulse Counter 'pulso agua'
[11:59:30][C][pulse_counter:160]:   State Class: 'measurement'
[11:59:30][C][pulse_counter:160]:   Unit of Measurement: 'pulses/min'
[11:59:30][C][pulse_counter:160]:   Accuracy Decimals: 2
[11:59:30][C][pulse_counter:160]:   Icon: 'mdi:pulse'
[11:59:30][C][pulse_counter:161]:   Pin: GPIO19
[11:59:30][C][pulse_counter:162]:   Rising Edge: INCREMENT
[11:59:30][C][pulse_counter:163]:   Falling Edge: DISABLE
[11:59:30][C][pulse_counter:164]:   Filtering pulses shorter than 13 µs
[11:59:30][C][pulse_counter:165]:   Update Interval: 6.0s
[11:59:30][C][pulse_meter:090]: Pulse Meter 'Medidor pulsos agua'
[11:59:30][C][pulse_meter:090]:   State Class: 'measurement'
[11:59:30][C][pulse_meter:090]:   Unit of Measurement: 'litros/min'
[11:59:30][C][pulse_meter:090]:   Accuracy Decimals: 2
[11:59:30][C][pulse_meter:090]:   Icon: 'mdi:water'
[11:59:30][C][pulse_meter:091]:   Pin: GPIO19
[11:59:30][C][pulse_meter:093]:   Filtering rising edges less than 13 µs apart
[11:59:30][C][pulse_meter:098]:   Assuming 0 pulses/min after not receiving a pulse for 300s
[11:59:30][C][ssd1306_i2c:023]: I2C SSD1306
[11:59:30][C][ssd1306_i2c:023]:   Rotations: 0 °
[11:59:30][C][ssd1306_i2c:023]:   Dimensions: 128px x 64px
[11:59:30][C][ssd1306_i2c:024]:   Address: 0x3C
[11:59:30][C][ssd1306_i2c:025]:   Model: SSD1306 128x64
[11:59:30][C][ssd1306_i2c:026]:   Reset Pin: GPIO0
[11:59:30][C][ssd1306_i2c:027]:   External VCC: NO
[11:59:30][C][ssd1306_i2c:028]:   Flip X: YES
[11:59:30][C][ssd1306_i2c:029]:   Flip Y: YES
[11:59:30][C][ssd1306_i2c:030]:   Offset X: 0
[11:59:30][C][ssd1306_i2c:031]:   Offset Y: 0
[11:59:30][C][captive_portal:088]: Captive Portal:
[11:59:30][C][mdns:115]: mDNS:
[11:59:30][C][mdns:116]:   Hostname: esphome-web-71afe8
[11:59:30][C][ota:096]: Over-The-Air Updates:
[11:59:30][C][ota:097]:   Address: esphome-web-71afe8.local:3232
[11:59:30][C][ota:103]:   OTA version: 2.
[11:59:30][C][api:139]: API Server:
[11:59:30][C][api:140]:   Address: esphome-web-71afe8.local:6053
[11:59:30][C][api:142]:   Using noise encryption: YES
[11:59:30][C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]: WiFi Signal 'WiFi ESP'
[11:59:30][C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]:   Device Class: 'signal_strength'
[11:59:30][C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]:   State Class: 'measurement'
[11:59:30][C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]:   Unit of Measurement: 'dBm'
[11:59:30][C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]:   Accuracy Decimals: 0
[11:59:30][C][homeassistant.sensor:030]: Homeassistant Sensor 'total_agua'
[11:59:30][C][homeassistant.sensor:030]:   State Class: ''
[11:59:30][C][homeassistant.sensor:030]:   Unit of Measurement: ''
[11:59:30][C][homeassistant.sensor:030]:   Accuracy Decimals: 1
[11:59:30][C][homeassistant.sensor:031]:   Entity ID: 'sensor.esphome_web_71afe8_total_agua'
[11:59:30][C][homeassistant.sensor:030]: Homeassistant Sensor 'total_consumo_agua_global'
[11:59:30][C][homeassistant.sensor:030]:   State Class: ''
[11:59:30][C][homeassistant.sensor:030]:   Unit of Measurement: ''
[11:59:30][C][homeassistant.sensor:030]:   Accuracy Decimals: 1
[11:59:30][C][homeassistant.sensor:031]:   Entity ID: 'input_number.total_consumo_agua_global'
[11:59:30][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:30][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:30][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:30][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:30][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:30][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:31][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (302 ms).
[11:59:31][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[11:59:31][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:31][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:31][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:31][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:31][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:31][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:32][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (306 ms).
[11:59:32][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[11:59:32][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:32][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:32][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:32][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:32][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:32][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:33][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (302 ms).
[11:59:33][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[11:59:33][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:33][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:33][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:33][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:33][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:33][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:34][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (303 ms).
[11:59:34][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[11:59:34][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:34][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:34][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:34][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:34][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:34][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:35][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (303 ms).
[11:59:35][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[11:59:35][D][pulse_counter:174]: 'pulso agua': Retrieved counter: 0.00 pulses/min
[11:59:35][D][sensor:094]: 'pulso agua': Sending state 0.00000 pulses/min with 2 decimals of accuracy
[11:59:35][D][sensor:094]: 'Flujo de agua': Sending state 0.00000 l/min with 1 decimals of accuracy
[11:59:35][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:35][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:35][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:35][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:35][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:35][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:36][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[11:59:36][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[11:59:36][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:36][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:36][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:36][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:36][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:36][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:37][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[11:59:37][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[11:59:37][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:37][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:37][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:37][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:37][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:37][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:38][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[11:59:38][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[11:59:38][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:38][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:38][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:38][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:38][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:38][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:39][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[11:59:39][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[11:59:39][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:39][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:39][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:39][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:39][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:39][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:40][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (307 ms).
[11:59:40][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[11:59:40][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:40][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:40][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:40][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:40][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:40][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:41][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (303 ms).
[11:59:41][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[11:59:41][D][pulse_counter:174]: 'pulso agua': Retrieved counter: 0.00 pulses/min
[11:59:41][D][sensor:094]: 'pulso agua': Sending state 0.00000 pulses/min with 2 decimals of accuracy
[11:59:41][D][sensor:094]: 'Flujo de agua': Sending state 0.00000 l/min with 1 decimals of accuracy
[11:59:41][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:41][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:41][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:41][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:41][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:41][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:42][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[11:59:42][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[11:59:42][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:42][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:42][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:42][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:42][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:42][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:43][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (303 ms).
[11:59:43][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[11:59:43][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:43][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:43][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:43][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:43][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:43][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:44][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (302 ms).
[11:59:44][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[11:59:44][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:44][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:44][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:44][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:44][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:44][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:45][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[11:59:45][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[11:59:45][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:45][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:45][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:45][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:45][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:45][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:46][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (302 ms).
[11:59:46][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[11:59:46][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:46][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:46][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:46][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:46][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:46][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:47][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (313 ms).
[11:59:47][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[11:59:47][D][pulse_counter:174]: 'pulso agua': Retrieved counter: 0.00 pulses/min
[11:59:47][D][sensor:094]: 'pulso agua': Sending state 0.00000 pulses/min with 2 decimals of accuracy
[11:59:47][D][sensor:094]: 'Flujo de agua': Sending state 0.00000 l/min with 1 decimals of accuracy
[11:59:47][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:47][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:47][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:47][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:47][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:47][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:48][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[11:59:48][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[11:59:48][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:48][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:48][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:48][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:48][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:48][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:49][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (303 ms).
[11:59:49][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[11:59:49][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:49][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:49][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:49][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:49][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:49][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:50][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[11:59:50][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[11:59:50][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:50][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:50][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:50][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:50][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:50][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:51][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (303 ms).
[11:59:51][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[11:59:51][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:51][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:51][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:51][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:51][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:51][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:52][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[11:59:52][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[11:59:52][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:52][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:52][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:52][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:52][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:52][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:53][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (306 ms).
[11:59:53][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[11:59:53][D][pulse_counter:174]: 'pulso agua': Retrieved counter: 0.00 pulses/min
[11:59:53][D][sensor:094]: 'pulso agua': Sending state 0.00000 pulses/min with 2 decimals of accuracy
[11:59:53][D][sensor:094]: 'Flujo de agua': Sending state 0.00000 l/min with 1 decimals of accuracy
[11:59:53][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:53][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:53][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:53][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:53][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:53][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:54][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[11:59:54][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[11:59:54][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:54][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:54][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:54][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:54][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:54][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:55][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[11:59:55][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[11:59:55][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:55][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:55][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:55][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:55][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:55][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:56][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (301 ms).
[11:59:56][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[11:59:56][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:56][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:56][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:56][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:56][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:56][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:57][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (302 ms).
[11:59:57][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[11:59:57][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:57][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:57][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:57][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:57][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:57][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:58][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[11:59:58][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[11:59:58][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:58][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:58][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:58][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[11:59:58][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:00][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:00][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (302 ms).
[12:00:01][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:01][D][pulse_counter:174]: 'pulso agua': Retrieved counter: 0.00 pulses/min
[12:00:01][D][sensor:094]: 'pulso agua': Sending state 0.00000 pulses/min with 2 decimals of accuracy
[12:00:01][D][sensor:094]: 'Flujo de agua': Sending state 0.00000 l/min with 1 decimals of accuracy
[12:00:01][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:01][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:01][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:01][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:01][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:01][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:01][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (312 ms).
[12:00:01][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:01][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:01][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:01][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:01][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:02][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (302 ms).
[12:00:02][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (300 ms).
[12:00:02][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:02][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:02][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:02][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:02][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:02][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:02][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:03][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (302 ms).
[12:00:03][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:03][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:03][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:03][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:03][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:03][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:03][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:04][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (302 ms).
[12:00:04][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:04][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:04][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:04][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:04][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:04][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:04][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:05][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[12:00:05][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:05][D][pulse_counter:174]: 'pulso agua': Retrieved counter: 0.00 pulses/min
[12:00:05][D][sensor:094]: 'pulso agua': Sending state 0.00000 pulses/min with 2 decimals of accuracy
[12:00:05][D][sensor:094]: 'Flujo de agua': Sending state 0.00000 l/min with 1 decimals of accuracy
[12:00:05][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:05][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:05][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:05][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:05][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:05][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:06][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[12:00:06][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:06][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:06][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:06][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:06][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:06][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:06][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:07][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (302 ms).
[12:00:07][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:07][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:07][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:07][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:07][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:07][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:07][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:08][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (306 ms).
[12:00:08][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:08][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:08][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:08][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:08][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:08][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:08][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:09][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (302 ms).
[12:00:09][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:09][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:09][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:09][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:09][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:09][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:09][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:10][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (303 ms).
[12:00:10][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:10][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:10][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:10][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:10][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:10][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:10][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:11][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (302 ms).
[12:00:11][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:11][D][pulse_counter:174]: 'pulso agua': Retrieved counter: 0.00 pulses/min
[12:00:11][D][sensor:094]: 'pulso agua': Sending state 0.00000 pulses/min with 2 decimals of accuracy
[12:00:11][D][sensor:094]: 'Flujo de agua': Sending state 0.00000 l/min with 1 decimals of accuracy
[12:00:11][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:11][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:11][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:11][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:11][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:11][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:12][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[12:00:12][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:12][D][sensor:094]: 'WiFi ESP': Sending state -85.00000 dBm with 0 decimals of accuracy
[12:00:12][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:12][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:12][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:12][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:12][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:12][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:13][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (307 ms).
[12:00:13][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:13][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:13][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:13][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:13][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:13][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:13][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:14][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[12:00:14][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:14][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:14][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:14][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:14][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:14][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:14][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:15][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[12:00:15][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:15][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:15][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:15][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:15][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:15][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:15][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:16][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[12:00:16][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:16][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:16][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:16][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:16][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:16][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:16][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:17][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[12:00:17][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:17][D][pulse_counter:174]: 'pulso agua': Retrieved counter: 0.00 pulses/min
[12:00:17][D][sensor:094]: 'pulso agua': Sending state 0.00000 pulses/min with 2 decimals of accuracy
[12:00:17][D][sensor:094]: 'Flujo de agua': Sending state 0.00000 l/min with 1 decimals of accuracy
[12:00:17][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:17][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:17][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:17][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:17][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:17][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:18][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[12:00:18][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:18][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:18][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:18][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:18][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:18][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:18][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:19][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[12:00:19][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:19][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:19][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:19][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:19][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:19][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:19][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:20][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[12:00:20][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:20][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:20][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:20][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:20][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:20][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:20][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:21][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (309 ms).
[12:00:21][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:21][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:21][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:21][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:21][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:21][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:21][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:22][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (303 ms).
[12:00:22][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:22][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:22][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:22][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:22][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:22][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:22][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:23][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (303 ms).
[12:00:23][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:23][D][pulse_counter:174]: 'pulso agua': Retrieved counter: 0.00 pulses/min
[12:00:23][D][sensor:094]: 'pulso agua': Sending state 0.00000 pulses/min with 2 decimals of accuracy
[12:00:23][D][sensor:094]: 'Flujo de agua': Sending state 0.00000 l/min with 1 decimals of accuracy
[12:00:23][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:23][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:23][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:23][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:23][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:23][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:24][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (302 ms).
[12:00:24][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:24][D][sensor:094]: 'total_agua': Sending state nan  with 1 decimals of accuracy
[12:00:24][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:24][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:24][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:24][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:24][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:24][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:25][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (303 ms).
[12:00:25][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:25][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:25][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:25][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:25][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:25][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:25][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:26][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[12:00:26][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:26][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:26][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:26][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:26][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:26][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:26][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:27][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[12:00:27][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:27][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:27][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:27][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:27][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:27][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:27][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:28][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[12:00:28][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:28][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:28][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:28][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:28][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:28][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:28][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:29][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[12:00:29][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:29][D][pulse_counter:174]: 'pulso agua': Retrieved counter: 0.00 pulses/min
[12:00:29][D][sensor:094]: 'pulso agua': Sending state 0.00000 pulses/min with 2 decimals of accuracy
[12:00:29][D][sensor:094]: 'Flujo de agua': Sending state 0.00000 l/min with 1 decimals of accuracy
[12:00:29][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:29][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:29][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:29][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:29][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:29][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:30][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (302 ms).
[12:00:30][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:30][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:30][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:30][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:30][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:30][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:30][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:31][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (302 ms).
[12:00:31][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:31][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:31][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:31][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:31][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:31][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:31][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:32][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[12:00:32][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:32][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:32][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:32][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:32][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:32][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:32][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:33][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (302 ms).
[12:00:33][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:33][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:33][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:33][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:33][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:33][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:33][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:34][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (303 ms).
[12:00:34][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:34][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:34][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:34][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:34][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:34][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:34][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:35][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (306 ms).
[12:00:35][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:35][D][pulse_counter:174]: 'pulso agua': Retrieved counter: 0.00 pulses/min
[12:00:35][D][sensor:094]: 'pulso agua': Sending state 0.00000 pulses/min with 2 decimals of accuracy
[12:00:35][D][sensor:094]: 'Flujo de agua': Sending state 0.00000 l/min with 1 decimals of accuracy
[12:00:35][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:35][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:35][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:35][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:35][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:35][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:36][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[12:00:36][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:36][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:36][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:36][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:36][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:36][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:36][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:37][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[12:00:37][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:37][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:37][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:37][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:37][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:37][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:37][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:38][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (302 ms).
[12:00:38][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:38][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:38][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:38][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:38][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:38][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:38][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:39][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (309 ms).
[12:00:39][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:39][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:39][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:39][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:39][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:39][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:39][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:40][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (307 ms).
[12:00:40][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:40][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:40][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:40][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:40][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:40][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:40][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:41][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (303 ms).
[12:00:41][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:41][D][pulse_counter:174]: 'pulso agua': Retrieved counter: 0.00 pulses/min
[12:00:41][D][sensor:094]: 'pulso agua': Sending state 0.00000 pulses/min with 2 decimals of accuracy
[12:00:41][D][sensor:094]: 'Flujo de agua': Sending state 0.00000 l/min with 1 decimals of accuracy
[12:00:41][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:41][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:41][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:41][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:41][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:41][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:42][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (302 ms).
[12:00:42][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:42][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:42][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:42][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:42][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:42][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:42][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:43][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (303 ms).
[12:00:43][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:43][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:43][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:43][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:43][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:43][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:43][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:44][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[12:00:44][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:44][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:44][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:44][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:44][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:44][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:44][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:45][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (302 ms).
[12:00:45][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:45][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:45][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:45][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:45][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:45][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:45][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:46][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[12:00:46][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:46][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:46][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:46][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:46][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:46][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:46][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:47][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (307 ms).
[12:00:47][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:47][D][pulse_counter:174]: 'pulso agua': Retrieved counter: 0.00 pulses/min
[12:00:47][D][sensor:094]: 'pulso agua': Sending state 0.00000 pulses/min with 2 decimals of accuracy
[12:00:47][D][sensor:094]: 'Flujo de agua': Sending state 0.00000 l/min with 1 decimals of accuracy
[12:00:47][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:47][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:47][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:47][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:47][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:47][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:48][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[12:00:48][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:48][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:48][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:48][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:48][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:48][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:48][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:49][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[12:00:49][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:49][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:49][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:49][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:49][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:49][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:49][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:50][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (301 ms).
[12:00:50][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:50][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:50][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:50][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:50][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:50][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:50][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:51][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[12:00:51][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:51][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:51][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:51][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:51][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:51][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:51][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:52][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (307 ms).
[12:00:52][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:52][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:52][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:52][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:52][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:52][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:52][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:53][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (303 ms).
[12:00:53][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:53][D][pulse_counter:174]: 'pulso agua': Retrieved counter: 0.00 pulses/min
[12:00:53][D][sensor:094]: 'pulso agua': Sending state 0.00000 pulses/min with 2 decimals of accuracy
[12:00:53][D][sensor:094]: 'Flujo de agua': Sending state 0.00000 l/min with 1 decimals of accuracy
[12:00:53][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:53][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:53][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:53][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:53][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:53][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:54][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[12:00:54][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:54][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:54][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:54][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:54][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:54][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:54][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:55][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (302 ms).
[12:00:55][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:55][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:55][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:55][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:55][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:55][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:55][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:56][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[12:00:56][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:56][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:56][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:56][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:56][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:56][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:56][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:57][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (301 ms).
[12:00:57][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:57][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:57][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:57][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:57][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:57][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:57][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:58][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (302 ms).
[12:00:58][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:58][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:58][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:58][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:58][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:58][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:58][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:59][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (307 ms).
[12:00:59][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:00:59][D][pulse_counter:174]: 'pulso agua': Retrieved counter: 0.00 pulses/min
[12:00:59][D][sensor:094]: 'pulso agua': Sending state 0.00000 pulses/min with 2 decimals of accuracy
[12:00:59][D][sensor:094]: 'Flujo de agua': Sending state 0.00000 l/min with 1 decimals of accuracy
[12:00:59][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:59][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:59][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:59][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:59][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:00:59][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:00][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (306 ms).
[12:01:00][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:00][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:00][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:00][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:00][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:00][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:00][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:01][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[12:01:01][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:01][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:01][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:01][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:01][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:01][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:01][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:02][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (302 ms).
[12:01:02][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:02][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:02][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:02][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:02][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:02][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:02][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:03][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (301 ms).
[12:01:03][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:03][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:03][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:03][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:03][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:03][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:03][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:04][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (302 ms).
[12:01:04][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:04][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:04][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:04][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:04][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:04][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:04][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:05][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (306 ms).
[12:01:05][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:05][D][pulse_counter:174]: 'pulso agua': Retrieved counter: 0.00 pulses/min
[12:01:05][D][sensor:094]: 'pulso agua': Sending state 0.00000 pulses/min with 2 decimals of accuracy
[12:01:05][D][sensor:094]: 'Flujo de agua': Sending state 0.00000 l/min with 1 decimals of accuracy
[12:01:05][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:05][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:05][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:05][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:05][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:05][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:06][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (302 ms).
[12:01:06][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:06][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:06][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:06][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:06][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:06][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:06][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:07][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (306 ms).
[12:01:07][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:07][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:07][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:07][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:07][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:07][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:07][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:08][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[12:01:08][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:08][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:08][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:08][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:08][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:08][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:08][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:09][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[12:01:09][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:09][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:09][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:09][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:09][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:09][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:09][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:10][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (303 ms).
[12:01:10][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:10][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:10][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:10][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:10][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:10][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:10][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:11][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (302 ms).
[12:01:11][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:11][D][pulse_counter:174]: 'pulso agua': Retrieved counter: 0.00 pulses/min
[12:01:11][D][sensor:094]: 'pulso agua': Sending state 0.00000 pulses/min with 2 decimals of accuracy
[12:01:11][D][sensor:094]: 'Flujo de agua': Sending state 0.00000 l/min with 1 decimals of accuracy
[12:01:11][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:11][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:11][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:11][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:11][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:11][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:12][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (303 ms).
[12:01:12][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:12][D][sensor:094]: 'WiFi ESP': Sending state -86.00000 dBm with 0 decimals of accuracy
[12:01:12][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:12][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:12][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:12][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:12][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:12][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:13][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (301 ms).
[12:01:13][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:13][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:13][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:13][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:13][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:13][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:13][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:14][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (309 ms).
[12:01:14][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:14][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:14][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:14][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:14][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:14][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:14][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:15][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[12:01:15][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:15][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:15][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:15][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:15][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:15][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:15][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:16][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (303 ms).
[12:01:16][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:16][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:16][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:16][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:16][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:16][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:16][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:17][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[12:01:17][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:17][D][pulse_counter:174]: 'pulso agua': Retrieved counter: 0.00 pulses/min
[12:01:17][D][sensor:094]: 'pulso agua': Sending state 0.00000 pulses/min with 2 decimals of accuracy
[12:01:17][D][sensor:094]: 'Flujo de agua': Sending state 0.00000 l/min with 1 decimals of accuracy
[12:01:17][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:17][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:17][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:17][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:17][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:17][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:18][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[12:01:18][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:18][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:18][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:18][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:18][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:18][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:18][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:19][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[12:01:19][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:19][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:19][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:19][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:19][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:19][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:19][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:20][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[12:01:20][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:20][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:20][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:20][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:20][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:20][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:20][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:21][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (303 ms).
[12:01:21][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:21][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:21][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:21][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:21][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:21][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:21][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:22][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (302 ms).
[12:01:22][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:22][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:22][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:22][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:22][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:22][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:22][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:23][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[12:01:23][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:23][D][pulse_counter:174]: 'pulso agua': Retrieved counter: 0.00 pulses/min
[12:01:23][D][sensor:094]: 'pulso agua': Sending state 0.00000 pulses/min with 2 decimals of accuracy
[12:01:23][D][sensor:094]: 'Flujo de agua': Sending state 0.00000 l/min with 1 decimals of accuracy
[12:01:23][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:23][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:23][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:23][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:23][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:23][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:24][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (302 ms).
[12:01:24][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:24][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:24][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:24][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:24][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:24][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:24][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:25][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (302 ms).
[12:01:25][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:25][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:25][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:25][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:25][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:25][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:25][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:26][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (303 ms).
[12:01:26][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:26][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:26][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:26][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:26][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:26][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:26][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:27][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[12:01:27][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:27][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:27][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:27][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:27][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:27][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:27][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:28][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (303 ms).
[12:01:28][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:28][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:28][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:28][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:28][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:28][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:28][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:29][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (303 ms).
[12:01:29][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:29][D][pulse_counter:174]: 'pulso agua': Retrieved counter: 0.00 pulses/min
[12:01:29][D][sensor:094]: 'pulso agua': Sending state 0.00000 pulses/min with 2 decimals of accuracy
[12:01:29][D][sensor:094]: 'Flujo de agua': Sending state 0.00000 l/min with 1 decimals of accuracy
[12:01:29][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:29][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:29][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:29][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:29][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:29][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:30][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (313 ms).
[12:01:30][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:30][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:30][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:30][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:30][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:30][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:30][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:31][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (302 ms).
[12:01:31][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:31][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:31][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:31][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:31][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:31][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:31][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:32][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (302 ms).
[12:01:32][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:32][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:32][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:32][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:32][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:32][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:32][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:33][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (302 ms).
[12:01:33][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:33][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:33][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:33][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:33][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:33][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:33][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:34][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (301 ms).
[12:01:34][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:34][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:34][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:34][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:34][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:34][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:34][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:35][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[12:01:35][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:35][D][pulse_counter:174]: 'pulso agua': Retrieved counter: 0.00 pulses/min
[12:01:35][D][sensor:094]: 'pulso agua': Sending state 0.00000 pulses/min with 2 decimals of accuracy
[12:01:35][D][sensor:094]: 'Flujo de agua': Sending state 0.00000 l/min with 1 decimals of accuracy
[12:01:35][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:35][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:35][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:35][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:35][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:35][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:36][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (302 ms).
[12:01:36][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:36][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:36][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:36][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:36][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:36][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:36][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:37][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (302 ms).
[12:01:37][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:37][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:37][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:37][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:37][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:37][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:37][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:38][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (303 ms).
[12:01:38][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:38][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:38][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:38][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:38][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:38][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:38][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:39][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (303 ms).
[12:01:39][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:39][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:39][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:39][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:39][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:39][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:39][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:40][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (301 ms).
[12:01:40][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:40][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:40][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:40][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:40][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:40][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:40][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:41][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (302 ms).
[12:01:41][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:41][D][pulse_counter:174]: 'pulso agua': Retrieved counter: 0.00 pulses/min
[12:01:41][D][sensor:094]: 'pulso agua': Sending state 0.00000 pulses/min with 2 decimals of accuracy
[12:01:41][D][sensor:094]: 'Flujo de agua': Sending state 0.00000 l/min with 1 decimals of accuracy
[12:01:41][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:41][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:41][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:41][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:41][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:41][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:42][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (301 ms).
[12:01:42][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:42][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:42][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:42][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:42][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:42][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:42][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:43][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[12:01:43][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:43][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:43][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:43][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:43][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:43][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:43][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:44][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[12:01:44][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:44][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:44][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:44][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:44][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:44][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:44][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:45][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (301 ms).
[12:01:45][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:45][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:45][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:45][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:45][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:45][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:45][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:46][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (306 ms).
[12:01:46][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:46][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:46][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:46][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:46][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:46][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:46][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:47][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[12:01:47][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:47][D][pulse_counter:174]: 'pulso agua': Retrieved counter: 0.00 pulses/min
[12:01:47][D][sensor:094]: 'pulso agua': Sending state 0.00000 pulses/min with 2 decimals of accuracy
[12:01:47][D][sensor:094]: 'Flujo de agua': Sending state 0.00000 l/min with 1 decimals of accuracy
[12:01:47][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:47][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:47][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:47][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:47][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:47][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:48][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[12:01:48][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:48][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:48][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:48][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:48][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:48][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:48][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:49][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (303 ms).
[12:01:49][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:49][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:49][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:49][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:49][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:49][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:49][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:50][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[12:01:50][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:50][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:50][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:50][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:50][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:50][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:50][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:51][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (301 ms).
[12:01:51][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:51][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:51][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:51][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:51][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:51][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:51][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:52][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (306 ms).
[12:01:52][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:52][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:52][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:52][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:52][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:52][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:52][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:53][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (307 ms).
[12:01:53][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:53][D][pulse_counter:174]: 'pulso agua': Retrieved counter: 0.00 pulses/min
[12:01:53][D][sensor:094]: 'pulso agua': Sending state 0.00000 pulses/min with 2 decimals of accuracy
[12:01:53][D][sensor:094]: 'Flujo de agua': Sending state 0.00000 l/min with 1 decimals of accuracy
[12:01:53][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:53][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:53][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:53][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:53][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:53][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:54][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[12:01:54][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:54][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:54][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:54][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:54][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:54][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:54][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:55][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[12:01:55][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:55][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:55][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:55][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:55][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:55][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:55][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:56][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[12:01:56][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:56][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:56][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:56][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:56][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:56][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:56][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:57][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[12:01:57][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:57][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:57][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:57][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:57][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:57][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:57][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:58][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (303 ms).
[12:01:58][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:01:58][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:58][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:58][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:58][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:58][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:01:58][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:00][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[12:02:00][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:01][D][pulse_counter:174]: 'pulso agua': Retrieved counter: 0.00 pulses/min
[12:02:01][D][sensor:094]: 'pulso agua': Sending state 0.00000 pulses/min with 2 decimals of accuracy
[12:02:01][D][sensor:094]: 'Flujo de agua': Sending state 0.00000 l/min with 1 decimals of accuracy
[12:02:01][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:01][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:01][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:01][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:01][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:01][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:01][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[12:02:01][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:01][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:01][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:01][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:01][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:01][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:02][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (301 ms).
[12:02:02][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (300 ms).
[12:02:02][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:02][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:02][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:02][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:02][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:02][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:02][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:03][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (303 ms).
[12:02:03][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:03][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:03][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:03][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:03][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:03][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:03][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:04][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[12:02:04][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:04][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:04][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:04][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:04][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:04][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:04][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:05][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (307 ms).
[12:02:05][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:05][D][pulse_counter:174]: 'pulso agua': Retrieved counter: 0.00 pulses/min
[12:02:05][D][sensor:094]: 'pulso agua': Sending state 0.00000 pulses/min with 2 decimals of accuracy
[12:02:05][D][sensor:094]: 'Flujo de agua': Sending state 0.00000 l/min with 1 decimals of accuracy
[12:02:05][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:05][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:05][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:05][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:05][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:05][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:06][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[12:02:06][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:06][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:06][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:06][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:06][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:06][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:06][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:07][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (302 ms).
[12:02:07][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:07][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:07][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:07][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:07][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:07][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:07][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:08][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (303 ms).
[12:02:08][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:08][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:08][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:08][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:08][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:08][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:08][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:09][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (306 ms).
[12:02:09][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:09][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:09][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:09][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:09][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:09][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:09][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:10][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (312 ms).
[12:02:10][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:10][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:10][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:10][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:10][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:10][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:10][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:11][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (302 ms).
[12:02:11][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:11][D][pulse_counter:174]: 'pulso agua': Retrieved counter: 0.00 pulses/min
[12:02:11][D][sensor:094]: 'pulso agua': Sending state 0.00000 pulses/min with 2 decimals of accuracy
[12:02:11][D][sensor:094]: 'Flujo de agua': Sending state 0.00000 l/min with 1 decimals of accuracy
[12:02:11][D][sensor:094]: 'Total Agua': Sending state 1.00000 litros with 0 decimals of accuracy
[12:02:11][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:11][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:11][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:11][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:11][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:11][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:12][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (311 ms).
[12:02:12][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:12][D][sensor:094]: 'Total Agua': Sending state 59.00000 litros with 0 decimals of accuracy
[12:02:12][D][sensor:094]: 'Medidor pulsos agua': Sending state 1891.29395 litros/min with 2 decimals of accuracy
[12:02:12][D][homeassistant.sensor:024]: 'sensor.esphome_web_71afe8_total_agua': Got state 1.00
[12:02:12][D][sensor:094]: 'total_agua': Sending state 1.00000  with 1 decimals of accuracy
[12:02:12][D][sensor:094]: 'WiFi ESP': Sending state -87.00000 dBm with 0 decimals of accuracy
[12:02:12][D][homeassistant.sensor:024]: 'sensor.esphome_web_71afe8_total_agua': Got state 59.00
[12:02:12][D][sensor:094]: 'total_agua': Sending state 59.00000  with 1 decimals of accuracy
[12:02:12][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:12][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:12][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:12][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:12][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:12][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:13][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (302 ms).
[12:02:13][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:13][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:13][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:13][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:13][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:13][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:13][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:14][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (307 ms).
[12:02:14][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:14][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:14][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:14][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:14][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:14][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:14][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:15][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[12:02:15][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:15][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:15][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:15][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:15][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:15][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:15][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:16][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[12:02:16][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:16][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:16][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:16][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:16][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:16][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:16][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:17][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[12:02:17][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:17][D][pulse_counter:174]: 'pulso agua': Retrieved counter: 590.49 pulses/min
[12:02:17][D][sensor:094]: 'pulso agua': Sending state 59.04921 pulses/min with 2 decimals of accuracy
[12:02:17][D][sensor:094]: 'Flujo de agua': Sending state 59.04921 l/min with 1 decimals of accuracy
[12:02:17][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:17][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:17][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:17][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:17][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:17][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:18][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (308 ms).
[12:02:18][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:18][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:18][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:18][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:18][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:18][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:18][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:19][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (303 ms).
[12:02:19][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:19][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:19][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:19][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:19][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:19][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:19][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:20][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[12:02:20][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:20][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:20][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:20][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:20][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:20][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:20][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:21][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (306 ms).
[12:02:21][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:21][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:21][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:21][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:21][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:21][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:21][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:22][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[12:02:22][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:22][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:22][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:22][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:22][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:22][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:22][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:23][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[12:02:23][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:23][D][pulse_counter:174]: 'pulso agua': Retrieved counter: 0.00 pulses/min
[12:02:23][D][sensor:094]: 'pulso agua': Sending state 0.00000 pulses/min with 2 decimals of accuracy
[12:02:23][D][sensor:094]: 'Flujo de agua': Sending state 0.00000 l/min with 1 decimals of accuracy
[12:02:23][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:23][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:23][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:23][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:23][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:23][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:24][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[12:02:24][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:24][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:24][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:24][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:24][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:24][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:24][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:25][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[12:02:25][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:25][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:25][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:25][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:25][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:25][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:25][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:26][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[12:02:26][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:26][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:26][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:26][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:26][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:26][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:26][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:27][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (303 ms).
[12:02:27][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:27][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:27][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:27][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:27][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:27][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:27][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:28][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (303 ms).
[12:02:28][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:28][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:28][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:28][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:28][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:28][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:28][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:29][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (306 ms).
[12:02:29][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:29][D][pulse_counter:174]: 'pulso agua': Retrieved counter: 0.00 pulses/min
[12:02:29][D][sensor:094]: 'pulso agua': Sending state 0.00000 pulses/min with 2 decimals of accuracy
[12:02:29][D][sensor:094]: 'Flujo de agua': Sending state 0.00000 l/min with 1 decimals of accuracy
[12:02:29][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:29][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:29][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:29][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:29][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:29][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:30][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[12:02:30][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:30][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:30][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:30][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:30][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:30][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:30][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:31][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[12:02:31][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:31][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:31][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:31][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:31][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:31][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:31][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:32][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (303 ms).
[12:02:32][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:32][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:32][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:32][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:32][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:32][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:32][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:33][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (303 ms).
[12:02:33][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:33][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:33][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:33][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:33][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:33][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:33][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:34][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[12:02:34][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:34][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:34][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:34][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:34][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:34][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:34][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:35][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (306 ms).
[12:02:35][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:35][D][pulse_counter:174]: 'pulso agua': Retrieved counter: 0.00 pulses/min
[12:02:35][D][sensor:094]: 'pulso agua': Sending state 0.00000 pulses/min with 2 decimals of accuracy
[12:02:35][D][sensor:094]: 'Flujo de agua': Sending state 0.00000 l/min with 1 decimals of accuracy
[12:02:35][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:35][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:35][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:35][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:35][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:35][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:36][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[12:02:36][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:36][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:36][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:36][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:36][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:36][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:36][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:37][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[12:02:37][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:37][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:37][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:37][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:37][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:37][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:37][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:38][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[12:02:38][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:38][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:38][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:38][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:38][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:38][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:38][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:39][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[12:02:39][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:39][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:39][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:39][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:39][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:39][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:39][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:40][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[12:02:40][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:40][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:40][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:40][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:40][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:40][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:40][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:41][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[12:02:41][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:41][D][pulse_counter:174]: 'pulso agua': Retrieved counter: 0.00 pulses/min
[12:02:41][D][sensor:094]: 'pulso agua': Sending state 0.00000 pulses/min with 2 decimals of accuracy
[12:02:41][D][sensor:094]: 'Flujo de agua': Sending state 0.00000 l/min with 1 decimals of accuracy
[12:02:41][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:41][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:41][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:41][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:41][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:41][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:42][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (302 ms).
[12:02:42][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:42][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:42][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:42][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:42][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:42][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:42][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:43][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[12:02:43][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:43][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:43][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:43][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:43][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:43][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:43][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:44][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (303 ms).
[12:02:44][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:44][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:44][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:44][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:44][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:44][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:44][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:45][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[12:02:45][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:45][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:45][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:45][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:45][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:45][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:45][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:46][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (302 ms).
[12:02:46][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:46][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:46][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:46][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:46][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:46][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:46][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:47][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[12:02:47][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:47][D][pulse_counter:174]: 'pulso agua': Retrieved counter: 0.00 pulses/min
[12:02:47][D][sensor:094]: 'pulso agua': Sending state 0.00000 pulses/min with 2 decimals of accuracy
[12:02:47][D][sensor:094]: 'Flujo de agua': Sending state 0.00000 l/min with 1 decimals of accuracy
[12:02:47][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:47][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:47][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:47][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:47][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:47][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:48][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (303 ms).
[12:02:48][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:48][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:48][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:48][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:48][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:48][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:48][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:49][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[12:02:49][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:49][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:49][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:49][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:49][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:49][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:49][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:50][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (306 ms).
[12:02:50][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:50][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:50][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:50][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:50][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:50][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:50][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:51][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (307 ms).
[12:02:51][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:51][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:51][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:51][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:51][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:51][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:51][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:52][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[12:02:52][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:52][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:52][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:52][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:52][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:52][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:52][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:53][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (303 ms).
[12:02:53][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:53][D][pulse_counter:174]: 'pulso agua': Retrieved counter: 0.00 pulses/min
[12:02:53][D][sensor:094]: 'pulso agua': Sending state 0.00000 pulses/min with 2 decimals of accuracy
[12:02:53][D][sensor:094]: 'Flujo de agua': Sending state 0.00000 l/min with 1 decimals of accuracy
[12:02:53][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:53][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:53][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:53][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:53][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:53][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:54][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[12:02:54][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:54][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:54][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:54][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:54][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:54][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:54][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:55][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (303 ms).
[12:02:55][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:55][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:55][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:55][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:55][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:55][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:55][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:56][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (302 ms).
[12:02:56][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:56][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:56][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:56][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:56][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:56][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:56][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:57][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (303 ms).
[12:02:57][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:57][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:57][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:57][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:57][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:57][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:57][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:58][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (303 ms).
[12:02:58][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:58][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:58][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:58][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:58][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:58][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:58][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:59][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (306 ms).
[12:02:59][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:02:59][D][pulse_counter:174]: 'pulso agua': Retrieved counter: 0.00 pulses/min
[12:02:59][D][sensor:094]: 'pulso agua': Sending state 0.00000 pulses/min with 2 decimals of accuracy
[12:02:59][D][sensor:094]: 'Flujo de agua': Sending state 0.00000 l/min with 1 decimals of accuracy
[12:02:59][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:59][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:59][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:59][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:59][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:02:59][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:00][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[12:03:00][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:03:00][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:00][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:00][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:00][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:00][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:00][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:01][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[12:03:01][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:03:01][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:01][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:01][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:01][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:01][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:01][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:02][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[12:03:02][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:03:02][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:02][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:02][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:02][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:02][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:02][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:03][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (306 ms).
[12:03:03][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:03:03][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:03][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:03][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:03][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:03][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:03][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:04][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[12:03:04][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:03:04][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:04][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:04][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:04][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:04][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:04][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:05][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (306 ms).
[12:03:05][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:03:05][D][pulse_counter:174]: 'pulso agua': Retrieved counter: 0.00 pulses/min
[12:03:05][D][sensor:094]: 'pulso agua': Sending state 0.00000 pulses/min with 2 decimals of accuracy
[12:03:05][D][sensor:094]: 'Flujo de agua': Sending state 0.00000 l/min with 1 decimals of accuracy
[12:03:05][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:05][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:05][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:05][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:05][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:05][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:06][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (301 ms).
[12:03:06][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:03:06][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:06][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:06][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:06][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:06][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:06][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:07][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[12:03:07][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:03:07][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:07][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:07][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:07][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:07][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:07][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:08][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (306 ms).
[12:03:08][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:03:08][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:08][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:08][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:08][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:08][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:08][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:09][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[12:03:09][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:03:09][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:09][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:09][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:09][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:09][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:09][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:10][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (305 ms).
[12:03:10][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:03:10][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:10][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:10][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:10][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:10][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:10][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:11][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (304 ms).
[12:03:11][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[12:03:11][D][pulse_counter:174]: 'pulso agua': Retrieved counter: 0.00 pulses/min
[12:03:11][D][sensor:094]: 'pulso agua': Sending state 0.00000 pulses/min with 2 decimals of accuracy
[12:03:11][D][sensor:094]: 'Flujo de agua': Sending state 0.00000 l/min with 1 decimals of accuracy
[12:03:11][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:11][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:11][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:11][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:11][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:11][W][font:112]: Encountered character without representation in font: '|'
[12:03:12][W][component:232]: Component display took a long time for an operation (311 ms).
[12:03:12][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.