
Infinity Cube Chapter 18 (Patreon Pre-Release)



“You’ve got to be kidding me.” There was no fucking way.. I had set up everything in a bit of a rush, sure, but this shouldn't have been possible.


To my right in the kitchen stood Mei Lin, she looked undoubtedly different but she wasn't even supposed to come back home. I assumed the Vtuber streamer girl would've written herself out of Alice's life after becoming someone else's dream girl. Apparently not, much to my annoyance. Instead, Mei Lin had just become an even hotter shortstack.


The new slightly taller girl next to her had much more average proportions. Although, they both looked pretty similar… Sisters? Mei Lin didn't have a sister, I knew that. I had made sure my memory wouldn't be affected by the sticky notes, but now I wasn't actually sure what had been changed.. 


To my left, sitting in the living room there was an older Asian woman, but her tits.. They were fucking massive, bigger than Mei Lin despite seeming to be around the same height if not shorter. Judging by the luggage, I assumed they were Mei Lin’s mom.. And Korean? Did she really have her entire race change from Chinese to Korean? Who’s dream girl did she become?! This was actually starting to get ridiculous.


Then there was Claire, who didn't seem any different; I'd made sure the blonde wouldn't be affected by the notes as well as they weren't meant for her. 


And finally… Alice. “What the..” She had started taking off her shirt when I activated the cube, exposing her… Her.. Superior tits..


I could only describe them as leviathan globes of pure perfection. Unable to stop staring into her canyon of cleavage, I found myself stepping closer.


I felt so.. Small.. So weak, so inferior.. my tits by comparison were non-existent. Something inside my mind begged and pleaded for me to drop to my knees and pray. To give proper reverence to the Goddess before me.


“No!” I couldn't allow myself to give in! Even if I knew I wanted to.. There was nothing I hated more than that feeling. Ingrained in all women, etched into my DNA.


My submission.. I hated how much I enjoyed it, how much I craved it. I felt the rage in my chest burning in my lungs as I stopped breathing. I won't lose to her; I will never let myself lose to her ever again. There’s no way… “NO!”

My vision split, like a crack on a screen, a barrage of colors swarming out of the shattering glass of reality before me. Scribbles of red, green, and blue all writhing like parasitic worms, growing larger and larger around me. Until.. The squiggly chaotic aberrations folded together, blending into an infinite void of white nothingness. All that was left was me and… Alice…? Wh..? No, it wasn’t Alice; the girl- woman, before me.. Her hair was messy and unkempt, her clothes were baggy, plain. Her breasts weren’t anything special, just barely bigger than mine.. Everything about her felt so boring? Even her posture was terrible. She was the polar opposite of Alice. She was the girl I had fallen in love with when we were- “Elizabeth?”

I had stopped, my body halfway crouched to the floor before her; I almost didn't notice the flash of orange light covering my body.. Another hallucination? Putting that thought away I slowly stood back up, before stepping away, trying my best not to sneak a small peek. The ache of desire never fully went away, but it paled in comparison to the loathing I had for Alice and her stupid fucking tits.

“You really got me there for a second. Bravo, I mean that; good effort.. However, I won’t go down that easily.” I chuckled between heavy breaths. “I don’t know what you did, but it doesn’t matter anymore. It’s my turn and oh you better fucking believe I am going to enjoy this!” My cackling really did sound maniacal; the look of fear on their stupid faces only made me laugh harder.

I released Claire from the cube's hold. “Claire, tape the MILF’s mouth. I’ve had enough of her yapping.” I commanded; the Korean woman with the second largest bust in the room had been yelling at me in her native language this whole time. I welcomed the quiet as Claire shut the bitch up for me.

“Romeo Yankee Alfa November Alfa Tango Tango India Charlie Charlie Uniform Bravo Echo,” Alice chanted incoherently in a hushed voice. 


I wasn’t listening, and I didn’t care. Her boobs might have been supernaturally alluring, but she was clearly too stupid comprehend the situation. With the cube in my possession, my notes, armed with an IQ of 150, I had become an unstoppable force. I could almost tangibly sense the flow of unlimited power coursing through my body. An incredible yet ethereal sensation and it felt so… Hot.. Like my soul was on the verge of orgasm.

I settled my lust filled eyes on Mei Lin and the girl next to her. My smile widened unsettlingly, sauntering over to my next test subjects. “Mei Lin, I really wish you hadn’t come back for Her. We could have been friends, you know. Oh well… And you-”

“W-what’s going on? Why can’t I move? I-I’m scared, please don’t hurt us!” The girl panicked with a slightly heavier accent than Mei Lin’s. She struggled adorably for a few moments while I watched. Only barely able to wiggle her fingers at the most, but the energy field held her steady.

“Pay attention bitches.” I snarled before noticing the salt container in Mei Lin's hand. It would be easy to have assumed Mei had been the one affected, but looking at their faces.. “So-Hae you-”... How did I know her name? “You’re a futa.”



My head was swimming; nothing made any sense. My brain tried to keep up but to no avail. We were cooking dinner, then this girl shows up and everything starts falling apart. Mom was yelling something I didn’t understand.. I think it was Chinese? She didn’t know Chinese.. I-

“I'm.. a what?”

“You're a futanari. You have a nine inch dick.”

“I'm a f-f-fuck! What are you d-doing to me?”
“You're a futanari. You have a nine inch dick.”
“I’m a.. I’m a futanari? I what no! I don’t even know what that is!”

The blue haired girl stepped closer; I could smell.. Her pussy was.. She put her hand on my crotch which twitched in response.

“You're a futanari. You have a nine inch dick.” She whispered directly into my ear, her natural scent wafting over my mind so strongly now..

“I’m a futanari. I have a nine inch dick.” I felt so ashamed, my secret..

“Good girl, see how easy that was?” They giggled, squeezing my cock tightly. I couldn’t stop myself from letting out a long deep moan.

I was a real life futanari, not trans or anything explainable, I should have been classified as intersex, but my DNA tests always just came back with unremarkable XX chromosomes. No obvious genetic markers for why I had a penis and balls instead of a vagina and ovaries. 


“Something is wrong! I don't have a d-dick?” I sputtered trying my best to figure out what genitals I had my entire life. I could feel my cock throbbing, and the bulge in my pants was undeniable.. “How did you?”


“You remember?” The girl gasped, stepping away from me, seemingly shocked herself.


“Remember what? Millie what did you do to my sister!?” Mei Lin growled in her own obvious confusion.


“T-this, I mean.. My penis.” I whispered, unable to do anything to hide my blush nor my erection.


“What?! You've always had a cock So-Hae, don't tell me she just.. Millie! What the fuck!? Fix her right now!” Mei Lin screamed at her in my defense.


“Fix her? Pfft, this is an improvement.” Millie shrugged dismissively, “Why should I? Do you think you have a better idea? Hm?” 


“Because it's wrong.” Mei countered starkly. “She didn't even exist until today!”


I didn't what?!


“Oh? How very interesting.. Regardless, even if it is wrong, I don't give two fucks. You love your sister’s cock, it's irresistible.”


Mei Lin


I couldn't stop myself from staring at So-Hae’s bulge.. It was.. I-


“I love my s-s-stop it you sick fuck!” I yelled trying to fight the cube's power, but it was futile..

“You love your sister's cock, it's irresistible.”

“I love.. My sister's cock…” 


I wanted to cry, I wanted So-Hae to fuck me.. I wanted her cock; I couldn't stop myself from thinking about it.. I couldn't look away from her crotch..


“You love your sister’s cock, it's irresistible.”

“I love my sister's cock, it's irresistible.” I whispered quietly. 


I was so embarrassed. Mother had been grunting angrily through her taped mouth, but fell silent at my admission of guilt. 


I couldn't remember how many times I'd seduced my sister after highschool.. Literally. There were no new memories despite still somehow knowing that I most certainly had done it before. 


Something wasn't right. Ever since Alice convinced me to make her a lesbian, my own series of altered timelines had been compounded but never overwritten like hers. Until now.. Or at least they should have been, but they weren't, much to my relief; I feared losing the only constant frame of reference we had. Not to mention my deeply personal connection to the multiple past lives I had lived.


My mind whirled in a frenzy, trying to make sense of what was going on here, only to realize that I didn't actually know what Millie had done to me… Did she do something to me? Just a few moments ago I admitted to loving my sister's cock, even though I couldn't remember ever having felt that way before. Yet at the same time, I knew that I did, there's no way I couldn't have.


It's irresistible.. I-


Before I could finish the thought, my head began pounding as my vision blurred. Indescribable patterns of flashing colors engulfed my entire existence. Looking to my left there were four or maybe six? Other versions of myself lined up shoulder to shoulder, staring back at me, although their bodies didn't really match mine that much at all. They were saying something that I couldn't hear; their voices drowned out by the sound of all the colors. Mei Lin’s ability to make sense of the experience evaporated as spacetime warped, jiggled, bounced, and burst into infinitesimal tiny flakes of confetti. 


The entire universe lagged as PRIME OS compiled all available information during a scheduled automatic diagnostics check. A ping from the remnants of Infinitum v3 injected the necessary missing files into the system scan. Eventually an interpolated restore point had to be loaded; not perfect and with many errors remaining unresolved, but functional.

* * *


Something was definitely off as I effortlessly deepthroat my big sister. My throat vibrated on her cock when I involuntarily moaned from the sheer bliss of choking on such an irresistible monster. I even felt a warm sort of energetic buzz from the odd glow still wrapped around her body.


I only paused after realizing there was another outline right next to hers.. But it was empty? It was my outline.. It was meant for me… Then how was I-


“What the fuck!?” Someone yelled as the front door burst open. It turned out to be none other than our neighbor Vivian. 


Too many things we're going on all at once for me to handle, all I wanted was to get back to giving my sister a blowjob.


In an attempt to make sense of the situation, my eyes drifted to Millie, who seemed just as shocked as I was, if not more. “Millie please you have to do something, this is wrong!” I pleaded. “You need to-”


I fell silent as half of my mind transcended through countless iterations of my life as if a slot machine lever had been pulled inside my head. Most of these realities were entirely the same as I'd always known with maybe some minor differences, and then… Some were absolutely mind melting and indescribable. A few were weirdly different- 


Suddenly I couldn't remember those experiences anymore. Except for one.. My heart sank. “Jackpot!” I grinned to myself involuntarily. 


“Oh wow. What a clusterfuck this all turned out to be.. So anyway, here's what's going to happen: Millie, you're going to command me to become your evil minion and use her persuasive abilities to ascend to true godhood.” Each word that came out of my mouth made me feel more and more alien in my own body. 


I resisted with every ounce of control the original part of my brain had, but I wouldn’t allow that. “Original” is such a ridiculous contrivance. Half of me came from a fractured piece of reality where I had been the super genius who created the cube. Though Millie had made me hers from the very beginning, after I'd overslept and missed a date with Winston.. However, that universe instantly collapsed before time technically even began. 


I understood it was simply the nature of the cube to create and destroy the timelines which are generated as a byproduct of its typical process. 


All in order to retain a sense of canon or continuity.. ‘Original’ only out of artificiality. I compromised. Part of me shouldn't exist but some meta-malfunction resulted in this ‘other me’ overlapping my POV, essentially making me practically possessed. The genius part of us already figured out the entire situation while the other side struggled to catch up. 


In all likelihood, much to her relief, we understood that I would- She would vanish shortly without an anchor to this world. The ‘evil’ version of myself was already beginning to fade, letting me think a lot clearer.


So why had I crawled to Millie's feet?? 

The alternate Mei Lin, her fate had been sealed so she decided to recreate herself by proxy through me. She crawled right up to Millie and started kissing my Owner's shoes.


“You know what? That's not a bad idea.” Millie shrugged, “I'm enjoying where this is going.”


I couldn't tell if the blue haired woman had been convinced by my persuasiveness or decided on her own. Part of me chirped with excitement, while the other could only groan in disappointed terror.


The look in Millie's eyes when we peered obediently up at her shook me to our core. Something was clearly wrong- obviously, the ripples and glitches were evidence of a corrupting spacetime. Yet still.. Millie's expression… I could read my owner like a book.. She'd completely lost it.. Both halves of myself were in complete agreement in this assessment. I made a mistake, we had to stop her before-


“You’re my evil minion.” 

“Yes! I'm your evil minion!” Half of me accepted excitedly on impulsive instinct. 


The white outline of ‘void energy’ as I called it, which was supposed to be currently holding my body began to.. Stretch apart?  We weren't even looking at it but we could feel it.. Something that could possibly be described as pixel sorting(?). Pieces of either mind stretched in opposite directions while her left breast elongated downwards, phasing right through the floor. My right hand split into fractals of every possible realistic motion that could be made in four seconds. It's wave function collapsed without incident after five seconds.


When my Owner released us from the cube, our existence self corrected, restoring our body and mind.


The dumb ‘Original Mei Lin’ as she annoyingly insisted wasn't affected as far as we could tell. On the other hand, I definitely was, and I couldn't be happier. I already had sworn allegiance to my last Owner, but now this one had me safely in her clutches. A lot of me had been absorbed into the void, but what did remain became infused into this ‘canon’ reality. 


“Did I seriously just end up as a fucking Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde trope?!” I yelled in frustration while jumping up before losing control of my body again. “Something like that I suppose.” I muttered to myself. “Regardless, how may I be of service?” We bowed in polite gesture like some kind of archetypal butler or maid character.


“Help me deal with Alice, those stupid fuckbags are ruining everything. I can't even get rid of them; I've fucking tried and nothing works”


“Why not use that thi- Her?.. ” She suggested while pointing at Vivian, before I was able to wrestle my mouth back into my control. Parts of me definitely felt superior to small chested women but still, letting an evil brainwashed version of us call Vivian a ‘thing’ made me surprisingly mad. Viv was our neighbor, and she was a fucking pushover. Being used as a tool for our Owner would be the greatest fucking achievement the flatty goth cunt could ever live up to.


I.. We started to lose focus once Alice’s still visible cleavage came into view. I’m pretty sure Mom had been staring blankly for a while too, I know I would have.


We weren't the only ones either.. Vivian had been entranced all the same, already kneeling before her and ignoring everything else. If I lost myself to Alice's superior tits it would certainly interfere with my Owner's plans. 


With great effort I managed to tear myself away. Wrestling control from the dumb bitch screaming at me in our head to stop. I ignored us and whispered into my Owner's ear.


Causal shifts created by the cube couldn't be undone by the cube, but workarounds were simple enough. 


Millie laughed maniacally at my suggestion, “Why the fuck not? Vivian!” She shouted as the goth was enveloped in void energy. “You are Alice's Mother.”