
Food Pyramid

[1] theatlantic.com crunchy mom 

[2] rollingstone.com 

[3] brownpoliticalreview.org 

[4] washingtonpost.com 

[5] conspirituality.net 

[6] guardian trad wife

[7] psychologytoday.com 

[8] lachrista.substack.com 

[9] motherjones.com 

[10] peanutapp.com 

[11] buzzfeednews.com crunchymom tik tok 

[12] sciencefriday.com 

[13] CSA encyclopedia

[14] Guardian wellness to alt right

[15] CBS conspirituality

[16] pbs disinformation wellness

[17] guardian disinformation wellness

[18] ny times housewives of white supremacy

[19] open dem gateway

[20] vox white supremacy

[21] carr toxic masculinity and white supremacy

[22] gnet

[23] WP qanon roots