
Explore Timeless Style and Modern Innovation at Vespa Naples!

Vespa Naples offers a range of vintage Vespa for sale, as well as modern electric scooters in Fort Myers. With their timeless style and innovative designs, Vespa scooters cater to both classic enthusiasts and eco-conscious riders. Discover the charm of vintage Vespas or embrace sustainable urban mobility with electric scooters—all at Vespa Naples.


Vintage Vespa for Sale

Experience the golden era of scooters with our curated collection of vintage Vespas. Meticulously restored to their original glory, these classic models, such as Vespa PX and Vespa Primavera, exude timeless style while providing a memorable ride through Fort Myers.



Vespa Scooters for Sale in Fort Myers

Explore our wide selection of new Vespa scooters that embody modern Italian design. From the sleek Vespa GTS to the sporty Vespa Sprint and stylish Vespa Primavera, these scooters combine cutting-edge technology, powerful engines, and elegant aesthetics.


Electric Scooters

Join the eco-friendly movement with our range of electric scooters. These Vespas offer emission-free travel, whisper-quiet motors, swift acceleration, and impressive range, making them perfect for sustainable urban commuting without compromising style.


Unmatched Expertise and Service

Our knowledgeable team at Vespa Naples provides exceptional service, offering personalized recommendations and reliable maintenance for your Vespa. We are passionate about Vespa scooters and committed to ensuring an extraordinary Vespa experience for each rider.


Join the Vespa Community

When you choose Vespa Naples, you become part of a vibrant community of Vespa enthusiasts. Connect with like-minded riders, participate in group rides, and celebrate the joy of owning a Vespa through our organized meetups and events.



Discover the perfect Vespa at Vespa Naples, where vintage elegance meets modern innovation. Whether you're captivated by classic Vespa models or seeking sustainable urban mobility with electric scooter, Vespa Naples is your destination in Fort Myers. Embrace timeless style or eco-friendly commuting—choose Vespa Naples for exceptional Vespa scooters for sale in Fort Myers.