
The Best Places to Post Press Releases to Stay Ahead of the Curve

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@anonymous · Mar 2, 2023

Get Ahead of the Curve: Where to Publish Press Releases

Content marketing has become the most important way to build brand awareness and attract new followers. But how do you get the word out about your content, especially if it's not published in a traditional publication? That's where press releases come in. Press releases are published communications that are distributed to news outlets and other media sources to announce something new or noteworthy about your business or organization. If you've been wondering how to get new company press release out there, this guide will t

ell you exactly how!


Online Press Release Distribution Services

If you're looking to get your press release out there, there are a few services that will help you.

Press Release Distribution Services (PRDS) may be the best way to go in this case because they distribute your releases across all platforms and social media channels. The benefit of using a PRDS is how easy it is: just upload your file, add content, and choose who should receive it.

The downside? They charge per submission or day depending on what type of service package fits your needs best. For example, if someone wants an email blast sent out every three hours for five days straight then this might not be the best choice for them since sending emails back and forth takes time away from other tasks like writing blog posts or creating social media posts while still having enough energy left over at night after working long days during which they haven't slept much due t

Online News Sites

News sites are always looking for new content and are a great place to get your message out to a wide audience.

Some news sites have specific sections for company launch press release sample, but many do not. If you'd like your release to appear on an article page, you can include it as part of the body text or use a tag with the headline link (see the example below).


Print and Broadcast Media

Print and broadcast media are still very important. Print media is the most trusted source of news, and they have a large audience that you can reach. But it's also ha

rd to get your press release into print because there's no paywall or barrier between you and your readers.

So how do you publish a press release effectively? The answer: You need to know people at these outlets--especially those who review books or write columns on writing--and then pitch them with compelling stories about yourself (and why they should give a shit).


Social Media

Social media is the fastest-growing form of communication

nd it's a great way to get your message out there. You can use social media to promote your business, product or service by creating a profile on platforms like Facebook and Twitter, which will allow people to follow your updates. If you have a blog, then consider sharing some articles with followers through links in posts as well as through direct invitations (e.g., @username).

Social media has also become an excellent tool for connecting with customers--you could send them an email newsletter with news about new products or services that they might be interested in purchasing later on down the line after seeing their favorite brand mentioned on social media platforms such as Facebook Groups where members discuss similar interests together using hashtags like


Press Release Networks

A press release network is a company that distributes your how to write a business press release to multiple other media outlets.

A good press release network will distribute your press release to thousands of media outlets and you'll get a lot more exposure for it than if you tried to do it yourself.



Blogs are a great way to get your story out there. Blogs can target specific audiences, build your brand, promote your products or services, and even promote that one product or service that everyone needs but no one wants to buy. If you have an idea for a blog post and don't know where to start, here are some tips:

  • Write about an area of interest for yourself or for others (especially if it's something related to what you do). You don't need the best writing skills--just make sure the content is interesting enough that people will want more information!

  • Target specific audiences based on demographics such as age group/gender/location etc.. For example: "How I Got My First Influencer Marketing Job" might be relevant only if someone reading this blog is also interested in influencers because they happen across my job title while searching online

Industry Publications

  • Look for publications that are relevant to your business.

  • Make sure the publication is relevant to your industry.

  • Look for publications with a large readership and high-quality content.

  • Check out how well respected in the community or industry it is: if there are other businesses using this publication as a reference point, then it's likely well respected by others as well--and that means more people will read it!

Industry Associations

The associations in your industry are an excellent way to get your new company launch press release example in front of a large number of people. They can also help you reach industry influencers and gain new clientele, which is critical for any business. If you're looking for employees, associations have connections with recruiters who specialize in hiring professionals from the same field as yours. These connections could result in leads for high-paying jobs or internships (which many companies offer).


Email Campaigns

Email marketing is still a great way to reach people today. It's also one of the most effective ways to keep your name in front of the eyes of potential clients, and it can be used for a variety of purposes. However, you should always remember that email campaigns are not an excuse for spamming or overdoing it--you're not going to get anywhere by sending out 10 emails per day (unless you're doing some sort of opt-in list building).

Here are some tips for running successful email campaigns:

  • Keep things simple! Don't go overboard on creativity or overly complicated designs; focus on keeping things clean and professional looking instead.

  • Include calls-to-action at all times--especially when asking people to take action on something they've already received (like signing up for an upcoming event).

Online Communities

Online communities are a great way to get your message in front of a large audience, build your brand, and network with other people in your industry. But you need to be careful about what you post on these sites because there are many scams out there that look like legitimate news stories.

To avoid becoming one of these victims, follow these tips:

  • Look up the site's reputation. If they're well-known or have been around for a while then they're probably trustworthy (or at least worth checking out). Look them up online before posting anything so that you can see how much traffic they get and how often people leave comments on their articles/posts. This will help gauge whether or not this is a good place for you to post business press release example or simply link back directly from yours!


So, now that you know where to publish your press releases, it’s time to get started. With so many options out there and a whole host of different websites offering their own unique services and tools for public relations professionals, it can be tough to decide which one is right for you. Luckily we’ve done all the hard work for you! We’ve compiled a list of our top five favorite places on the Internet where we recommend publishing your press releases:


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Website – https://www.pressreleasepower.com
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Email –contact@pressreleasepower.com
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