

Out of instinct, he perfectly splitted the cultist’s hand from the rest of his arm.


Felix didn’t even realize WHY, WHEN, or HOW he did that. And for the next few minutes, many other things were performed by him out of instinct.

One of them tried to place him within a bubble-shaped shield, but he splitted it away from himself, setting him free. Another one of them tried to blast him with a fireball, but he just splitted the oxygen around the ball to create a temporary vacuum that would extinguish it. A third one summoned a giant snake to poison him, to which he responded by splitting its entire osseous system outside its body, leaving behind just a pile of muscles and scales.

At that moment, Felix was enlightened: he comprehended that every single being in that room was composed of different pieces and components and that even magic could be divided into smaller parts.


And thus, it began the massacre of the cult of the mystic arts. Every spell thrown at him was splitted into harmless pieces. He splitted the memory of spellcasting from others, leaving them wondering why they were there. 


Those who attacked him with weapons found their blades split from their hilts. Whoever got close to him, would find one of his organs splitted out of their bodies, with bile and stomach acid bathing those behind them.

At that point, the headmaster stepped in, intending to stop the carnage. But as the lynx splitted the headmaster’s cloak, he accidentally tore a rip on his face.


Felix realized the headmaster was no human. He was an otherworldly creature - something he had never seen before.


A Demon.