
Shoulder Surgery Complications

Shoulder Surgery Sunnybank is a way to repair and treat injuries of the shoulder, including those that are caused by overuse or traumatic injury. This can include repairing the muscles, tendons, and connective tissues in the area. In some cases, surgery can be performed to remove damaged joints.

Restoring pain-free range of motion and full function

Shoulder replacement surgery involves the removal of damaged parts of the shoulder joint and replacing them with artificial components. It can provide pain relief and improve range of motion. However, there are risks associated with this procedure.

In general, patients experience some pain, bruising, and stiffness. This pain typically resolves within a few weeks. After surgery, you will receive prescription pain medicines. You may also be asked to begin gentle range of motion exercises.

During the first week following surgery, it is important to follow the instructions given to you. Avoid lifting, pulling, and stretching your arm. Use cold packs to reduce inflammation.

Depending on the severity of your condition, you will be assigned a physical therapist to help you with your recovery. The therapist will teach you how to use assistive devices and maintain independence. Generally, you will need to wear a sling.

Depending on the type of surgery you have, your recovery period will vary. Some people may go back to their normal activities after a few weeks. Others will need to take longer to recover.

Restoring range of motion

When it comes to restoring range of motion after shoulder surgery, there are many options for treatment. It is important to remember that recovery from shoulder surgery is a gradual process. The first three months focus on healing the damaged tissues. After that, the focus shifts to recovery of strength and function.

Shoulder surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia, which numbs the patient's arm and shoulder. The surgeon may also require that the patient be immobilized with a sling for the first few weeks.

The main objective of shoulder surgery is to repair the tendons and bone. Once the tendons fuse to the bones, the patient can start range of motion exercises. While the exact details of this procedure are unknown, the patient will need to stick with an exercise program in order to achieve full recovery.

Range of motion exercises should be done five times a day. There are several types of exercises to choose from, including shoulder internal rotation, shoulder external rotation, and pendulum exercises.

Restoring full function

When recovering from shoulder surgery, the goal is to get back to a pain-free normal activity. This may take some time. But knowing what to expect can make the process less stressful.

The first three months after surgery focus on the healing of the damaged tissues. The following three months are dedicated to strength and function recovery.

A physical therapist will guide you through a series of exercises. These include restoring range of motion, strengthening, and improving your posture.

Your doctor may recommend two or three 15-minute sessions a day. Some people feel better after a few weeks, but others require more time.

Your health and the type of surgery will affect the length of recovery. During the first week after the operation, you should expect discomfort. Pain may be managed by taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like Advil or Ibuprofen.

It is important to keep your shoulder as stable as possible. An immobilizing sling will help. For the first four weeks after the surgery, you will be unable to move your shoulder.


Surgical complications after shoulder surgery can be serious. They include damage to blood vessels, nerves, or skin. Some of the most common are infection, blood clots, and failure to yield a functional shoulder. The following list of surgical complications for the shoulder is not meant to alarm you, but rather to provide information.

The risk of deep venous thrombosis is greater in lower extremity replacements. Several studies have investigated incidences of this complication. Compared to arthroscopic repairs of rotator cuff tears, this complication occurs in less than one percent of cases.

Infection, pulmonary embolism, and cardiac arrest are other potential complications. Antibiotics are given to reduce the risk of these conditions. However, a small percentage of shoulder replacement patients may develop superficial wound infections. These infections can be life-threatening.

Shoulder arthroscopy is a surgical procedure that allows doctors to diagnose and treat problems with the shoulder. It can be very stressful for the patient. For this reason, it is important to understand what to expect during surgery and during recovery.