
Some Useful Benefits Of Natural Honey

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Pimra Ahmad @Pimra_Ahmad · Nov 16, 2022

If you lived in ancient Egypt, you might use honey as a price. If you were a Norse warrior, you might drink beer after a battle with the Norse and sweeten the beer with honey to ease the pain after the battle. There are many statistics from ancient history that point to the beneficial properties of natural honey. In Hebrew, honey means "to charm," and the famous Hebrew King Solomon said that honey was as sweet for the body as eloquence was for the soul.

Modern medicine cannot deny that these ancient men were somewhat right in their praise of honey. Numerous studies from many universities around the world confirm honey's health benefits, and many of these results (more than six hundred) have been published in scientific journals. In fact, honey is the simplest of foods, containing all the ingredients essential to sustenance, including water.

What makes natural honey so special?

Honey contains the sugars glucose and fructose, many minerals, including magnesium and calcium, several nutrients, and even small amounts of copper, iodine and zinc. in addition to tasting great, honey has several important health benefits, including strength and immune-boosting properties. there is also widely documented research on the use of honey for various diseases.

No. 1 benefit

Honey is a natural energy drink because it is a source of carbohydrates that provide strength and power. it successfully increases overall muscle performance and endurance. It reduces muscle fatigue thanks to natural fruit sugars (fructose), which are absorbed very slowly, maintaining energy. The glucose in honey is digested faster and provides immediate energy. It is recommended to take a spoonful of honey before going to school to increase energy and patience.

Reinforcement #2.

Honey fights infections because it has antibacterial properties. Recently, due to antibiotic resistance, the antibacterial properties of honey have come to the forefront again. Natural honey is effective in preventing bacteria from multiplying. Therefore, honey is great for treating wounds and burns, cuts and abrasions, as it prevents microorganisms from entering the wound, keeps pores and skin moist and promotes the formation of new tissue. Honey can also be useful in treating mild forms of acne because it moisturizes and repairs the skin while acting on the bacteria that cause acne. Manuka honey has been noted as the honey with the best antimicrobial home remedy power.

Benefit #3.

Consuming honey from your own environment provides greater resistance to seasonal hypersensitivity reactions due to the pollen from surrounding plants being incorporated into the honey, which increases resistance to such allergic reactions.

Here are some tips for using honey at home.

  1. Honey cleansing tonic: Mix a tablespoon of honey and lemon juice in a cup of warm water and drink in the morning as a cleansing tonic.
  2. A remedy for a sore throat: Honey can be a very powerful remedy for sore throat because it contains antibacterial residues. Pour 1 teaspoon of natural honey into a large serving spoon. Fill the rest of the spoon with lemon juice. Swallow every few hours until symptoms disappear (do not drink water). Adding a pinch of black or purple pepper can also increase blood flow to the throat.
  3. A remedy for insomnia is milk and honey: Mix 1 teaspoon of honey in a glass of hot milk or 1-2 teaspoons of honey in chamomile tea before going to bed or when you wake up at night.
  4. Arthritis pain relief with honey and cinnamon: Make a paste of 1 part honey, 2 parts warm water and half a teaspoon of the best cinnamon. Rub the paste into the sore spot. Some who have tried this paste claim that it relieves pain within 15 minutes.

Some interesting facts about honey:

  • About 50% of the human food plan comes from crops pollinated directly or indirectly by bees, making bees an important part of a healthy agricultural society.
  • To produce 1 pound of honey, bees must visit 2 million plants and fly more than fifty-five thousand miles.
  • One bee produces 1/12 teaspoon of honey in its lifetime.
  • Honey does not spoil under any circumstances
  • There are 20,000 species of bees, but only 4 produce honey
  • Bees never sleep.
