What is Blood-pressure: As we get older and we are unable to take care of ourselves properly, our food and drink are also not able to recover, if we do not even exercise, then all these affect our bodies. That is to say, in today's run-of-the-mill life and lifestyle, if we do not pay attention to our health, the chances of getting many diseases increases, "Blood Pressure" is one of the diseases that can occur to any adult, If he doesn't care for himself. In the case of blood pressure, the most important thing is how the blood circulates in your body. The role of the heart is very important in our body. He pumps blood, causing blood throughout the body. Oxygen, energy, carbon dioxide, and digested food reach the body through the heart. When blood pressure puts pressure on the walls of your arteries, this pressure is called "blood pressure" (BP). As we know that the heart reaches the blood in the body. Sometimes the blood pressure rises and sometimes it goes down, then it affects our arteries or heart and causes more stress on both of them, then a heart attack can occur, Therefore it is very important to keep blood pressure normal. Do physical activity and keep yourself active Here I explained How to control Blood Pressure at home.