
What is IPC Section 25? Understanding IPC Dhara 25 in Hindi with Examples


IPC Section 25 is a section of the Indian Penal Code that deals with the punishment for certain offenses that are committed by people who are acting under the influence of intoxicating substances. This section is a crucial part of the Indian criminal justice system, and it is essential for people to understand its provisions.

In this article, we will discuss IPC Section 25 in detail, including its definition, offenses covered, punishment, and other important aspects.

Definition of IPC Section 25

IPC Section 25 is a part of Chapter III of the Indian Penal Code, which deals with the general exceptions to criminal liability. This section states that, "It is not an offense if the act is committed by a person who is, at the time, incapable of knowing the nature of the act, or that it is wrong or contrary to law, by reason of intoxication caused by the voluntary consumption of any substance or liquor."

This means that if a person commits an offense while under the influence of alcohol or drugs and is unable to understand the nature of their actions or that they are wrong, they may be exempt from criminal liability under this section.

Offenses Covered by IPC Section 25

IPC Section 25 covers a wide range of offenses committed under the influence of intoxicating substances. Some of the offenses covered by this section include:

Criminal breach of trust
Criminal intimidation
Any other offense punishable under the Indian Penal Code
It is important to note that the offender must have been under the influence of intoxicating substances voluntarily. If the person was forced to consume drugs or alcohol against their will, they may not be exempt under this section.

Punishment Under IPC Section 25

The punishment for offenses covered under IPC Section 25 varies depending on the severity of the offense. For less severe offenses, such as mischief or criminal breach of trust, the punishment may be a fine or imprisonment for a term that may extend to one year or both.

For more severe offenses, such as murder or robbery, the punishment may be imprisonment for life or a term that may extend to ten years, in addition to a fine. It is important to note that the punishment may also depend on other factors, such as the offender's criminal record and the circumstances surrounding the offense.

Important Aspects of IPC Section 25

There are several important aspects of IPC Section 25 that people should be aware of. Some of these include:

Voluntary Consumption of Intoxicating Substances: As mentioned earlier, the offender must have consumed drugs