
Appropriate Treatment Must be Administered for high Blood Pressure

People frequently confuse and misuse the terms blood pressure and heart rate. As a result, medication is misused during self-diagnosis. Blood pressure is simply the pressure that blood exerts on the walls of the blood vessels. Blood vessels are circulatory system components that assist in the circulation of blood to various parts of the body. Blood is carried from the heart to other parts of the body via the arteries and back to the heart via the veins for purification.



Blood pressure refers to the pressure exerted by blood vessels in the arteries only. Blood pressure drops and rises at random intervals throughout the day. The blood pressure is measured with a B.P. monitor or a Sphygmometer, which measures the pressure in two parts, systole and diastole.


The Systolic number measures artery pressure when the heart beats, and the Diastolic number measures artery pressure when the heart rests between beats. A healthy blood pressure range is 120/80 mmHg. The typical blood pressure range is 90/60mmHg to 130/80mmHg. If the blood pressure drops below 90/60mmHg, the patient is said to have low blood pressure, which is known as hypotension. Patients with blood pressure readings greater than 140/90 mmHg are said to have hypertension. Both of these situations are harmful to the patient, and proper treatment must be provided.


There are risks that come with both high B.P. (Hypertension) and with Low B.P (Hypotension).



Above 130/90 mmHg reading

Below 90/60mmHg

Symptoms - Discomfort, sweating, chest pain, headaches.

Symptoms – Fainting, Dizziness, Light-headedness, weakness, Fatigue

Could lead to kidney failure if not diagnosed early.

Could lead to a state of shock and lack of breathe.


It is critical to detect high blood pressure early so that we can consider medication alternatives. With more than half of the world's population suffering from uncontrolled blood pressure, however, it has become common practise to treat it with medication because the results are quick and without much stress. Blood pressure isn't just a midlife problem that we have to deal with after the age of 35; it must be managed throughout our lives in order to stay healthy and worry-free.


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