
Knee Surgery

Knee surgery Cleveland your operation you will be walked into the hospital and given either a spinal or epidural anesthetic, which numbs the lower half of your body. A skin incision, usually six inches in length (though this varies by procedure and component design) is made down the front of your knee.

How It Works

Your surgeon makes an incision over the knee, then removes damaged cartilage and bone. He or she replaces the ends of your thigh bone (femur) and shin bone (tibia). These replacement parts are usually made of metal and strong plastic. Your surgeon may also replace the back side of your kneecap, called the patella.

Your doctor might recommend that you wear elastic compression stockings or inflatable air sleeves on your legs during and after surgery to keep blood from pooling in your leg veins, reducing the risk of clots. You might also need to take an injected or oral blood thinner, depending on your risk of clots.

After surgery, you'll rest in a recovery room. The surgical team will watch over you for a few hours to make sure that you wake up from the anesthesia without complications. The team might use a machine that bends and flexes your knee while you're lying down -- this is called continuous passive motion (CPM). You might need crutches or a walker to help you move around.


There is a risk of a blood clot in the leg veins (deep venous thrombosis) or in the lungs (pulmonary embolism). Your doctor may give you a program to prevent clots. It may include periodic elevation of your leg, lower-leg exercises, support stockings and medicine to thin your blood.

You may need a tube (catheter) inserted into your bladder to drain urine until the operation site heals. There is a small chance that the knee surgery will damage ligaments, arteries or nerves in or around the knee.

Some people may experience stiffness in their new knee after surgery. This often resolves with physiotherapy and as the pain decreases. You may need to use a cane, crutches or walker to help you move and to prevent falls until your doctor says it's safe to stop using them. You may also need to use handrails in your home or at work and have someone available to help you on stairs until your knee gets stronger.


Once you've recovered from surgery, your doctor will advise you on when it is safe to return to work and daily activities. It's important to be patient and remember that everyone heals at a different pace.

During the recovery process, you'll have fluids pumped into your blood through an I.V. tube and a drainage tube near the cut (incision) in your knee. Medications will control pain and discomfort.

You'll begin physical therapy shortly after the operation. Your therapist will teach you exercises to increase the range of motion in your knee and strengthen the muscles around it. It's important to follow the advice your therapist gives you about using assistive devices and navigating stairs at home. You should notice a dramatic improvement in your knee's strength and range of motion, especially when you walk, provided that you've adhered to the postoperative rehabilitation instructions. This typically happens within 6 months of your surgery, but may take longer.


Surgical risks include blood clots that can break loose and travel to the lungs (pulmonary embolism). Surgeons typically give patients drugs to help prevent this.

Another risk is damage to the nerves around the knee. This can cause numbness, weakness and pain. Surgeons are developing procedures to reduce this risk.

The procedure can also harm the ligaments that hold the knee together. This can lead to a loose or worn-out implant and the need for further surgery.

Before the surgery, you should get a ride home from hospital and arrange for someone to be available to help at home. You may need a walker or crutches. Arrange a place to sleep on the first floor of your home, and install safety bars in your bathroom and kitchen. Get rid of any furniture or rugs that might make it difficult to move around. Move your valuables to a safe place. And get a good supply of clean linens.