
The Joy of the Lord is Our Strength

Straight from the Pastor’s heart!


Nehemiah 8:10 - “Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”


When the children of Israel heard the Word of God from Ezra, they were broken, grieved, and wept after they realized they sinned against God. But despite their sins, God was gracious to recognize their sorrow that Nehemiah and Ezra told them to not anymore dwell on their guilt and sorrow. They were encouraged to accept and enjoy the forgiveness from God. They were told to stop being sorry; but celebrate the “joy of the Lord for it is their source of strength.”

This message is for us today as well. When we are being rebuked by God’s Word, it is not because God is mad at us. It is because God loves us. He wants to forgive and to “restore unto us the joy of salvation.”

What is joy? How can we have it and where do we find it? These are some questions we hear people ask in their attempts to find the source of Joy. The “desire and search for joy or happiness” is the most expensive, most daring, most challenging experience people are willing to face. Some are willing to take whatever risks to reach the fulfillment of joy. Yet, whatever is attempted; it seems nothing satisfies. Is it because the joy that we want is not the joy of the Lord? Perhaps, we are looking for a fleeting and a temporary kind of joy that only comes from happy and exciting happenings and circumstances. It is a kind of joy we referred to as “happiness” that is powerless against the difficulties and trials of life. 

True joy is available! This pure joy only comes from God. It is given to those willing to come to Christ through faith. Every child of God has pure joy and it is what gives him strength. It is not happiness that is dependent on happenings. It is not conditioned on riches, friends, circumstances and possessions; but only on the person of Jesus Christ. 

As a child of God, your joy is with you forever. There is no need for believers to ask for more joy and search for other joys. The joy that God give is enough to provide satisfaction, despite the presence of trials and afflictions. Let us simply allow this joy within do its perfect work in us. How?

FIRST, be thankful to God for the joy He gave by recognizing the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit who guarantees the presence of our JOY. It was given for us to enjoy and be victorious over all the afflictions and challenges we encounter in life and in service daily.

SECOND, manifest the joy in the manner we think, emote, and communicate. It has the strength to overcome the presence of sadness. Problem will always come and go; but the joy of the Lord remains. There are no challenges that can take away the joy or render it powerless against all forms of sadness.

THIRD, it is not enough to claim and enjoy the blessed joy only for self. Our  joy must be shared to edify others. We are gifted with joy to give joy to others. It is proven that every time we look on the silver lining, we are always reminded of the sun still shining behind the dark and gloomy clouds. When we see sadness in someone, do not add more sadness by being a miserable comforter. Be that silver lining.

FOURTH, always remember that the “joy of the Lord is our strength.” We are supposed to use it and apply it to be a blessing and not to control, judge, condemn, and discourage those living with sadness. Use joy and its strength to lift up their spirit and to assure them of God’s love, His grace, and compassion. 

The Lord gave us joy to help and guide us make the right choices of not allowing sadness, guilt, and grief to overcome and defeat us. Every time we are gripped with sadness; it is because we allow it to control our joy.  It is not because joy is powerless. It is because we succumbed to grief and sadness. There is no need for the absence of sadness in order to experience the abundance of joy. In fact, the more we will realize and enjoy the power and strength of joy whenever we are in the midst of sorrow and sadness. The more we appreciate joy when there is sadness. 


We will never get rid of troubles and avoid circumstances and other life situations that cause grief and sadness. But we have the strength of joy permanently in us to overcome them all. Let us learn to not dwell on them. Yes, we will grieve and we will be sad. We will be frustrated and angry. It is a part of being human, but not in the same manner as those with no hope in Christ. The Lord understands our humanness. When we are forgiven and restored, forget the guilt, the pain, and the regrets. Thank God that we have His joy to move on and always remember to “enter into the “Joy of the Lord.” God bless you!