
A Quick Statement

For a few months, I have been on hiatus from RP, trying to recover from some depression and bad memories. As of 19 NOV 23, I have decided to attempt to come back to the RP scene and try to be a bit more out there as far as interactions are concerned. I would however like to put a few things out there.


First of all, I have decided to give Gunita a clean slate. Any heartbreaks or former relationships that she was involved in has been rendered as null and void. Unless you have been someone that she had really gotten along with and you stuck out with me for this hard time, you will not be remembered. This is so that I don't have any bad memories that stick with it. If you were a friend and I removed you out of my friend's list, I deeply apologize! I will attempt to add you back in right away.


Second, I will no longer respond to trolls. This was the main reason on why I have stopped RPing in the first place. If I have any IRL beef with you or if I get the suspicion that you are trolling me, I will immediately block you in game and on Discord if you provided me with yours. I am no longer going to tolerate people leading me on, thinking that they're my friend while they talk shit about me in a Discord group. (Yes Dream's Bass/Hymn, I am calling you out. If anyone finds this person, DO NOT INTERACT.)


Lastly, I have also made a statement about Elezen as well, trying to find someone for Gunita. I have decided to continue in the pursuit of finding an Elezen for Gunita to have a proper Eternal Bond with. I will continue to utilize the Party Finder and be on the hunt, but I will definitely try to curb the obsession down. I understand that some will find it to be materializing Elezen, but in all reality, it really isn't. It's just like people having a type of person they want to go out with. It's honestly the same thing. So please don't put words in my mouth.


It's all I really wanted to say. If I remember more I will write it out once more and make another post. Until then, I hope to see you all out there!