
Major Machine Safety Tips to Prevent Plant Injuries

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Ewan Sharp @ewansharp963 · Nov 12, 2022

Employing machinery in the workplace has many benefits, including increased production and lower labor costs. Heavy machinery is also dangerous and workers need to be properly trained and informed about machine operations in order to avoid injuries. To avoid accidents in manufacturing plants, there is a number of safety tips you can follow.



Never remove machine guards

Many types of machinery guards exist, but they all serve the same purpose. Guards keep dust and sparks from flying off the machinery. To prevent workers from getting into contact with cutting instruments or trapped in moving parts, barriers are also installed.

The only way guards can safely be removed is when the machine is in service for maintenance or repairs. This task must be performed by authorized and trained personnel. Workers must report any damage or malfunctions to barrier systems. The equipment cannot be used until the guard has been inspected and replaced.

Accidents can often happen when workers mistakenly believe that a job will take only seconds and ignore the barrier. Employees also get hurt when they reach around the guard to free a jammed piece of machinery. For these types of accidents to be avoided, full training is required.

Personal Protective Equipment, or PPE, is recommended.

Safety equipment is essential for many operations. Safety glasses, gloves, closed-toe footwear are the most common equipment used in manufacturing plants. Full wrap goggles are the best form of protection. This style prevents debris from entering the glasses.

Gloves should fit properly, but not be too tight. It is possible for loose gloves to catch in equipment. Everyone who works around sharp edges and cutting equipment should use scissors-resistant gloves. Workers need to be reminded that the cut-resistant gloves will not eliminate injury completely, but they can reduce the risk of getting hurt.

Proper footwear has a few reasons. Workers must protect their feet against falling objects and dropped objects. Slip-resistant soles are better at preventing accidents in slippery and wet places. Only job-specific PPE needs to be used. These items may include respirators for those working with hazardous airborne substances or face shields that can be used for welding.

Proper training

Before they can operate any plant equipment, workers must be trained properly. Different safety features and methods of operation are available for every machine. The employee should never be allowed to operate any equipment without instruction. The trainer must assess the worker's capabilities and make recommendations to improve the safety and ease of operation for the trainee.

Awareness of your surroundings

Safety requires awareness of the surrounding environment. Workers must be aware if there is any other machinery or equipment in the vicinity. Also, workers should be aware that equipment shouldn't be operated while under the influence of alcohol. This can cause confusion and delay reactions.

Employees must avoid distracting others from their work. Distracting or talking to operators can lead to accidents quickly.

Workers should always be aware of the markings on forklift paths. If they are unable to see an individual, lift operators may not be able view them. Workers should avoid wearing headphones while they walk, as this can make it difficult for them to hear equipment warnings. Workers can have fun, but horseplay is not to be allowed.

Make sure to follow maintenance schedules

For a reason, maintenance schedules have been established for plant machinery. To ensure equipment's peak performance, it is important to follow the procedures. Incorrect servicing can lead to machinery overheating due to lack or improper lubrication. Or, it could jam due to a worn belt or drive wheel.

Filtration equipment that is used must be checked and replaced regularly. Blocked filters will stop working properly and could cause injury to workers or the environment. Sharp blades and bits are essential for safe and clean cutting. The likelihood of cutting equipment becoming duller is greater for it to catch on the material than to cut it.

Jeff Maree serves as the Product Specialist at Eaton Filtration Online. This online supplier is a leader in Eaton filtration products. Jeff supports plant managers and ensures they have the right product to protect their workers.