
Timber Posts Melbourne | Eco Timber Group

Timber posts add a great deal of structural strength and character to your home. They can be used to support structures like pergolas or for roof construction. They can also be a decorative element that adds warmth and charm to your home. Timber posts melbourne are often crafted from various timber species including Cypress Pine, Sugar Gum, and Forrest Reds. They can be treated to meet all standards including those for use in water and fire rated areas.

WM Specialised Timber is an experienced, trustworthy timber supplier that specialises in providing the highest-quality hardwood timber posts and battens in Melbourne. We work with a variety of Melbourne contractors, woodworkers, and interior designers, helping them find the perfect timber for their unique projects.

Our range of timber posts melbourne include round log and sawn timber posts. They are made from Cypress Pine, a popular and versatile timber that is both durable and visually appealing. It is naturally resistant to termites and offers high durability. It is also a good choice for fencing and other outdoor structures.

We can also supply recycled timber beams and posts. These are salvaged from historical wharfs and are re-milled to provide quality dense timber with minimum movement and shrinkage. They are available in a range of sizes and finishes to suit your needs. Whether you need them to support your staircase or add a rustic touch to your garden, we can help you find the right timber post for your project.