Famous spiritual masters who saw Isha (Yiesu/Jesus)
Yogis Who Saw Jesus, & Those Who Revered Him 🙏
Sri Ramakrishna, his great disciple Swami Brahmananda, Swami Rama Tirtha, Swami (Papa) Ramdas, and Paramhansa Yogananda all saw Jesus in visions–some more than once, and some actually spoke with him.
Sri Ramakrishna kept a picture of Jesus in his room at the Dakshineswar Kali Temple. He also told several of his disciples that he had seen in visions that they had been disciples of Jesus.
Both Swami Rama Tirtha and Swami Ramdas had visions of Jesus while staying at Vashishtha Guha north of Rishikesh in the cave where Jesus had lived for awhile (though they did not know that fact at the time of their visions, but learned it later).
The Second Coming of Christ by Paramahansa Yogananda:
The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ - Nicolas Notovitch:
The Christ of India_ The Story - Abbot George Burke
The Sermon on the Mount According to Vedanta by Swami Prabhavananda:
Hindu View of Christ by Swami Akhilananda:
Why a Hindu Accepts Christ and rejects Churchianity by Swami Abhedananda:
The Christ of India:
Yogis Who Saw Jesus:
Some philosopher's even theorize and speculate that Isha (Yiesu/Jesus) The Christ was an incarnation of Lord Krishna and Buddha.
Christ, the wandering Yogi | Sri M
Analysing ' Jesus Christ ' in the Bhavishya Purana - Vedic Hindu prophecy
The Bhavishya Purana is an ancient Sanskrit work originally spoken by Veda Vyasa, and then Suta Goswami nearly 3000 BCE.
The scripture means “The History of the Future” and some say that it is full of accurate predictions. One of the most striking ones is about a meeting between an historical king of India and Jesus Christ himself.
There is no doubt that Jesus was a very unique personality because his teachings can be understood and appreciated by all people of all times, regardless of race and caste. I do hope this presentation is taken positively by members of all faiths, and be used as a source of mutual understanding and respect."
0:00 - Introduction
0:41 - Jesus in India and Tibet in his youth and after the crucifixion
1:39 - Salivahan (or Satavahana) meets Jesus on a mountain
3:21 - Analysing the conversation between Jesus Christ and Salivahan (or Satavahana)
6:39 - Brahma Samhita 538 tells the story gave to the King.
8:06 - Christianity
There are several references to Jesus in Hindu scriptures, including the Bhavishya Purana. According to some interpretations of the Bhavishya Purana, Jesus is considered a reincarnation of Dhruva Rishi, one of the greatest Bhaktas of Lord Vishnu2.
The Bhavishya Purana also contains a prediction of Jesus Christ, which is found in the Pratisargaparvan part of the text.
Sri Brahma Samhita:
Easy Journey to Other Planets:
[1] https://www.booksfact.com/puranas/jesus-christ-in-bhavishya-purana-and-his-tomb-in-kashmir.html
[2] https://hinduism.stackexchange.com/questions/2237/is-jesus-an-avatar-of-lord-vishnu
[3] https://ocoy.org/original-christianity/the-christ-of-india/
[4] https://www.stephen-knapp.com/jesus_predicted_in_the_vedic_literature.htm