
Details on Singapore's Respiratory Allergies

Did you know that allergies have the potential to impede your breathing? Breathing difficulties often arise when your body exhibits an allergic reaction, especially when you are in close proximity to the allergen. While everyone may have distinct allergies, common culprits include pollen, mold, smoke, and dust.


Many individuals dealing with allergies face challenges in breathing. Allergies, recognized as one of the most prevalent respiratory issues, frequently drive patients to seek medical attention with the primary desire to breathe more easily. If you are concerned about such issues, consulting a Respiratory allergy specialist at Respiratory Medical Associates is recommended.


Allergies affect numerous people, and their symptoms can sometimes be mistaken for those of asthma or sinusitis. It is crucial to understand allergy symptoms to prevent the development of allergies.


Respiratory allergies occur when the immune system negatively reacts to specific substances, such as dust, pollen, or the hair of certain animals. These sensitivities can arise at any stage of life and are quite common. The allergic substance is what triggers the body's response, with dust, pollen, mold, and animal dander being the most commonly known allergens in respiratory allergies.


Various medical conditions, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema, chronic bronchitis, lung cellular degeneration, tuberculosis, pneumonia, stress, asthma, and allergies, can lead to respiratory difficulties and discomfort. Notably, underlying allergies are the primary cause of asthma in up to 90% of children and 60% of adults.


Causes of Respiratory Allergies: Respiratory allergies result from proteins found everywhere that are inhaled and irritate air passages. They can be triggered by overt allergic reactions or general responses to irritants like smoke and fumes in both indoor and outdoor environments, exacerbating allergy symptoms.


Respiratory allergies have various sources. House dust comprises contaminants such as dust mites, pet allergens, dust, and particles, which can induce asthma and allergies. Mold growth may occur in excessively humid conditions, increasing the number of mold spores with allergens. House dust mites thrive in warm and humid environments, especially in bedding and mattresses, and their feces are a common cause of allergies. Pet allergies typically stem from proteins found in animal skin, fur, urine, and saliva, often residing on airborne particles.


Signs and Symptoms of Respiratory Allergies:


  • Blocked nose

  • Throat itch

  • Nose itch

  • Mucus

  • Difficulty breathing and coughing


Managing Respiratory Allergies: The most effective way to "treat" respiratory allergies is to completely avoid the allergen, although this can be challenging. Various medications, including over-the-counter options and antihistamines, can help manage respiratory allergies.

In Singapore, doctors and patients should be well-informed about allergy causes and how to identify them, given the rising number of individuals seeking treatment for allergies. Respiratory allergies, also known as allergic rhinitis, are increasingly prevalent in Singapore, with a growing number of people experiencing symptoms.