

The Super Mario Bros. Movie Review
Mario (Chris Pratt) and Luigi (Charlie Day) are brothers running a plumbing business in New York. After falling through a green-piped portal, they get lost in the Mushroom Kingdom, where Princess Peach (Anya Taylor-Joy) is defying the evil Bowser (Jack Black). Can Mario find his brother, save the Kingdom, and get home to Brooklyn?

The last time Mario — the lovably high-voiced moustachioed Italian plumber, and the most iconic name in video games — starred in a film, it bombed so badly that Nintendo waited 30 years before giving their mascot another crack at the big screen. Now something of an oddball cult classic, the 1993 Bob Hoskins-starring live-action version was both a strangely realistic take on the game (Mario is fixing broken dishwashers and worrying about paying rent) and bafflingly outlandish (it is partly set in a dino-steampunk parallel dimension), bearing only tangential resemblance to the source material. This lively new animated version, on the other hand, is deeply faithful — to a fault.

This is exactly what you might expect from a Super Mario Bros. movie. It’s like a greatest hits parade of the franchise: there’s the rainbow road from Mario Kart, the spooky house from Luigi’s Mansion, the New Donk City level from Super Mario Odyssey, the moons from Super Mario Galaxy, and more obscure Easter Eggs besides (listen out for the GameCube startup sound). The story borrows mechanics and terminology from the game, too: there are power-ups, blue shells and a side-scrolling mission. Brian Tyler’s score never misses an opportunity to borrow some of Koji Kondo’s gloriously recognisable musical motifs, either.
