Anchor text is visible and clickable text in a hyperlink. It is usually blue-colored text in a hyperlink displayed on a webpage and serves as a concise descriptor that provides users and search engines with information about the linked page content. There are various types of anchor text such as exact match, partial match, generic anchor text, etc. Therefore, before using them you need to understand that optimizing anchor text for SEO requires a thoughtful and strategic approach.
So, let’s learn some best practices of anchor text for SEO that you should consider -
- Incorporate a mix of different types of anchor text
- Make sure your anchor text is relevant
- Include your links within the body of your content
- Keep your anchor text concise yet informative
- Avoid linking to low-quality pages
By following these best practices, you can optimize your anchor text to enhance both SEO and user experience. It's important to strike a balance between SEO considerations and providing valuable, user-friendly content.