
Tips to Save Your Baby from Wetness at Night


Mothers should use junior night pants to make sure that their newborn doesn't wake up from sleep every night due to wetness. It is also suggested that parents should use diapers of a larger size to make sure that more maximum liquid is absorbed and there is no leakage. Read further to know more.

Mothers will never want their babies to wake up from a nap with a wet diaper. Waking up in the middle of night can be chaotic both for the parents and babies. Parents, specially mothers should follow certain rules for night-time diapering so that their babies sleep peacefully. One can opt for extra dry pants to protect their little joy of happiness from wetness. Let’s read through some of the nighttime diapering tips:-


  • Change the diaper before baby’s bed time

If you are tired of waking up to wet pants of your baby, then it's time to change the rule. It is crucial to change the diaper of your baby before he/she goes to sleep at night. Putting a fresh diaper will save your workload after you get up in the morning. Also, changing the nappy after certain hours is always suggested because it keeps the bottom area fresh and clean.


  • Reduce the consumption of liquid at Night

Babies should not consume drinks before going to bed as it can lead to an increase in the urine amount. Infants can intake water but consuming juices, flavored water and sports drinks is not suggested. Babies consume juices because of the taste and not because they are thirsty, which is why parents should stop their child from drinking such products as it increase the urine flow.

It is also suggested that parents feed their babies with more fluids in the day time so that they don’t feel thirsty during the night. Infants should be fed with foods which have high water content such as cucumbers, watermelon, strawberries, etc. Inculcating the habit of taking water breaks throughout the day can also keep babies hydrated and reduce the chances of urinating more at night. Infants should not get used to sipping water from bottles before sleeping at night as it can lead to an increase in the amount of urine.


  • Using Overnight Diapers

Parents should use overnight diapers to reduce night time leakage. They are a source of relief both for babies and parents. These nappies are made of super absorbent material which soaks the urine and keeps the baby fresh for long. In certain brands, the absorbent material found spreads the liquid evenly and prevents the diaper from becoming saggy. Parents can choose the most-favoured brand to purchase overnight napkins and check if their baby feels comfortable in it.

Using these napkins is suggested because one doesn't have to change it until it gets completely soaked or soiled. A few reliable brands offer the best overnight diapers which can be purchased both online and offline.


  • Using Larger Diapers

Large size nappies will surely save your sleep by preventing leakage at night. The diapers should be comfortable when worn and should fit perfectly near the things and waist.  Mothers should not go for a larger size for babies to be worn during the day time, but can choose one size larger for the night time.


  • Use Double-Layer Bed

When making the bed for your baby, use two mattress pads and two sheets so that the liquid gets absorbed properly while the baby is asleep at night. Also, mothers will just have to remove the upper layer when the baby makes it wet and the time spent on doing the bedding again will get reduced.

Parents should keep in the mind the above-discussed points to ensure that their baby gets a peaceful sleep at night. Apart from this, if the baby is still wetting the nappy, then the idea of doubling them up can be used. Many brands make junior night pants for babies who face problem at night due to wetting. One can choose the option of diapers online instead of going out and hunting the diaper of their favourite brand. Nowadays, all the brands sell their products online for consumer convenience.