
3 Poplar Bed Bug Control Myths in Vancouver Explained!

“Sleep Tight, Don’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite!”

Just like it’s an old saying, bed bugs are also the pest of the past. But now, these crawling critters infest almost every home in Vancouver. The best thing you can do is call professional exterminators for bed bug control in Vancouver

But some misinformation about bed bugs keeps many homeowners from taking any steps and seeing the facts behind those myths. Let’s find out what those are. 

bed bug


What Are the Bed Bug Control Myths You Should Avoid?

Relying on the misconceptions about bed bugs can make those fattened crawling critters spread more and more in your premises, from the bedroom to living room carpets and couches. 

But it’s time to fall the curtain and know the facts hidden behind these myths:


Myth #1: Bed bugs are only found in dirty places!

Fact: No, that’s not true! No matter how clean and sparkling you keep your home. Bed bugs can infest your home since they can invade your promises, even on your outfit and luggage. And most importantly, these critters get attracted to blood and warmth. 

But yes, a cluttered room allows the bed bugs more room to hide. 


Myth #2: Bed bugs come out only at night!

Fact: Just because the old saying says, “Sleep Tight, Don’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite!” doesn’t mean bed bugs can’t bite you in the daytime. Yes, these critters indeed prefer darkness, but they also come in the morning and can be on your bed or couches. They can feed on your blood and bite whenever you sit or sleep there. Moreover, keeping the light on all night can’t stop them from attacking you!

bed bug


Myth #3: Pesticide can eliminate bed bugs!

Fact: No, not every time! It can vary depending on the size of the bed bug infestation and its severity. That’s why don’t waste time on the DIY approach and let professional exterminators handle it.


Where to Call for Bed Bug Control in Vancouver

Look no further than Vancouver Pest Control Ltd. for bed bug control in Vancouver! They use safe and eco-friendly measures to remove the pests from the root. Visit vancouverpestcontrolltd.ca to know more!