
Reasons to Add Bulk SMS to Your Marketing Strategy

Successful option for e-commerce firms is Bulk SMS marketing. Compared to other marketing methods, it enables you to have a closer connection with your clients. It may become one of your top revenue generators if appropriately applied. Here are 10 advantages of SMS marketing that every online retailer should be aware of before beginning a text message marketing campaign.



1. High engagement rates

When compared to other marketing methods, SMS offers a high engagement rate. In fact, within three minutes of delivery, SMS is thought to have an average open rate of 95%. Contrast that with email marketing, which has a 25% open rate on average. This implies that your subscribers are more likely to read and respond to your SMS messages.

When compared to other marketing methods, SMS offers a high engagement rate. In fact, within three minutes of delivery, SMS is thought to have an average open rate of 95%. Contrast that with email marketing, which has a 25% open rate on average.This implies that your subscribers are more likely to read and respond to your SMS messages.


Because so many individuals constantly have their phones with them and their text notifications turned on, text messaging has such high engagement rates. Additionally, SMS is a direct and private form of communication. Your message will be mixed in with those from your customer's closest friends and family, or communications that matter to them when it arrives in their inbox. Finally, unlike emails or push alerts, which are frequently disregarded, consumers are accustomed to reading and responding to text messages.


High engagement rates allow your e-commerce business to use SMS marketing to contact clients more successfully and increase sales.

2. Great for conversions

Sms marketing may be a great way to increase conversions if you use it in accordance with best practices for SMS, such as personalization and behavior-based processes. Now that you've noticed, many of your customers are reading your texts. Therefore, getting the appropriate message to the right audience at the right moment is all that is needed to persuade them to make a purchase.


For instance, using SMS as a component of your abandoned basket approach can help you win over more clients. Your loyalty program may be integrated with SMS to provide VIP clients with exclusive discounts. Alternatively, you may hold flash deals to encourage subscribers to buy.

3. Higher ROI (return on investment) than other marketing channels

One of the greatest ROIs across all marketing channels is another important advantage of SMS marketing.

Despite inconsistent statistics across the internet, a recent survey from the Association of National Advertisers names SMS marketing as the channel with the second-highest return on investment (ROI) behind direct mail, beating out email, paid search, social advertisements, and digital display advertising.


Customers of Msgclub report an average return on investment (ROI) of $27 for every dollar spent on text message marketing.


There are two factors at play in this gap. The first is that higher engagement rates increase conversions. Second, SMS is a marketing channel with a minimal cost of entry. You can spread your message to a lot of people without spending a lot of money. This makes SMS a desirable choice for e-commerce firms who want to maximize the return on their marketing investments.

4. Helps build customer loyalty

For every eCommerce firm aiming to achieve long-term success, growing client loyalty is essential. And SMS is a useful tool for doing it.


You may use SMS to provide VIP clients access to exclusive deals, early access to product releases, and discounts they couldn't obtain anyplace else. These benefits provide customers with a feeling of exclusivity and belonging, which motivates them to come back for more. Additionally, it demonstrates to clients how much you value working with them.


Additionally, SMS may be used to provide clients with helpful reminders about their orders, assistance with product recommendations, and text-based customer care. All of them together result in a more satisfying customer experience that maintains your subscribers' interest in your company.

5. Easy to track the impact

Any marketing effort must be evaluated in order to determine what is effective and what needs to be improved.

Owned channels are simpler to monitor than paid channels since you have complete access to subscriber information. You are aware of your subscribers. You can view the number of times a link in your message was clicked. And you can see on your website what they did after that, including whether they made a purchase, browsed, or added something to their basket.

Understanding the results of your SMS marketing initiatives and making the required modifications along the way depends on this data.

6. Helps you learn more about your customers

You may find out more about your consumers through SMS marketing as well. With each encounter, you amass useful client information that you can utilize to boost the efficiency of your marketing initiatives. Customers can be reminded about items they expressed interest in or sales they viewed that are about to finish using automated text message flows. You gradually get to understand the brands and categories that each member prefers, allowing you to deliver material that is more relevant to them.


Let's take the example of a pet supply store. You could discover that one subscriber consistently responds to SMS about your dog toys but never texts about dog food. Sending them messages exclusively about toys will save their inbox and stop unsubscribes. Leave the SMS about dog food to someone else.


This is a form of unspoken feedback from your clients concerning their needs and wants. And in order to grow a subscription base of active users, you must listen to it.

7. Increases customer retention

Ever since the cost of conversion via sponsored advertisements increased in 2021, retention has been a watchword. Because it is less expensive to keep an existing client than to attract a new one, more companies than ever are making investments in customer retention. SMS marketing might be beneficial if your goal for this year is to increase client retention.


The likelihood that your subscribers will remain around over time improves when you provide them with engaging material. And in the long term, it equals higher sales for your e-commerce firm.


Sending personalized marketing messages and automated processes that make use of the consumer data you've collected will enhance retention using SMS. To improve your retention efforts, think about including SMS in your browse and cart abandonment flows, replenishment reminders, and win-back flows.

8. Reach customers quickly

You can quickly contact your consumers using SMS marketing. Recall that we stated your clients often respond to SMS within three minutes. Therefore, it is likely that people will read your content shortly after you submit it. Because of this, SMS is a fantastic alternative if you need to swiftly reach your consumers, such as to inform them of a flash sale or order update.

9. Low competition

Considering the fact that the majority of online buyers have a phone and, more significantly, a smartphone that they can use to surf your website, SMS marketing is still a channel that isn't being utilized. Even while 70% of consumers have signed up for brand texts, just 55% of businesses actually text their customers. As a result, you have the possibility to be one of the few companies in your sector to use BulkĀ  SMS Service marketing effectively and profit from it.


Don't put it off too long, though, as there will be more competition for customers' attention as SMS marketing becomes popular.

Get started with an SMS marketing platform built for e-commerce

SMS has the potential to be a potent marketing tool for e-commerce firms when utilized properly. You now know how SMS marketing might affect your company. So, in order to start, you'll require SMS software.


Select a platform for SMS marketing that is tailored to e-commerce firms that want to grow, like Msgclub. You may send one-off SMS and automatic flows with Msgclub. Even subscribers may be engaged with two-way conversational SMS. White glove services may also assist you with writing copy, campaign optimization, and customer care. They can also help you develop your text message marketing plan. Improve your customer experience and find out how SMS can become your greatest new income source with Msgclub's best-in-class features. Request a demo right away.