
Svadhisthana Chakra

Svadhisthana Chakra

The Svadhishthana Chakra signifies the second level of human development. In this begins the evolution of consciousness towards pure, human consciousness. It is the seat of the subconscious mind where all life experiences and shadows from the womb at the beginning of our existence are stored. The awakening of the Svadhishthana Chakra brings clarity and growth in personality.

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This is the second primary chakra of the human body, and its other name is Dharma Chakra or Udara Chakra. It is said that this chakra is symbolically represented by a lotus with 6 petals, with each petal representing 6 negative characteristics – anger, hatred, rancor, cruelty, lust, and pride. This lotus has 6 petals and is the meeting place of 6 Yoga Nadis. Here, 6 sounds—Vam, Bham, Man, Yam, Ran, and Lam keep coming out. Not only this, but you should also know that the effect of this cycle is from fertility, family, imagination, etc.
