

[1] NCSL Lobbying Defined

[2] Investopedia ‘Not Bribery’

[3] Politico Minority Lobbyists

[4] WP Lobbying

[5] Vox Former Lobbyist

[6] WP Number Black Lobbyists

[7] FoodDive Critics

[8] Ny Times GMO Lobbying War

[9] POGO Shaping Food Legislation

[10] JStor Private money buy Public Science

[11] Brittannica definition 

[12] ny times bank lobbyists

[13] Brookings Americas Lbbying Addiction

[14] The Atlantic Lee Drutman

[15] politico lobbying

[16] oecd transparency

[17] usrtk person attacks

[18] guardian ban lobbyists

[19] corporate europe crop life

[20] nytimes croplife

[21] npr lobbyists write the bill

[22] motherjones banks wrote the bill

[23]NBC medical device


[25]ScienceDirect Healthcarelobbyists

[26]TIME guidelines

[27]lobbying groups no diverse